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AlexSp edited this page Mar 31, 2021 · 18 revisions

Welcome to Black Forest Formula Team - Formula Student Driverless Wiki!

You can find relevant information to this and sub-repositories of our team in this wiki by clicking on the pages to your right side. Feel free to reach out if anything is unclear or missing to: bf-formula(at)

This repository lays the foundation for the future developments of autonomous features of the Black Forest Formula Team located in Offenburg. You can find an overview to get started in this ReadMe, for more information we suggest to refer to the Wiki Pages you can find on the side bar or footer.

If you like to get a general overview first you can refer to this Wiki divided into chapters with the following main pages per chapter:

  1. About the Project including System Architecture
  2. Setup of NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier
  3. Setup Catkin Workspace
  4. Build Process Catkin Workspace
  5. CAN bus messages to ROS topic extraction
  6. Automation of ROS startup using Bash Scripts
  7. Wireless Control
  8. Data Visualization of ROSBAGs and CSVs using Tableau


Here you can see our ROS system in action: start-ROS-script