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yahoo-finance-data (Alpha-version)

The omnipotent Yahoo-Finance data retreiver

yahoo-finance-data (yfd) is a package for the retreival of data from Yahoo Finance. It makes use of both scraping and query calls. The yahoo-finance-data package is intended to be simple to use. Its usage is summarized in two steps.

  • Create specialized data retreival objects
  • Retreive data in a standardized dictionary format


The asset classes currently supported are: Stocks. In the future support will be added for Options, Bonds and Crypto.

Data Types

The following data may be retreived.

  • Quote
  • Historical (price, dividends, splits)
  • Financials
  • Cash-Flow statement
  • Balance-Sheet statement
  • Key-Statistics


pip install yahoo-finance-data 


  • Retreival of time series data (YahooFinanceTimeSeriesByQueryScraper). -Availabe function types: ['quote', 'dividends', 'splits'] -Available frequency types: ['1d', '5d', '1mo', '3mo', '6mo', '1y', '2y', '5y', '10y', 'ytd', 'max']
from datetime import datetime
from yfd import YahooFinanceTimeSeriesByQueryScraper

ticker = 'AAPL'
startDate = datetime.strptime('2020-01-01', '%Y-%m-%d')
endDate = datetime.strptime('2021-04-01', '%Y-%m-%d')

ysfds = YahooFinanceTimeSeriesByQueryScraper(ticker, function = 'quote', startTime = startDate, endTime = endDate, frequency = '1d')
resultAsDictionary = ysfds.GetResult()
  • Quote scraper (YahooQuoteInfoScraper) -Scrapes quote information: Name, exchange and price.
from yfd import YahooQuoteInfoScraper

ticker = 'AAPL'

yqis = YahooQuoteInfoScraper(ticker, function='quote')
resultAsDictionary = yqis.GetResult()
  • Financials scraper (YahooFinanceStaticFinancialDataScraper) -Scrapes financial data, the available data retreival types are: ['cash-flow', 'balance-sheet', 'financials', 'key-statistics']
from yfd import YahooFinanceStaticFinancialDataScraper

ticker = 'AAPL'

ysfds = YahooFinanceStaticFinancialDataScraper(ticker = ticker, yahooFunction = 'financials')
resultAsDictionary = ysfds.GetResult()


yahoo-finance-data uses a number of 3rd party projects:

  • [certifi] - Validating the trustworthiness of SSL certificates.
  • [urllib3] - A powerful, user-friendly HTTP client for Python.
  • [beautifulsoup4] - A library which makes it easy to scrape information from web pages.
  • [datetime] - Standardize time management.

yahoo-finance-data is itself an open source project with a public repository on GitHub.



*Free Software