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Releases: BlendingJake/ExecTiming


19 Jun 01:04
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  • change how the output from .statistics() looks and add information on the min and max times.
  • add copiers to .time_it() and .decorate(), which are functions that will copy any arguments for each iteration in case the function has side-effects and modifies the parameter
  • add multiple to .plot() to allow multiple splits to be graphed on the same plot by making more than one call to .plot() and including multiple=True in all but the last call
  • add setup to .time_it() which is a string the will be executed once at the top if block is a string. Can be used to introduce needed names into the namespace
  • add checks to ensure that only integer/float values are the independent variables for .best_fit_curve() and .plot() to avoid errors that are difficult to decipher


06 Jun 14:31
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exectiming-2.0.0rc3 Pre-release

This project was originally titled PyTimer, but recent changes have lead to it being renamed. The module has completely been re-written from the ground up to be more consistent and powerful. Some of the brand new features include:

  1. Best-fit-curve determination
  2. More advanced output features like being able to transform logged function parameters
  3. The ability to graph measured times against logged parameters and to graph the best-fit-curve

PyTimer 0.5.1

27 Sep 19:09
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Updates have been made to how decorators are handled. Previously PyTimer.setup_decorator() was needed to adjust the reps or runs_per_reps. This has now been changed, and those values are defined when the function is decorated. This means that functions can have varying values for reps and runs_per_reps. Also, callable_args can also be added to the decorator definition.

@PyTimer.decorator(reps=1, runs_per_reps=1, callable_args=False)
def func(arg):

PyTimer 0.5

01 Sep 21:10
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  • Updated how keyword arguments are handled
  • Cleaned up documentation
  • Allowed argument for time( ) and time_it( ) to be to be callable. Meaning that everytime the function is called, the parameter values are updated. Allow for something like passing in random data for every run of a function.
  • Changed naming scheme from reps and iterations to reps and runs_per_rep to make it clearer what each one is. Basic format is
for rep in range(reps):
    for run in range(runs_per_rep):
  • Elapsed times can be displayed or returned by consecutive calls to elapsed( ), which is static
  • Renamed evaluate( ) to time( ) and added a static version of it called time_it( )

There have been several things renamed, so make sure to check through the API in the wiki.

PyTimer 0.4

21 Jan 01:54
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Some new features:

  • Introduced more time units: microseconds (us), and nanoseconds (ns)
  • Switched from time.time() to time.perf_counter() which is more accurate and allows accuracy into nanosecond range
  • Can force units to all be the same in displayed data: PyTimer(units=(PyTimer.seconds, PyTimer.milliseconds, PyTimer.microseconds, PyTimer.nanoseconds))
  • standardized outputs between display methods
  • added keyword argument support for functions using decorators, as well as evaluate() with a function
  • added support for automatic message generation for splits generated by evaluate() and a function using the decorator
  • evaluate() with a function is now more efficient by directly calling the function instead of using exec()

I also am working on the Wiki to be clearer and easier to find examples.

PyTimer 0.3.1

20 Jan 01:32
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There have been a lot of changes for this version, a short list of which are:

  • Timer can be set not to run when created, meaning it can be turned off easily and the timing code does not have to be removed.
  • evaluate now supports reps and iterations
  • decorator now supports reps and iterations
  • decorator can have attributes passed in and return values now when used on a function
  • start is required again to make sure results are required, however it is set to automatically happend upon object creation unless told not to
  • all displayed output can be collected and then saved to a file
  • standardized output between different display_ functions

The API has changed some, so make sure to take a look to take a look at the wiki and examples.

PyTimer 0.2

13 Dec 15:56
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New Features:

  • Calculating single run of function using decorator @timer_var.decorator
  • Calculating multiple runs of function using .evaluate(function, iterations=##)
  • Calculating multiple runs of a string of code .evaluate(string, iterations=##)
  • Standard Deviation
  • Averages across split

Most of the code has been rewritten as well to follow PEP standards and be better documented.

PyTimer 0.1

09 Apr 02:53
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Initial release of PyTimer. A module meant for easy calculation of code execution time. PyTimer supports the logging of multiple points, along with splitting, to allow different, unrelated sections of code to be timed with the same timer. Averaging can also be done easily for code that loops to determine an average time count.