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Releases: BlueBubblesApp/bluebubbles-app

BlueBubbles Android App - Release Candidate - v0.1.16 rc8

12 Jun 14:56
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What's New?

Note: We skipped a few release candidate versions because they were "unofficial" releases in the Discord

  • Fixes issues with video replay when it reaches the end
  • Fixes issue with large grey boxes in a chat (hopefully)
  • Adds redaction capabilities to the message details popup
  • Fixes issue showing invalid attachments (where the mime type doesn't match the format)
  • Fixes issue with saving videos
  • Fixes camera preview freeze when switching cameras
  • Fixes message tail being 1px off
  • Better Timestamps (now will show all days of the week) Thanks Joel!
  • Possible fixes to notifications not showing (setImportant is now set to true)
  • Fixes possible issue with stuttering/lag in the new chat creator
  • Fixes duplicate attachment issue during direct share
  • Fixes some issues around the last message in the chat list
  • Fixes some issues around the QR Scanner

BlueBubbles Android App - Release Candidate - v0.1.16 rc4

18 May 23:02
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The following changes are a continuation of changes for all release candidates

What's new?

  • Updates some dependencies
    • This may fix some compatibility issues with newer versions of Android
    • This can also introduce some other issues, which is why I need testers :)
    • This may also fix the FIS_AUTH_ERROR you might get when trying to initially authenticate with FCM
  • Fixes issue handling some location attachments
  • Hopefully fixed issue with Audio Send popup appearing twice (I wasn't able to replicate this, so this is a maybe fix)
  • Fixes the default audio message name so it doesn't conflict with Apple's default name
  • Fixes connection indicator overlapping with manual mark as read button
  • Better new chat searching
  • Refactored/Recoded the initial sync code
  • Fixes URL Previews (bug introduced in rc3)
  • Prevents smart replies from showing when hide message content is enabled in Redacted Mode
  • Fixes issue with double-tap to show message details (bug introduced in rc3)

BlueBubbles Android App - Release Candidate - v0.1.16 rc3

15 May 01:28
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What's New?

  • Support for other Image Keyboards (Samsung keyboard, Bitmoji, etc.)!
  • Redacted mode - Ever want to take a screenshot while hiding PII? Well now you can. Thanks @jjoelj!
  • Adds connection indicator into the chat view
  • Disabled Samsung Theme
  • Fixes issue with hyperlinks not opening to the correct URL when the URL contains a hash query
  • Fixes location support for the most recent iOS versions (I'm 99% sure)
  • Message Details Popup now does not show up when the message is not confirmed
  • Fixes possible crash when you have no images in your image library
  • Removes message tail in the message details popup. Thanks @jjoelj!
  • Decreases size of the connection indicator
  • Delivered Timestamps. Thanks @jjoelj!
  • Huge improvement to chat list loading
  • Huge improvement to contact <-> handle matching (especially for international numbers)
  • Contacts can now only load every 5 minutes (minimum threshold; this prevents Android from yelling at you that BlueBubbles is accessing the contacts a lot)
  • Fixes some issues with the QR scanner reading FCM data
  • New chat creator is now a bit more reliable because it's better at finding existing chats now


BlueBubbles Android App - Release Candidate - v0.1.16 rc2

15 Mar 14:16
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Hey guys,

I'm sorry this is still in the release candidate stage. I've been super busy with real-world things. As well as with the weather getting nicer, I've been taking some time off from development. Especially important since my full-time job is a development job for the most part. This is only a very small incremental change since the release candidate #1 pre-release.

What's Changed?

  • Fixes avatars on the Samsung theme
  • Fixes GIF Insertion via GBoard
  • Hopefully fixes any FCM authentication issues people have been facing (@csab, if you are reading this, test it out please)
  • Fixes a small issue with Apple Maps (not sure if this fixes it for iOS 14 yet fully)
  • Sync indicator is now an optional setting

BlueBubbles Android App - Release Candidate - v0.1.16 rc1

06 Feb 17:26
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What's new?

To be honest, a ton. I probably will miss a few changes/fixes.

  • Limits refreshing of contacts to once per minute (to prevent it from being kicked off multiple times)
  • Merged the Nightly branch into the Beta branch
    • Material & Samsung theme
    • Private API features (behind a toggle in settings)
    • Toggles for almost all private API features
  • Fixes send button & recording in Material Theme (Former Nightly Bug)
  • Adds option to show a button to manually mark a chat as read (Private API - Nightly Server Required)
  • Adds toggle for marking a chat as read when you enter it (Private API - Nightly Server Required)
  • Fixes issue with loading previews for certain YouTube links
  • Fixes issue with showing a massive grey box for previews that fit an edge case
  • Adds top padding to the typing indicator (Private API - Nightly Server Required)
  • Moves incremental sync indicator to be next to the connection indicator instead of on-top of it
  • Adds Colorblind Mode, which right now simply changes the connection indicators to icons instead of dots
    • See known issues 1
  • Improves Smart Reply System
    • Adds slider option to increase/decrease the messages sample size for the machine learning algorithm
  • Fixes timestamp issues on Samsung/Material (Former Nightly Bug)
  • Removes divider from the Samsung Theme (Former Nightly Bug)
  • Fixes crash when opening share menu on Android 11
    • This was due to a dependency package not being updated for Android 11
  • Fixes alignment of the star icon for pinned chats for the Material Theme (Former Nightly Bug)
  • Adds option to open the keyboard when you swipe it up
  • Adds option to close the keyboard when you swipe it down
  • Adds option to open the keyboard when you click the Scroll to Bottom button
  • Adds option to close the keyboard when you scroll up in the chat
  • Fixes issue with selecting multiple chats (in Material Theme) when tapping the avatar (Former Nightly Bug)
  • Adds UX option to move the floating chat creator button to the AppBar (navigation bar)
  • Fixes issues with keyboard focus when creating a chat
  • Fixes bug where the Subject color would be different from the text color
  • Other bug fixes
  • Other improvements
  • Lots of code refactoring

Known Issues:

  • After toggling Colorblind mode, you must restart the app for changes to take effect
    • I will fix this issue for the actual release
  • The Samsung theme is incredibly laggy. If you have any feedback for it, don't mention the lag
  • After customizing a contact's avatar, new incoming messages will remain using the old style
    • This is fixed by leaving and re-entering the chat
  • The option in Server Management to restart iMessage does not work since the server hasn't been updated to handle it yet

BlueBubbles Android App v0.1.15

13 Jan 19:18
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What's new?

  • Adds Option: Send Delay
  • Fixes to formatting international numbers
  • Adds Option: Show Recipient/Group Name as Text Field Placeholder
  • Adds Feature: Custom Avatar Colors
  • Fixes issue with loading YouTube previews
  • Adds Feature: Sync all messages since a point in time
  • Fixes issue with empty chats when Contacts permission is disabled
  • Adds Feature: Share Targets
  • Fixes issue with preloading chats in the chat selector
  • Fixes issue where previous messages will re-animate when sending a new message
  • Fixes issue loading chat previews when in share screen
  • Fixes issue where chat creator would create a chat if it already existed
  • Tons of optimizations and small tweaks
  • Tons of other small bug fixes and improvements

BlueBubbles Android App v0.1.15-rc1 (Testers Only)

31 Dec 16:07
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What's new?

  • Adds smart replies (this increases the APK by about 10-12mb)
  • Fixes issue with attachments not clearing after sharing from another app
  • Fixes issue with text not clearing after sharing from another app
  • Adds preliminary searching capabilities
  • Chat paging was increased from 10 -> 12 when dense mode is enabled
  • Fixes issue with full-screen camera not working if you'd never received an image
  • Improves URL preview widget
  • Adds option to pre-cache preview images (aka, download them the first time so we can use them from the local filesystem next time).
    • This is enabled by default (UX Settings)
  • URL Preview metadata is now cached in the database, so you should see a big improvement in load times
  • Fixes issue with the status bar icon color on the main conversation list page (this only was an issue sometimes)
  • Better support for Reddit short links in previews

BlueBubbles Android App v0.1.14

29 Dec 22:06
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What's new?

  • Performance improvements when
    • Loading older messages
    • Scrolling up in the conversation list
    • Sending messages
    • Loading URL previews
    • Downloading attachments
    • Opening share panel
  • Adds ability to pick image from gallery when tapping "Pick File"
  • Adds tap to restart server
  • Fixes contact card widget
  • Fixes attachment downloader when chat is open
  • Fixes crash when passwords containing "%" and "&" were used on the server
  • Fixes attachment fullscreen viewer showing wrong image
  • Adds better support for group events
    • You should now see "<Person 1> added <Person 2>" instead of "<Person 1> added someone to the conversation"
  • Fixes image loading page
  • Limits scroll speed multiplier to 1
  • Adds ability to clear a chat's transcript
  • Fixes audio message issues
  • Fixes avatars for addresses that don't have handles
  • Adds better subject support
  • Better .caf support
  • Fixes issue where cameras would stay open after share menu closes
  • Device name is now set based on device (can be seen in server)
  • Makes navigation bar color match the current background color
  • Socket Error notification changes
    • Adds socket error notification channel so that you can choose to disable the notification
    • Adds ability to click the notification to take you directly to the server management page of the app to restart the server
  • Fixes issues with settings panel not properly reflecting the current settings
  • Fixes issue where removing an attachment would not fully remove it, thus re-entering the chat would cause the attachment to reappear
  • Added ability to take a picture in fullscreen
  • Back button in share menu now closes the share menu
  • Fixes issue with chats not pre-loading in the chat creator/share menu
  • Adds additional setup information to the setup workflow
  • Fixes sharing location
  • Location widget is now clickable
  • Fixes empty map issue
  • Added proper error message for ROWID error
  • Fixes issues with backing out of full screen camera
  • Fixes issue to infinite loading image after cancelling a camera shot
  • Adds ability to take video
  • Adds dense tile option (Settings > Theme & Style)

What happened to v0.1.13?

Well, nothing happened. It's the same as 0.1.14, I just had to bump the version because I screwed up with the Google Play Store listing

Public Beta v0.1.12

07 Dec 15:16
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What's new?

  • Fixes crashing when opening share menu
  • Fixes occasional crash when picking a file from share menu
  • Fixes GIF insertion grey box preview
  • Fixes replying to notification creating a vibration and sound
  • Adds configurable scroll velocity slider
  • Adds Server Management settings to facilitate debugging and overall sever control
    • Test Latency
    • Restart Server
    • Fetch Server Logs
  • Fixes colorful chat algorithm
  • Renames Colorful Chat option to Colorful Avatars
  • Adds Colorful Bubbles option to style received messages
  • Fixes issue with Amazon link previews
  • Link preview's descriptions are now limited to 4 lines
  • Initial sync slider now allows less than 25 messages
  • Fixes some issues with false server disconnects
  • Adds ellipses to last message previews for conversations
  • Fixes background color of the Scroll to bottom button
  • Fixes issue with invisible back button on the Archives Messages page, when light mode is enabled
  • Fixes issue with loading recent conversations to share menu
  • Reorganizes the Settings page
  • Smooths keyboard focus animation

Public Beta v0.1.11

28 Nov 06:11
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Lots of changes and bug fixes