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File metadata and controls

567 lines (439 loc) · 40.1 KB

SONATA Simulation Configuration file

A simulation configuration file is a json formatted text file used for storing simulation parameters such as stimulus to drive activity, reports to collect data during run, and overrides to adapt the behavior according to experimental conditions and properties.

The file is broken up into separate sections detailed below.



Follows the same guidelines as in :ref:`Circuit Config Version <CircuitConfigVersion>` and shares the same version number. The current version is |CurrentSonataConfigVersion|.



Variables defining paths and being used in the rest of the simulation configuration file. A variable can be defined as:

  • "." which is the path to the directory containing the simulation configuration file
  • an absolute path

"." is always resolved as the directory containing the simulation configuration file even in the absence of manifest.

The manifest is only valid in its local file, e.g., the circuit manifest variables are not visible here.



A parameter specifying the path of the circuit configuration file for which the simulation should be performed. The default value is "circuit_config.json".


"network": "${BASE_DIR}/circuit_config.json"



A parameter specifying which simulator to run. Supported values : "NEURON" and "CORENEURON". Default is "NEURON".



A file defining the list of nodesets applicable to the simulation. (see :doc:`sonata_nodeset`) The circuit_config nodesets are considered the base set of nodesets; the values in this file are added to the possible nodesets, and overwrite any duplicates from the base set.



A parameter specifying the cells from which node set should be instantiated for the simulation. The absence of that property means that all (non virtual) nodes of all populations are loaded.



Parameters defining global simulation settings. As NEURON is the engine used for simulation at BBP, find additional details about Simulation Control at

Property Type Requirement Description
tstop float Mandatory Simulation runs until biological time (t) reaches tstop. Given in ms.
dt float Mandatory Duration of a single integration timestep. Given in ms.
random_seed integer Mandatory For random sequences, seed is a positive integer added in order to give the user the capacity to change the sequences.
spike_threshold float Optional The spike detection threshold. A spike is detected whenever the voltage in the spike detection location goes over the spike threshold value. Default is -30.0 mV. NEURON specific details.
integration_method text Optional Selects the NEURON/CoreNEURON integration method. This parameter sets the NEURON global variable h.secondorder. The allowed values are ‘0’ (default) for fully implicit backward euler, ‘1’ for Crank-Nicolson and ‘2’ for Crank-Nicolson with fixed ion currents.
stimulus_seed integer Optional A non-negative integer used for seeding noise stimuli and any other future stochastic stimuli, default is 0.
ionchannel_seed integer Optional A non-negative integer used for seeding stochastic ion channels, default is 0.
minis_seed integer Optional A non-negative integer used for seeding the Poisson processes that drive the minis, default is 0.
synapse_seed integer Optional A non-negative integer used for seeding stochastic synapses, default is 0.
electrodes_file text Optional* Path to the weights file describing the scaling factors for the contributions of each compartment's transmembrane current to the LFP/EEG. Format description in sonata_tech.rst. This field is mandatory if there are lfp reports in the simulation configuration.


"run": {
     "tstop": 1000,
     "dt": 0.025,
     "random_seed": 201506,
     "integration_method" : 2



Parameters to override simulation output.

Property Type Requirement Description
output_dir text Optional Location where output files should be written, namely spikes and reports. Relative paths are interpreted relative to location of simulation_config. Default is relative path 'output'.
log_file text Optional Specify the filename where console output is written. Default is STDOUT. (When using BBP machines, slurm will capture STDOUT file).
spikes_file text Optional File name where will be listed Action Potentials generated during simulation. Default is out.h5.
spikes_sort_order text Optional The sorting of the Action Potentials. Options include "none", "by_id", "by_time". BBP currently only supports "none" and "by_time". The default value is "by_time".


"output": {
     "output_dir": "output",
     "spikes_file": "out.h5"



Parameters defining global experimental conditions.

Property Type Requirement Description
celsius float Optional Temperature of experiment. Default is 34.0.
v_init float Optional Initial membrane voltage in mV. Default is -80.
spike_location text Optional The spike detection location. Can be either ‘soma’ or 'AIS' for detecting spikes in either the soma or axon initial segment, respectively. Default is 'soma'.
extracellular_calcium float Optional Extracellular calcium concentration. When this parameter is provided, apply it to the synapse uHill parameter to scale the U parameter of synapses (py-neurodamus only feature). If not specified, U is set directly as read from edges file.
randomize_gaba_rise_time boolean Optional When true, enable legacy behavior to randomize the GABA_A rise time in the helper functions. Default is false which will use a prescribed value for GABA_A rise time.
mechanisms   Optional Properties to assign values to variables in synapse MOD files. The format is a dictionary with keys being the SUFFIX names of MOD files (unique names of mechanisms) and values being dictionaries of variable names in the MOD files and their values. Read about NMODL2 SUFFIX description here.
modifications   Optional Dictionary of dictionaries with each member describing a modification that mimics experimental manipulations to the circuit.

Parameters required for modifications

property Type Requirement Description
node_set string Mandatory Node set which receives the manipulation.
type string Mandatory Name of the manipulation. Supported values are "TTX" and "ConfigureAllSections". "TTX" mimics the application of tetrodotoxin, which blocks sodium channels and precludes spiking. "ConfigureAllSections" is a generic way to modify variables (properties, mechanisms, etc.) per morphology section.
section_configure string Mandatory* For "ConfigureAllSections" manipulation, a snippet of python code to perform one or more assignments involving section attributes, for all sections that have all the referenced attributes. The wildcard %s represents each section. Multiple statements are separated by semicolons. E.g., "%s.attr = value; %s.attr2 *= value2".


"conditions": {
     "celsius": 34.0,
     "spike_location": "AIS",
     "mechanisms": {
         "ProbAMPANMDA_EMS": {
             "init_depleted": true,
             "minis_single_vesicle": false
         "ProbGABAAB_EMS" : {
             "property_x": 1,
             "property_y": 0.25
         "GluSynapse": {
             "property_z": "string"
     "modifications": {
         "applyTTX": {
             "node_set": "single",
             "type": "TTX"
         "no_SK_E2": {
             "node_set": "single",
             "type": "ConfigureAllSections",
             "section_configure": "%s.gSK_E2bar_SK_E2 = 0"



Dictionary of dictionaries with each member describing one pattern of stimulus to be injected.

Property Type Requirement Description
module text Mandatory The type of stimulus dictating additional parameters (see addtional tables below). Supported values: "linear", "relative_linear", "pulse", "subthreshold", "hyperpolarizing", "synapse_replay", "seclamp", "noise", "shot_noise", "relative_shot_noise", "absolute_shot_noise", "ornstein_uhlenbeck", "relative_ornstein_uhlenbeck".
input_type text Mandatory The type of the input with the reserved values : "spikes", "extracellular_stimulation", "current_clamp", "voltage_clamp", "conductance". Should correspond according to the module (see additional tables below). Currently, not validated by BBP simulation which will use the appropriate input_type regardless of the string passed.
delay float Mandatory Time in ms when input is activated.
duration float Mandatory Time duration in ms for how long input is activated.
node_set text Mandatory Node set which is affected by input.

Below are additional parameters used depending on the module (input_type)

linear (current_clamp)

A continuous injection of current.

Property Type Requirement Description
amp_start float Mandatory The amount of current initially injected when the stimulus activates. Given in nA.
amp_end float Optional If given, current is interpolated such that current reaches this value when the stimulus concludes. Otherwise, current stays at amp_start. Given in nA.
represents_physical_electrode boolean Optional Default is False. If True, the signal will be implemented using a NEURON IClamp mechanism. The IClamp produce an electrode current which is not included in the calculation of extracellular signals, so this option should be used to represent a physical electrode. If the noise signal represents synaptic input, represents_physical_electrode should be set to False, in which case the signal will be implemented using a MembraneCurrentSource mechanism, which is identical to IClamp, but produce a membrane current, which is included in the calculation of the extracellular signal.

relative_linear (current_clamp)

A continues injection of current, regulated according to the current a cell requires to reach threshold.

Property Type Requirement Description
percent_start float Mandatory The percentage of a cell's threshold current to inject when the stimulus activates.
percent_end float Optional If given, The percentage of a cell's threshold current is interpolated such that the percentage reaches this value when the stimulus concludes. Otherwise, stays at percent_start.
represents_physical_electrode boolean Optional Default is False. If True, the signal will be implemented using a NEURON IClamp mechanism. The IClamp produce an electrode current which is not included in the calculation of extracellular signals, so this option should be used to represent a physical electrode. If the noise signal represents synaptic input, represents_physical_electrode should be set to False, in which case the signal will be implemented using a MembraneCurrentSource mechanism, which is identical to IClamp, but produce a membrane current, which is included in the calculation of the extracellular signal.

pulse (current_clamp)

Series of current pulse injections.

Property Type Requirement Description
amp_start float Mandatory The amount of current initially injected when each pulse activates. Given in nA.
amp_end float Optional If given, current is interpolated such that current reaches this value when the stimulus concludes. Otherwise, current stays at amp_start. Given in nA.
width float Mandatory The length of time each pulse lasts. Given in ms.
frequency float Mandatory The frequency of pulse trains. Given in Hz.
represents_physical_electrode boolean Optional Default is False. If True, the signal will be implemented using a NEURON IClamp mechanism. The IClamp produce an electrode current which is not included in the calculation of extracellular signals, so this option should be used to represent a physical electrode. If the noise signal represents synaptic input, represents_physical_electrode should be set to False, in which case the signal will be implemented using a MembraneCurrentSource mechanism, which is identical to IClamp, but produce a membrane current, which is included in the calculation of the extracellular signal.

subthreshold (current_clamp)

A continuous injections of current, adjusted from the current a cell requires to reach threshold.

Property Type Requirement Description
percent_less integer Mandatory A percentage adjusted from 100 of a cell's threshold current. E.g. 20 will apply 80% of the threshold current. Using a negative value will give more than 100. E.g. -20 will inject 120% of the threshold current.
represents_physical_electrode boolean Optional Default is False. If True, the signal will be implemented using a NEURON IClamp mechanism. The IClamp produce an electrode current which is not included in the calculation of extracellular signals, so this option should be used to represent a physical electrode. If the noise signal represents synaptic input, represents_physical_electrode should be set to False, in which case the signal will be implemented using a MembraneCurrentSource mechanism, which is identical to IClamp, but produce a membrane current, which is included in the calculation of the extracellular signal.

hyperpolarizing (current_clamp)

A hyperpolarizing current injection which brings a cell to base membrance voltage used in experiments. Note: No additional parameter are needed when using module "hyperpolarizing". The holding current applied is defined in the cell model.

Property Type Requirement Description
represents_physical_electrode boolean Optional Default is False. If True, the signal will be implemented using a NEURON IClamp mechanism. The IClamp produce an electrode current which is not included in the calculation of extracellular signals, so this option should be used to represent a physical electrode. If the noise signal represents synaptic input, represents_physical_electrode should be set to False, in which case the signal will be implemented using a MembraneCurrentSource mechanism, which is identical to IClamp, but produce a membrane current, which is included in the calculation of the extracellular signal.

synapse_replay (spikes)

Spike events are created from the cells indicated in a file and delivered to their post synaptic targets. The weights of the replay synapses are set at t=0 ms and are not altered by any delayed connection.

Property Type Requirement Description
spike_file text Mandatory Indicates the location of the file with the spike info for injection. Spikes files are the :ref:`.h5 spikes files <sonata_spike_files>`.

seclamp (voltage_clamp)

Cells are held at indicated membrane voltage by injecting adapting current.

Property Type Requirement Description
voltage float Mandatory Specifies the membrane voltage the targeted cells should be held at in mV.
series_resistance float Optional Specifies the series resistance in M \Omega. Default is 0.01 M \Omega.

noise (current_clamp)

Continuous injection of current with randomized deflections. Note: one must chose either "mean" or "mean_percent".

Property Type Requirement Description
mean float Mandatory* The mean value of current to inject. Given in nA.
mean_percent float Mandatory* The mean value of current to inject as a percentage of a cell's threshold current.
variance float Optional The variance around the mean of current to inject using a normal distribution.
represents_physical_electrode boolean Optional Default is False. If True, the signal will be implemented using a NEURON IClamp mechanism. The IClamp produce an electrode current which is not included in the calculation of extracellular signals, so this option should be used to represent a physical electrode. If the noise signal represents synaptic input, represents_physical_electrode should be set to False, in which case the signal will be implemented using a MembraneCurrentSource mechanism, which is identical to IClamp, but produce a membrane current, which is included in the calculation of the extracellular signal.


"inputs": {
     "threshold_exc": {
          "module": "noise",
          "input_type": "current_clamp",
          "mean_percent": 78,
          "variance": 0.1,
          "delay": 500,
          "duration": 3000,
          "node_set": "L5TTPC"

shot_noise, absolute_shot_noise and relative_shot_noise (current_clamp or conductance)

Generate a Poisson shot noise signal consisting of bi-exponential pulses with gamma distributed amplitudes occurring at exponentially distributed time intervals, resembling random synaptic input. In the Relative and Absolute versions the three parameters (rate, amp_mean, amp_var) are obtained from other three parameters: (amp_cv, mean_percent, sd_percent) for Relative and (amp_cv, mean, sigma) for Absolute, through and analytical result that connects them. In the Relative version the parameters (mean, sigma) are computed relative to a cell's threshold current (current_clamp) or inverse input resistance (conductance), by scaling these with (mean_percent, sd_percent). The input resistance values must be provided as an additional dataset @dynamics/input_resistance in the nodes file. Note: fields marked Mandatory* depend on which shot_noise version is selected.

Property Type Requirement Description
rise_time float Mandatory The rise time of the bi-exponential shots in ms.
decay_time float Mandatory The decay time of the bi-exponential shots in ms.
rate float Mandatory* For shot_noise, rate of Poisson events in Hz.
amp_mean float Mandatory* For shot_noise, mean of gamma-distributed amplitudes in nA (current_clamp) or uS (conductance).
amp_var float Mandatory* For shot_noise, variance of gamma-distributed amplitudes in nA^2 (current_clamp) or uS^2 (conductance).
amp_cv float Mandatory* For relative_shot_noise and absolute_shot_noise, coefficient of variation (sd/mean) of gamma-distributed amplitudes.
mean_percent float Mandatory* For relative_shot_noise, signal mean as percentage of a cell's threshold current (current_clamp) or inverse input resistance (conductance).
sd_percent float Mandatory* For relative_shot_noise, signal std dev as percentage of a cell's threshold current (current_clamp) or inverse input resistance (conductance).
mean float Mandatory* For absolute_shot_noise, signal mean in nA (current_clamp) or uS (conductance).
sigma float Mandatory* For absolute_shot_noise, signal std dev in nA (current_clamp) or uS (conductance).
reversal float Optional Reversal potential for conductance injection in mV. Default is 0.
dt float Optional Timestep of generated signal in ms. Default is 0.25 ms.
random_seed integer Optional Override the random seed (to introduce correlations between cells).
represents_physical_electrode boolean Optional Default is False. If True, the signal will be implemented using a NEURON SEClamp mechanism, if a conductance source, or a NEURON IClamp mechanism, if a current source. The SEClamp and IClamp produce an electrode current which is not included in the calculation of extracellular signals, so this option should be used to represent a physical electrode. If the noise signal represents synaptic input, represents_physical_electrode should be set to False, in which case the signal will be implemented using a ConductanceSource mechanism or a MembraneCurrentSource mechanism, which are identical to SEClamp and IClamp, respectively, but produce a membrane current, which is included in the calculation of the extracellular signal.

ornstein_uhlenbeck and relative_ornstein_uhlenbeck (current_clamp or conductance)

Generate an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process signal injected as a conductance or current. In the Relative version the parameters (mean, sigma) are computed relative to a cell's inverse input resistance (conductance) or threshold current (current_clamp), by scaling these with (mean_percent, sd_percent). The input resistance values must be provided as an additional dataset @dynamics/input_resistance in the nodes file. Note: fields marked Mandatory* depend on which ornstein_uhlenbeck version is selected.

Property Type Requirement Description
tau float Mandatory Relaxation time constant in ms.
mean_percent float Mandatory* For relative_ornstein_uhlenbeck, signal mean as percentage of a cell's threshold current (current_clamp) or inverse input resistance (conductance).
sd_percent float Mandatory* For relative_ornstein_uhlenbeck, signal std dev as percentage of a cell's threshold current (current_clamp) or inverse input resistance (conductance).
mean float Mandatory* For ornstein_uhlenbeck, signal mean in nA (current_clamp) or uS (conductance).
sigma float Mandatory* For ornstein_uhlenbeck, signal std dev in nA (current_clamp) or uS (conductance).
reversal float Optional Reversal potential for conductance injection in mV. Default is 0.
dt float Optional Timestep of generated signal in ms. Default is 0.25 ms.
random_seed integer Optional Override the random seed (to introduce correlations between cells).
represents_physical_electrode boolean Optional Default is False. If True, the signal will be implemented using a NEURON SEClamp mechanism, if a conductance source, or a NEURON IClamp mechanism, if a current source. The SEClamp and IClamp produce an electrode current which is not included in the calculation of extracellular signals, so this option should be used to represent a physical electrode. If the noise signal represents synaptic input, represents_physical_electrode should be set to False, in which case the signal will be implemented using a ConductanceSource mechanism or a MembraneCurrentSource mechanism, which are identical to SEClamp and IClamp, respectively, but produce a membrane current, which is included in the calculation of the extracellular signal.



Dictionary of dictionaries with each member describing one data collection during the simulation such as compartment voltage.

Property Type Requirement Description
cells text Optional Specify which node_set to report, default is the simulation "node_set".
sections text Optional Specify which section(s) to report, available labels are dependent on the model setup. To report on all sections, use the keyword "all". Default is "soma". At BBP, we currently support "soma", "axon", "dend", "apic", or "all".
type text Mandatory Indicates type of data collected. "compartment", "summation", "synapse", or "lfp". Compartment means that each compartment outputs separately in the report file. Summation will sum up the values from compartments to write a single value to the report (section soma) or sum up the values and leave them in each compartment (other section types). More on summation after the table. Synapse indicates that each synapse afferent to the reported cells will have a separate entry in the report. LFP will report the contribution to the lfp (or eeg) signal from each cell, using the 'electrodes_file' parameter. See more after the table
scaling text Optional For summation type reporting, specify the handling of density values: "none" disables all scaling, "area" (default) converts density to area values. This makes them compatible with values from point processes such as synapses.
compartments text Optional For compartment type reporting, override which compartments of a section are selected to report. Options are "center" or "all". When using "sections":"soma", default is "center", for other section options, default is "all".
variable_name text Mandatory The Simulation variable to access. The variables available are model dependent. For summation type, can sum multiple variables by indicating as a comma separated strings. e.g. "ina, ik"
unit text Optional String to output as descriptive test for unit recorded. Not validated for correctness.
dt float Mandatory Interval between reporting steps in milliseconds. If assigned value smaller than simulation dt, will be set equal to simulation dt.
start_time float Mandatory Time to start reporting in milliseconds.
end_time float Mandatory Time to stop reporting in milliseconds.
file_name text Optional Specify report file name to be written in the :ref:`output_dir <output_config>`. The '.h5' extension will be added if not provided. The default file name is <report_name>.h5 where 'report_name' is the key name of the current dictionary.
enabled boolean Optional Allows for supressing a report so that it is not created. Useful for reducing output temporarily. Possible values are true/false. Default is true.

More on type summation

This type of report is intended to accommodate related variables that exist in a section. For example, various electrical current sources. Depending on the sections value, the behavior of the summation adapts. Given "soma", the values are summed across the whole cell and stored as a single value. For other sections value (e.g. "all"), values are only summed within the same compartment and stored per compartment.

gid data for imembrane variable

gid data for iclamp variable

If the user has requested summation with sections soma, then the resultant single value written is [68]. Computed from (1 -10 +2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12).

If the user has requested summation with sections all, then the resultant data is [-9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ]. Computed from (1-10, 2+0, 3+0, etc.)


"reports": {
     "soma": {
          "cells": "Mosaic",
          "sections": "soma",
          "type": "compartment",
          "variable_name": "v",
          "unit": "mV",
          "dt": 0.1,
          "start_time" : 0,
          "end_time" : 500,
          "file_name": "soma"
          "enabled" : true
     "compartment": {
          "cells": "Mosaic",
          "sections": "all",
          "type": "compartment",
          "variable_name": "v",
          "unit": "mV",
          "dt": 0.1,
          "start_time" : 0,
          "end_time" : 500,
          "file_name": "voltage"
          "enabled" : true
     "axonal_comp_centers": {
          "cells": "Mosaic",
          "sections": "axon",
          "type": "compartment",
          "variable_name": "v",
          "unit": "mV",
          "compartments": "center",
          "dt": 0.1,
          "start_time" : 0,
          "end_time" : 500,
          "file_name": "axon_centers"
          "enabled" : true
     "cell_imembrane": {
         "cells": "Column",
         "sections": "soma",
         "type": "summation",
         "variable_name": "i_membrane, IClamp",
         "unit": "nA",
         "start_time": 0,
         "end_time": 500,
         "enabled": true



List of dictionaries to adjust the synaptic strength or other properties of edges between two sets of nodes. These are executed in the order they are read from the file. If a set of synapses are affected by multiple connection_overrides because of source and target used, the latter will overwrite any repeated fields set by a former. This is useful when making more general adjustments and then more specific adjustments. Any edges unaffected by any connection_overrides are instantiated as prescribed in the model.

Property Type Requirement Description
name text Mandatory Descriptive name for the override.
source text Mandatory node_set specifying presynaptic nodes.
target text Mandatory node_set specifying postsynaptic nodes.
weight float Optional Scalar used to adjust synaptic strength.
spont_minis float Optional Synapses affected by this connection_override section will spontaneously trigger with the given rate.
synapse_configure text Optional Provide a snippet of hoc code which is to be executed on the synapse objects affected by this connection_override. Use '%s' to indicate where a reference to the synapse object should be filled.
modoverride text Optional Changes the synapse helper files used to instantiate the synapses in this connection. A synapse helper initializes the synapse object and the parameters of the synapse model. By default, AMPANMDAHelper.hoc / GABAABHelper.hoc are used for excitatory / inhibitory synapses. The value of this field determines the prefix of the helper file to use e.g. "GluSynapse" would lead to GluSynapseHelper.hoc being used. That helper will use the additional parameters of the plastic synapse model read from the SONATA edges file using Neurodamus. This is required when using the GluSynapse.mod model and will fail for other models, or if the parameters are not present in the edges file.
synapse_delay_override float Optional Value to override the synaptic delay time originally set in the edge file, and to be given to netcon object. Given in ms.
delay float Optional Adjustments from weight of this connection_override are applied after specified delay has elapsed in ms. Note that only weight modifications are applied so all other fields (spont_minis, synapse_configure, modoverride, synapse_delay_override) are ignored.
neuromodulation_dtc float Optional Only applicable to NeuroModulation projections. It overrides the neuromod_dtc values between the selected source and target neurons, representing the decay time constant of the neuromodulator concentration at the target synapse. Given in ms.
neuromodulation_strength float Optional Only applicable to NeuroModulation projections. It overrides the neuromod_strength values between the selected source and target neurons, representing the amount of increase of the neuromodulator concentration at the synapse when an incoming neuromodulatory event (i.e., a spike in the virtual pre-synaptic neuron) is transmitted to the target synapse. Given in \mu M.


"connection_overrides": [
          "name": "weaken_excitation"
          "source": "Excitatory",
          "target": "Mosaic,
          "weight": 0.75,
          "spont_minis": 0.04
          "name": "deactivate_short_term_plasticity",
          "source": "Mosaic",
          "target": "Mosaic",
          "synapse_configure": "%s.Fac = 0 %s.Dep = 0"


A set of variables storing remarks on the simulation, but are not used for running the simulation.


"metadata": {
     "note": "the first attempt at reproducing xxx experiment",
     "version": "v1",
     "v_int": 10,
     "v_float": 0.5,
     "v_bool": false


This section is reserved for variables that are used for developing a new feature of the simulation. Once the feature goes in production, the variables should be moved to a proper section in the simulation configuration file.


"beta_features": {
     "v_str": "abcd",
     "v_float": 0.5,
     "v_int": 10,
     "v_bool": false