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Project Scenario

DotNetDublin edited this page May 4, 2021 · 8 revisions

Our Company

Our CEO, Jon, a world famous software architect has established a new software company by the name of Blazing Saddles.

The company will specialise in delivering first class software solutions utilising the Blazor framework from Microsoft.

The company has hired a number of talented developers and will operate 100% remotely with staff located across the world.

Jon and the team are excited to begin the new venture especially as the company has just secured its very first project!

The Client

Death Star Legal Eagles is a large legal firm with regional offices across the globe with plans for further expansion in the market.

Jon has met with Sue, the CEO and George the CTO a number of times to discuss the project.

The Project

Sue told Jon that the company lawyers currently track billable time manually within Excel spreadsheets which has proven time consuming and error prone as well as not fulfilling the companies reporting requirements.

Sue would like the new solution to offer the following

  • A central location for Lawyers across the company to track billable time
  • The process to be efficient as possible
  • Reduce data errors wherever possible
  • Lawyers to be automatically reminded to submit billable hours at the end of each working day
  • Managers to be able to review and approve or reject billable hours at the end of each week
  • Managers to be able to run real-time reports

George added the following points

  • Each Lawyer should only be able to submit time against a Client belonging to their regional office
  • Each Manager should only be able to view Lawyers belonging to their regional office
  • Each Manager should only be able to run reports against Lawyers and Clients belonging to their regional office
  • A user level above Manager is required which will allow executives to run reports across all regional offices
  • The IT department is already busy and would therefore prefer if the solution was delivered via a Cloud hosting solution that was scalable without the need for further development
  • All users should be able to reset their password without the assistance of the IT department
  • The application should be viewable to Sue and George within a UAT environment ahead of deployment to production
  • The application should have an administration area where System Administrators can manage Users and Clients and any appropriate configuration settings.
  • The company has an automated process when a Lawyer joins or leaves the company which will either grant or revoke access to the companies applications. Therefore he has requested we supply him with an API to add and remove application users
  • Best practices in relation to security should be employed by application

Minimum Viable Product

  • Lawyer Portal
    • Time Log Entry
  • System Administration Portal
    • User Management
    • Client Management
    • System Configuration
  • Manager Portal
    • Time Log Approval
    • Reporting
  • Executive Portal
    • Reporting

Roadmap for Future Phases

  • Lawyer Portal
    • Expenses
  • Manager Portal
    • Estimates
    • Invoices
  • Client Portal
    • Reporting
  • Mobile Application

Next Steps

Jon is keen to discuss the project with the team and start the planning phase of the project ahead of development.

The team will need to agree work processes taking into account that the team will be working remotely across several time zones.

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