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File metadata and controls

106 lines (65 loc) · 4.69 KB


A library of custom components for Godot game engine.

Installing the plugin

Add the plugin as normal, and enable in project settings.

Installing python deps and activating pre-commit hooks for gdformat (developing the plugin)

pip install -r requirements.txt pre-commit install



All components are built internally using base Godot Control nodes. This means components can be styled using their theme property. Any cases where a component uses a CanvasLayer internally (to pull it out of the parent layout, for things like overlapping UI elements), this is worked around by passing the theme to the root child(ren) of that CanvasLayer when theme changes.

Components are added to the "Create New Node" modal, so can be added right to your scene tree like other Control nodes.

Single Select

Allows you to provide a list of options, and have the user select them from a collapsible dropdown list.

Single Select Closed Single Select Open

Extends PanelContainer.

Variable Interface

options: Array[String] of selectable options. Shown when the input is expanded.

option_scene: Path || null is loaded when set, if not null. Allows for customizing how options are rendered. When set, option_scene should be the path to a PackedScene, and that scene should implement a text: String property as well as a pressed signal.

option_scroll_height: float height of scroll container for options, defaults to 100px.

expand_icon: Texture2D shown when the input is collapsed.

collapse_icon: Texture2D shown when the input is expanded.

button_custom_minimum_size: Vector2 applied as a custom_minimum_size for the root button component. Especially useful for controlling the minimum height.

selected_option: String is the option selected by the user, or set in code. Displayed as the text of the root button component.


option_selected(option: String): emitted when the user selects an option. Is not emitted when selected_option is set in code.

Internal Tree

  • PanelContainer
    • MarginContainer
      • VBoxContainer
        • HBoxContainer
          • Button - the button the user clicks to expand the dropdown, also shows the selected_option
        • PanelContainer
          • CanvasLayer - used so the dropdown is shown over other layout elements, instead of expanding the size of the root parent
            • ScrollContainer - set to auto on vertical scroll, horizontal scroll off, defaults to 100px height
              • VBoxContainer
                • Button || option_scene - one for each option
                • HSeparator - one between each option

Single Select Search

Like a single select, but allows the user to do case-insensitive search to filter options.

Single Select Search

Extends PanelContainer.

Variable Interface

options: Array[String] of selectable options. Shown when the input is expanded.

option_scene: Path || null is loaded when set, if not null. Allows for customizing how options are rendered. When set, option_scene should be the path to a PackedScene, and that scene should implement a text: String property as well as a pressed signal.

expand_icon: Texture2D shown when the input is collapsed.

collapse_icon: Texture2D shown when the input is expanded.

search_custom_minimum_size: Vector2 applied as a custom_minimum_size for the root LineEdit component. Especially useful for controlling the minimum height.

selected_option: String is the option selected by the user, or set in code. Displayed as the text of the root LineEdit component.


option_selected(option: String): emitted when the user selects an option. Is not emitted when selected_option is set in code.

Internal Tree

  • PanelContainer
    • MarginContainer
      • VBoxContainer
        • HBoxContainer
          • LineEdit - the LineEdit the user focuses to expand the dropdown and filter options, also shows the selected_option once one is selected
          • TextureRect - used to display the expand/collapse icon
        • PanelContainer
          • CanvasLayer - used so the dropdown is shown over other layout elements, instead of expanding the size of the root parent
            • VBoxContainer
              • Button || option_scene - one for each option
              • HSeparator - one between each option