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Bitergia Analytics Plugin

Bitergia Analytics Plugin for OpenSearch.

This plugin allows to define a dashboards menu on the top bar of the app and configure the branding of the app (color, logos, text, etc).


You can find the different versions of the plugins on the releases page on Github.

Copy the link of the asset you want to install and run the following command inside opensearch-dashboards/bin folder of your opensearch-dashboard instance.

opensearch-dashboards-plugin install <url>

For example:

opensearch-dashboards-plugin install


In order to make changes to this plugin or contributing to it, please read the following sections.


You will need node.js and yarn to build the plugin. You can use nvm to install the required node version of this plugin.


  1. Download OpenSearch Dashboards source code for the version that matches the OpenSearch Dashboards version specified in opensearch_dashboards.json. You can download it from their release page or clone the repository. We recommend to follow the OpenSearch Dashboards' developers guide to configure the environment.
  2. Change your node version to the version specified in .node-version inside the OpenSearch Dashboards root directory. You can use nvm to do it.
  3. Create a plugins directory inside the OpenSearch Dashboards source code directory, if plugins directory doesn't exist.
    cd OpenSearchDashboards
    mkdir plugins
  4. Check out this repository into the plugins directory.
    git clone plugins
  5. Install the dependencies.
    cd OpenSearchDashboards/plugins/bitergia-analytics-plugin
    yarn osd bootstrap


To build the plugin's distributable zip simply run yarn build.

Example output: ./build/


To run and test the built version of plugin run inside OpenSearch-Dashboards folder the following command:

yarn start


Use the API to import and export the plugin's menu. You must use the osd-xsrf:true header for all API calls and Content-Type: application/json when you send a payload.

Get menu

Returns the menu data in a JSON format.

 GET /_plugins/_bap/menu
Sample request
curl -X GET <OSD URL>/_plugins/_bap/menu --header 'osd-xsrf: true' --user '<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>'

Update menu

Updates the menu data or creates one if it does not exist.

 PUT /_plugins/_bap/menu
Sample request
curl -X PUT <OSD URL>/_plugins/_bap/menu \
--header 'osd-xsrf: true' \
--user '<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
  "menu": [
      "name": "Overview",
      "dashboard_id": "Overview",
      "type": "entry"
      "name": "About",
      "type": "menu",
      "dashboards": [
          "name": "Contact",
          "type": "entry",
          "dashboard_id": ""


Hide tenant selector

To hide or show the Switch tenants button on the user menu, add the configuration property bitergia_analytics.hideTenantSelector to the opensearch_dashboards.yml file and set the value to either true or false. The selector is hidden by default.


This project is licensed under Apache 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more information about it.


Thanks to the great work of OpenDistro's Kibana Reports plugin. We took some of their files to create the skeleton of this plugin.