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FAQ for QuickReply Reloaded extension


Administrator's Guide (common questions)

How to install the extension?

The extension should be installed in the directory /ext/tatiana5/quickreply.
The simplest way to install or update the extension is by using Upload Extensions.

I have already installed the extension QuickReply. Will my data be saved after the update?

Yes, QuickReply Reloaded is a continuation (updated version) to the original QuickReply extension. You need to perform the following steps to update the extension: disable the previous version of QuickReply extension without deleting its data, upload the new version of the extension and enable it.

IMPORTANT! You need to purge the board's cache before enabling the updated version of the extension.

Note: only the latest version of the extension QuickReply can be updated without deleting its data. At least, these data are only some configuration settings.

What's new in this release? Do I need this update?

In the new release of QuickReply extension:

  • Template files that were loaded on every board page were removed. Language variables are now loaded only when they are needed.
  • Extension's code was restructured. Now it is possible to easily solve conflicts with other extensions by using new JavaScript events.
  • Topic pages are now loaded faster if the new option is enabled in UCP (if this option is allowed in ACP).
  • Many bugs (including old bugs) were fixed. Attachments do not disappear from quick reply form anymore after new replies have been posted to the topic, the extension works with Posts Merging extension even better than before.
  • You can continue writing a reply with full reply form after clicking on the button "Post Reply" in the topic. Uploaded attachments will also be saved.
  • New messages and posted replies are loaded without page refreshes.
  • New additional configurable animation and soft scroll effects were added.
  • Now QuickReply can be enabled for guests.
  • New configuration settings were added.
  • A feature for quoting full message texts with formatting was added.

Is this extension compatible with other extensions?

Full compatibility "out-of-the-box" is guaranteed with the extensions that are not related to submitting posts and displaying topics and also with the following extensions:

  • Posts Merging by rxu
  • Live Search by Alg
  • Advanced BBCode Box 3.1 by VSE

If that's not right, open an issue and describe a problem.

Compatibility with other extensions is possible after making some edits (see the question "How to make this extension compatible with other extensions?").

Can this extension work together with phpBB SEO Ultimate SEO URL?

Yes, it can. But you need to configure SEO extension. Zero duplicate can be enabled or disabled. If it is enabled, Strict Mode should be disabled and Posts Redirections should have any value except for all. Only then QuickReply Reloaded will work correctly.

How to make this extension compatible with other extensions?

Template for a fix:
If an extension adds JavaScript functionality for posts, this functionality should be wrapped in a function:

function FUNCTION_NAME(e, elements) {
// The code of the function.

After that you need to add:

$(document).ready(function (e) {
	FUNCTION_NAME(e, $(document));
$('#qr_posts').on('qr_loaded', FUNCTION_NAME);

NOTE: if your function uses some calculated data (width, height etc.) you may need to use the event qr_completed instead of qr_loaded.

If the JavaScript functionality is added for post contents (e.g. for texts or images), you also need to add the following lines (maybe, reworked):

$('#qr_postform').on('ajax_submit_preview', function (e) {
	FUNCTION_NAME(e, $('#preview'));

FUNCTION_NAME should be unique.

You may need to replace $ to elements.find in function's body for the code working with inner elements of posts.

Can I enable/set up quick reply for guests?

Yes, it is possible when the corresponding setting is enabled. Note that guests will be able to use quick reply only in forums where they have the permission to post replies (quick reply should be enabled in those forums).

You can also change additional settings for guests: ACP -> Users and groups -> Manage users -> Select anonymous user -> Submit -> Select form: Preferences -> Go -> Edit display options.

User Guide

What's new in this release of quick reply?

You are still able to reply to topics without leaving their pages.

Quote messages using "quick quote".

Address and mention other users using the function "Refer by username".

New version makes it possible to quote messages displayed on different pages in the topic. If the option "Do not refresh quick reply form when navigating the topic" is allowed by board administrator and is enabled in your UCP, message texts and uploaded attachments won't be deleted if you use pagination for navigating the topic. Moreover, texts and attachments will be saved even if somebody has already posted a reply to the topic. You will be able to add a reply to the new message immediately.

Navigating the topic will be wonderful if the option "Enable soft scroll and animations when navigating the topic and after quick reply" is enabled in your UCP. Topic pages will be scrolled automatically to the posts that you want to read right now! These can be new messages in the topic, your newly posted reply or messages on another page of the topic.

How can I disable automatic soft scroll?

Auto scroll and animation effects on topic pages can be disabled with special settings.

In order to disable soft scroll on topic pages added by QuickReply Reloaded extension you need to disable the setting in your UCP: Board preferences -> Edit display options -> Enable soft scroll and animations when navigating the topic and after quick reply -> Select "No" -> Submit.

You can also disable automatic scroll on topic pages in your UCP: Board preferences -> Edit display options -> Enable auto scroll when navigating the topic -> Select "No" -> Submit.
Please note that when this setting is disabled topic pages won't be scrolled to top after clicking on pagination links in the bottom of the topic (if the option "Do not refresh quick reply form when navigating the topic" is enabled).

How can I disable the new method for viewing topics?

You can disable quick load for topic pages and the feature for saving message texts and uploaded attachments in the quick reply form when navigating the topic by disabling the setting in your UCP: Board preferences -> Edit display options -> Do not refresh quick reply form when navigating the topic -> Select "No" -> Submit.
Note: quick load will be disabled only for pagination events.

I wanted to disable a new setting, but I haven't found it! What to do?

Board administrator can disallow several features of the extension in the ACP settings. If an option is absent from your UCP, it means that this option was disabled by an administrator and cannot be enabled in UCP.

How can I check whether new messages have appeared in a topic without pressing the button "Submit"?

Click on the button "Preview". If some new posts have been submitted to the topic, they will be loaded instead of the preview.

I've typed a reply, but I haven't finished it yet. I really need to go away. How can I save my message without submitting it?

If you've typed a message in the quick reply form and you want to save it without a submission to the topic, look for a standard "Post Reply" button on the page, click on it and then click on the button "Save draft". This means that you can use the standard phpBB feature for saving messages as drafts.

Important! The feature for saving drafts should be allowed by board administrator. If you cannot find the button "Save draft", this means that you do not have a permission to use that feature. However, your entered message won't be deleted until you close the posting page or follow any link.

Developer's Guide

How can I integrate my extension with QuickReply Reloaded?

You can use extension's events in your extension to add new functionality and to resolve conflicts:

  • Template events

    • Standard events for post rows in viewtopic (e.g. viewtopic_body_postrow_post_before) - they are the same as the events in viewtopic_body.html for post rows.
    • Additional events for quick reply form:
      • ext_quickreply_editor_buttons_before - for adding new buttons before other format buttons.
      • ext_quickreply_editor_buttons_custom_tags_before - for adding new buttons before format buttons of custom tags.
      • ext_quickreply_editor_buttons_after - for adding new buttons after other format buttons.
  • JavaScript events (examples of usage)

    • qr_loaded - is triggered when some posts are loaded with Ajax on the viewtopic page (before they are shown on the page if animation is enabled).
      Is fired on: $('#qr_posts').
      Parameters: event - jQuery Event object, elements - jQuery object for the container with loaded elements.
      Usage: $('#qr_posts').on('qr_loaded', function(event, elements) { /* The code of the function. */ });.

    • qr_completed - is triggered when some posts are loaded with Ajax and parsed on the viewtopic page (after they are shown on the page if animation is enabled).
      Is fired on: $('#qr_posts').
      Parameters: event - jQuery Event object, elements - jQuery object for the container with loaded elements.
      Usage: $('#qr_posts').on('qr_completed', function(event, elements) { /* The code of the function. */ });.
      Should be used instead of qr_loaded if your function works with calculated data for posts' elements (e.g. $('.custom_post_element').width()).

    • ajax_submit_preview - is triggered when a preview is loaded on the viewtopic page.
      Is fired on: $('#qr_postform').
      Parameter: event - jQuery Event object.
      Usage: $('#qr_postform').on('ajax_submit_preview', function(event) { /* The code of the function. */ });.
      Note: this event can be used together with qr_loaded (or qr_completed) if your custom function modifies inner contents of posts (e.g. texts or images).

    • ajax_submit_success - is triggered when a post was successfully submitted to the topic.
      Is fired on: $('#qr_postform').
      Parameter: event - jQuery Event object.
      Usage: $('#qr_postform').on('ajax_submit_success', function(event) { /* The code of the function. */ });.

    • qr_insert_before - is triggered before some posts will be inserted to the topic if soft scroll if disabled in settings (this event is not triggered when full posts container is being updated).
      Is fired on: $('#qr_posts').
      Parameter: event - jQuery Event object.
      Usage: $('#qr_posts').on('qr_insert_before', function(event) { /* The code of the function. */ });.

The FAQ may be updated in the future.

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