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🦖 X—LLM Documentation

This is documentation of X—LLM library. Cutting Edge & Easy LLM Finetuning using the most advanced methods (QLoRA, DeepSpeed, GPTQ, Flash Attention 2, FSDP, etc)



Using X—LLM to train a model is easy and involves these few steps:

  1. Prepare — Get the data and the model ready by downloading and preparing them. Saves data locally to config.train_local_path_to_data and config.eval_local_path_to_data if you are using eval dataset
  2. Train — Use the data prepared in the previous step to train the model
  3. Fuse — If you used LoRA during the training, fuse LoRA
  4. Quantize — Optimize your model's memory usage by quantizing it


At this step, the following occurs:

  • Downloading and preparing data
  • Downloading the model

We've made this a separate step for several reasons, with the primary one being that if you're using distributed training across multiple GPUs (e.g., via DeepSpeed), you'd otherwise redundantly download the dataset and model on each GPU. This way, you only need to do it once, saving time and resources.

Results of this step

  • Preprocessed data for training and optional evaluation, stored locally on the machine at the respective paths: train_local_path_to_data and eval_local_path_to_data.
  • The model is retrieved and cached locally (typical download from the Hugging Face Hub)


At this step, model training takes place, which is controlled through Config. More information on how to optimise your config:

Data pipeline

What happens to the data? Description of one training step:

  • Every sample is transformed into a dictionary with designated keys in the get_sample method of the Dataset
  • Each sample is transformed into a dictionary with specified keys in the get_sample method of the Dataset
  • A batch is assembled, and passed through a collator, which is responsible for tokenization, label preparation, in other words, for preparing the input data for the model. The collator knows which keys it needs to accept as input and how to process each key
  • The batch is processed by the compute_loss method of the Trainer, and this method returns the loss. A backward operation is performed based on the loss

Results of this step

  • Model artifacts like local checkpoints and/or Huggingface Hub checkpoints
  • [Optional] Training artifacts in W&B like loss curve


This step is only necessary if you trained the model using the LoRA adapter and want to obtain the ready for inference and fused model.

Results of this step

  • Fused model locally and/or in Hugging Face Hub


In this step, post-training quantization of the model occurs using auto-gptq. For this, you will need to install auto-gptq, e.g. like this:

pip install xllm[train]

This method allows for a significant reduction in the size of the model and a slight increase in speed at the cost of a small decrease in accuracy. For example, the Mistral model is reduced from 15GB to 4.3GB.

Results of this step

  • Quantized model locally and/or in Hugging Face Hub

How to add CLI tools to your project

It is advisable to add xllm CLI functions to your project to simplify all the steps above.

Also, please check:

  • Demo project: here's a step-by-step example of how to use X—LLM and fit it into your own project
  • WeatherGPT: this repository features an example of how to utilize the xllm library. Included is a solution for a common type of assessment given to LLM engineers, who typically earn between $120,000 to $140,000 annuall
  • Shurale: project with a finetuned 7B Mistal model

Project structure



from xllm.cli import cli_run_prepare

if __name__ == "__main__":

from xllm.cli import cli_run_train

if __name__ == "__main__":

from xllm.cli import cli_run_fuse

if __name__ == "__main__":

from xllm.cli import cli_run_quantize

if __name__ == "__main__":


More detailed examples here: Production soluton

python my_project/cli/ --model_name_or_path mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1
python my_project/cli/ --model_name_or_path mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1
python my_project/cli/ --model_name_or_path mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1
python my_project/cli/ --model_name_or_path mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1

You also could run train via DeepSpeed (if you have multiple GPUs on your machine):

deepspeed --num_gpus=8 my_project/cli/ --model_name_or_path


You can implement datasets, collators, trainers, and experiments. Here, you will learn how to make the above CLI functions aware of the new components.

Available registries:

from xllm.datasets import datasets_registry
from xllm.collators import collators_registry
from xllm.trainers import trainers_registry
from xllm.experiments import experiments_registry

Add the new dataset to the registry:

from xllm.datasets import datasets_registry

datasets_registry.add(key="my_new_dataset", value=MyDataset)

This code should be added before the invocation of CLI functions. For example:


from xllm.datasets import datasets_registry

from dataset import MyDataset

def registry_components():
    datasets_registry.add(key="my_new_dataset", value=MyDataset)


from xllm.cli import cli_run_prepare

from my_project.core.registry import registry_components

if __name__ == "__main__":


from xllm.cli import cli_run_train

from my_project.core.registry import registry_components

if __name__ == "__main__":


python my_project/cli/ --dataset_key my_new_dataset
python my_project/cli/ --dataset_key my_new_dataset

You could expand the registry with different components:

from xllm.datasets import datasets_registry
from xllm.collators import collators_registry
from xllm.trainers import trainers_registry
from xllm.experiments import experiments_registry

from my_project.core.dataset import MyDataset
from my_project.core.collator import MyCollator
from my_project.core.trainer import MyTrainer
from my_project.core.experiment import MyExperiment

def registry_components():
    datasets_registry.add(key="my_new_dataset", value=MyDataset)
    collators_registry.add(key="my_new_collator", value=MyCollator)
    trainers_registry.add(key="my_new_trainer", value=MyTrainer)
    experiments_registry.add(key="my_new_experiment", value=MyExperiment)


You have the flexibility to tweak many aspects of your model's training: data, how data is processed, trainer, config, how the model is loaded, what happens before and after training, and so much more.

We've got ready-to-use components for every part of the xllm pipeline. You can entirely switch out some components like the dataset, collator, trainer, and experiment. For some components like experiment and config, you have the option to just build on what's already there.

  • Demo project: here's a step-by-step example of how to use X—LLM and fit it into your own project
  • WeatherGPT: this repository features an example of how to utilize the xllm library. Included is a solution for a common type of assessment given to LLM engineers, who typically earn between $120,000 to $140,000 annually
  • Shurale: project with the finetuned 7B Mistal model

How to implement dataset

Dataset is the most basic component in xllm. With this component we can describe the logic of how and from where the data should be loaded, how they should be preprocessed and in what form they should be presented further throughout the training pipeline.

Each dataset should be inherited from xllm.datasets.base.BaseDataset

It can be imported like this:

from xllm.datasets import BaseDataset

In each new dataset, we must implement two methods:

  • get_data (classmethod)
  • get_sample

Let's start implementing new dataset

from typing import Optional, Tuple, List

from xllm import Config
from xllm.datasets import BaseDataset
from xllm.types import RawSample

class MyDataset(BaseDataset):

    def get_data(cls, config: Config) -> Optional[Tuple[List[RawSample], Optional[List[RawSample]]]]:

    def get_sample(self, index: int) -> RawSample:


The input values of this method are cls from MyDataset and Config. By default, the default config from xllm is used: from xllm import Config

It's a classmethod, so you can use it without creating an instance of the class.

The get_data method should return a tuple of two elements: training data and eval data. These data should be lists of type RawSample. RawSample, in turn, is simply an alias for the following type: Dict[str, Union[str, int, float, List[str]]]. In other words, each sample in the data should be a dictionary, where the keys are strings, and the values can be str, int, float, or list of str.

The structure of RawSample can be arbitrary, with arbitrary keys. Later in the get_sample step, we will be transforming this dictionary into the required construction.

Eval data can be None, while training data must definitely be a list of RawSample elements. We can start training without eval data, but we cannot start it without training data.

In the type annotation for the output data of this method, it is indicated that the output can be simply None. This is not recommended behavior, but it is possible if you do not need to download and preprocess data at all.

Why download data?

Typically, we use rented machines for training. This involves a number of necessary steps, such as downloading a dataset. The xllm library suggests implementing this as a separate step to facilitate project deployment in such variable conditions.

Training data can be shuffled if specified in the config by the shuffle key. By default, shuffling occurs.

When the method is called and what is the result

The method is called during the prepare step and saves the resulting datasets into the corresponding paths of the config: train_local_path_to_data and eval_local_path_to_data. These data will later be loaded in subsequent steps, such as train.

If in Config eval_local_path_to_data is set to None

In this case, if add_eval_to_train_if_no_path is indicated in the config, then these data will be added to the training data.

Also, if the size of evaluation data is greater than the value in the config max_eval_samples, then eval data will be truncated to this value, and the remaining evaluation data will be added to the training data.


This method converts data from the previous step into data for working with xllm. In xllm, we always use a component such as Collator. It is responsible for tokenization, preparing labels for the model, that is, to gather samples from Dataset and transform them into a batch for the model.

What should a sample look like?

We mentioned earlier that the Collator takes samples of a certain structure as input. In its simplest form, this structure looks like this:

    "text_parts": [
        "My name is Boris"

Thus, each sample is a dictionary with the key text_parts, and the value is a list of strings. Ultimately, in the Collator, the list of texts is converted into text using a specified separator. In CompletionCollator, we calculate loss (train the model) only for the last text in the list, that is, the last utterance (of the assistant) in the dialogue. Also, a list of texts allows for easier customization of the dialogue and the use of different separators for these texts.

Change both Collator and Dataset

We can complicate our data, for example, for PPO training. In such a case, we need to implement both Dataset and Collator (and even Trainer) for it right away. The implementation of your own collator is described below.


The last important detail is the datasets_registry. We have implemented a new dataset and now want to use it while training through the command line. How do we do that? It is necessary to add the new dataset to the datasets_registry.

Please check this: Registry

How to implement collator

It was mentioned earlier that typically Collator receives a list of elements like this:

    "text_parts": [
        "My name is Boris"

We can change the structure of the sample by implementing a new dataset, and we can also change the logic of processing this sample by implementing a new collator.

The main task of the collator is to convert a list of samples into a batch that can be input to the model. That is, to turn texts into a tokenized batch and create targets.

Every collator must be inherited from BaseCollator and the method parse_batch must be implemented.

from typing import List

from xllm.types import RawSample, Batch
from xllm.collators import BaseCollator

class MyCollator(BaseCollator):

    def parse_batch(self, raw_batch: List[RawSample]) -> Batch:

This method receives a list of samples that are output by the Dataset. Please read about the implementation of the dataset above if you have not done so already.

Your task is to write the logic of how to process the list in order to eventually obtain a Batch. A Batch is a dictionary where the key is a string, and the value is a PyTorch Tensor.


This collator is needed for simple language modeling. It compiles the lists of texts from each example into a single text by concatenating them using a separator.


This collator is needed for cases when we want to calculate the loss only for the last text in the list. For example, these are instances of interacting with an assistant. We don't want to train the model on how the user speaks. We don't need the model to be able to imitate the user, so we construct the dataset in such a way that at the end of the list of texts (dialogue), there is a phrase by the assistant. Essentially, we will be training the model to generate these completions by the assistant.


You need to register your Collator in order to use it in xllm CLI functions.

Please check this: Registry

How to implement trainer

For users of the transformers library, this is the most familiar component. In it, we describe different logic within training. Typically, implementing a new component may be necessary to realize custom logic in the compute_loss method.

Every trainer must be inherited from transformers.Trainer.

from typing import Dict, Tuple, Union

from torch import Tensor
from peft import PeftModel
from transformers import Trainer, PreTrainedModel

class MyTrainer(Trainer):

    def compute_loss(
            model: Union[PreTrainedModel, PeftModel],
            inputs: Dict[str, Tensor],
            return_outputs: bool = False,
    ) -> Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, Dict[str, Tensor]]]:


This is a trainer for language modeling training, but it also works properly with the CompletionCollator because the CompletionCollator forms targets in such a way that loss is ultimately calculated only for the last text in the list.


You need to register your Trainer in order to use it in xllm CLI functions.

Please check this: Registry

How to implement experiment

The experiment acts as an aggregator of all logic during training. It dictates how to load the model, what needs to be done before or after a certain step, for example, before initializing the tokenizer.

Every experiment must be inherited from xllm.experiments.base.Experiment.

The experiment does not have any abstract methods that must be implemented, but there are many methods that you can implement. And of course, you can override methods. In the future, it is planned to add callbacks.


  • before_checks
  • after_checks
  • before_training_arguments_build
  • after_training_arguments_build
  • after_training_arguments_build
  • build_train_dataset_additional_kwargs (must return dict)
  • after_train_dataset_build
  • before_eval_dataset_build
  • build_eval_dataset_additional_kwargs (must return dict)
  • after_eval_dataset_build
  • before_tokenizer_build
  • after_tokenizer_build
  • before_collator_build
  • build_collator_additional_kwargs (must return dict)
  • after_collator_build
  • before_quantization_config_build
  • after_quantization_config_build
  • before_model_build
  • after_model_build
  • before_bnb_quantization
  • after_bnb_quantization
  • before_lora_apply
  • after_lora_apply
  • before_stabilize_training
  • after_stabilize_training
  • before_trainer_build
  • build_trainer_additional_kwargs (must return dict)
  • after_trainer_build
  • before_train
  • after_fuse
  • after_train
  • at_beginning
  • at_end
from xllm.experiments import Experiment

class MyExperiment(Experiment):

    def before_lora_apply(self) -> None:
        # do whatever you want


You need to register your Experiment in order to use it in xllm CLI functions.

Please check this: Registry

How to extend config

Details here: How to extend config


The X—LLM library uses a single config setup for all steps like preparing, training and the other steps. It's designed in a way that lets you easily understand the available features and what you can adjust. Config has control almost over every single part of each step. Thanks to the config, you can pick your dataset, set your collator, manage the type of quantization during training, decide if you want to use LoRA, if you need to push a checkpoint to the HuggingFace Hub, and a lot more.

Config path: src.xllm.core.config.Config


from xllm import Config

The most important Config keys are specified here: How Config controls xllm

You can initialize Config by specifying the necessary values, but also, if you are using command-line tools, you can pass values through the command line.

Init Config

from xllm import Config

config = Config(

# Do whatever you want using xllm (for example train the model)

Pass values through CLI

  1. Write for example a train script

from xllm import Config
from xllm.cli import cli_run_train

if __name__ == '__main__':
  ...  # initializing your dataset or registering
  1. Run the script above using CLI and provide Config key values
python \
  --model_name_or_path mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1 \
  --apply_lora True \

Detailed Config explanation

Key Default value Type Entity Comment
experiment_key base str general Experiment class key
save_safetensors True bool general Safe serialization
max_shard_size 10GB str general max_shard_size for the model pushing to the HuggingFace Hub
local_rank 0 int general Local rank for logging and saving. Works only in distributed training
use_gradient_checkpointing False bool general If True, use gradient checkpointing to save memory at the expense of slower backward pass
trainer_key lm str general Key of the trainer for loading from trainers_registry
force_fp32 False bool general Force using fp32 when model loading
force_fp16 False bool general Force using fp16 when model loading
from_gptq False bool general If you loadining GPTQ quantized model
huggingface_hub_token None Optional[str] general HuggingFace Hub token. You can also set this key using .env file
deepspeed_stage 0 int general Predifined DeepSpeed stage
deepspeed_config_path None Optional[int] general Path to DeepSpeed config
fsdp_strategy str general FSDP strategy
fsdp_offload True True general Offload weights when using FSDP
seed 42 int general Seed value for random operations
stabilize False bool general Stabilize the model. Convert some weights (e.g. LoRA) to bf16
path_to_env_file ./.env Optional[str] general Custom path to .env file
prepare_dataset True bool general Prepare the dataset. Works only at "prepare" stage
lora_hub_model_id None Optional[str] fuse Fusing LoRA. The name of the LoRA model at the hub for fusing. Example: BobaZooba/Shurale
lora_model_local_path None Optional[str] fuse Fusing LoRA. Local path to the LoRA model
fused_model_local_path None Optional[str] fuse Local path to fused model. Useful if you want to quantize model after fusing on the same machine
fuse_after_training False bool fuse Fuse or not model after training
quantization_dataset_id None Optional[str] gptq quantization Dataset id for GPTQ quantization. You can install either the idi dataset, or use any dataset
quantization_max_samples 1024 int gptq quantization Max samples for GPTQ quantization if you use custom dataset
quantized_model_path ./quantized_model/ str gptq quantization Path to GPTQ quantized model
quantized_hub_model_id None Optional[str] gptq quantization The name of the model at the hub for GPTQ quantization. Example: BobaZooba/Shurale-GPTQ
quantized_hub_private_repo True bool gptq quantization Private repository for GPTQ quantization model or not
dataset_key soda str dataset Key of the dataset for loading from datasets_registry
train_local_path_to_data ./train.jsonl str dataset The path to the local training data file
eval_local_path_to_data None Optional[str] dataset The path to the local eval data file
shuffle True bool dataset Shuffle training data
max_eval_samples 1_000 int dataset Maximum number of examples for evaluation
add_eval_to_train_if_no_path False bool dataset Add evaluation data to training data if their number is greater than max_eval_samples
tokenizer_name_or_path None Optional[str] tokenizer Tokenizer name or path. If the value is not set, then it will be taken from the model_name_or_path
tokenizer_use_fast None Optional[bool] tokenizer Use fast flag for the tokenizer
tokenizer_padding_side None Optional[str] tokenizer Padding side of the collator: None, right or left
collator_key lm str collator Key of the collator for loading from collators_registry
max_length 2048 int collator Max sequence length of the model
model_name_or_path mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1 str model Model name or path. It could be from HuggingFace or locally
push_to_hub_bos_add_bos_token False bool model Upload to the hub tokenization config with add_bos_token equals to True. Might be helpful for TGI
use_flash_attention_2 False bool model Use or not flash attention 2. Requires 1) CUDA >= 11.6; 2) install flash-attn 3) compatible model
trust_remote_code False bool model Trust remote code from HuggingFace
device_map None None model Device map for loading the model
prepare_model_for_kbit_training True bool model Prepare or not for kbit training
load_in_8bit False bool bitsandbytes Load the model in 8 bit using bitsandbytes
load_in_4bit False bool bitsandbytes Load the model in 4 bit using bitsandbytes
llm_int8_threshold 6.0 float bitsandbytes Threshold for outlier detection
llm_int8_has_fp16_weight True bool bitsandbytes LLM has weights in fp16
bnb_4bit_use_double_quant True bool bitsandbytes Double quantization. This will enable a second quantization after the first one to save an additional 0.4 bits per parameter
bnb_4bit_quant_type nf4 str bitsandbytes Quantization type for 4 bit
bnb_quantize_after_model_init False bool bitsandbytes If False, quantization will be at model init
gptq_bits 4 int gptq Bits for GPTQ quantization
gptq_group_size 128 int gptq Group size for GPTQ quantization
gptq_disable_exllama True bool gptq Disable ExLlama kernels for GPTQ quantization
apply_lora False bool lora Apply LoRA to the model or not
lora_rank 8 int lora LoRA rank value. LoRA matrices W_A x R and R x W_B, where R is LoRA rank
lora_alpha 32 int lora LoRA alpha value. The resulting LoRA matrix will be multiplied by this value
lora_dropout 0.1 float lora LoRA dropout value
raw_lora_target_modules all str lora Names of modules to apply LoRA. A comma-separated string, for example: "k,q,v". When setting the value "all", LoRA will be applied to all linear layers, except for the input embeddings and the lm_head.
output_dir ./outputs/ str training arguments The path to the directory where the artifacts will be saved
per_device_train_batch_size 2 int training arguments Batch size on each GPU
do_eval False bool training arguments Run eval or not
per_device_eval_batch_size None Optional[int] training arguments Batch size on each GPU for evaluation. If None per_device_eval_batch_size equals to per_device_train_batch_size
gradient_accumulation_steps 1 int training arguments Number of steps to accumulate gradients
eval_accumulation_steps None Optional[int] training arguments Number of steps to accumulate gradients at evaluation. If None eval_accumulation_steps equals to gradient_accumulation_steps
eval_delay 0 int training arguments Number of epochs or steps to wait for before the first evaluation can be performed, depending on the evaluation_strategy
eval_steps 1_000 Optional[int] training arguments Number of update steps between two evaluations
warmup_steps 1_000 int training arguments Number of steps to warm up
max_steps None Optional[int] training arguments Maximum number of training steps
num_train_epochs 1 int training arguments Number of training epochs
learning_rate 2e-4 float training arguments Learning rate value
max_grad_norm 1.0 float training arguments Clip grad value
weight_decay 0.001 float training arguments Weight decay value
label_smoothing_factor 0.0 float training arguments Label smoothing value
logging_steps 10 int training arguments Number of steps between logging
save_steps 100 int training arguments The number of training steps between saving the checkpoint and uploading to the hub
save_total_limit 1 int training arguments The number of checkpoints that are saved locally
optim paged_adamw_8bit Optional[str] training arguments Optimizer name. It will be overwritten if you use deepspeed
push_to_hub False bool training arguments Upload the model to the hub. The model will be uploaded to the hub every save_steps. If LoRA is used, then LoRA's weights will be loaded onto the hub
hub_model_id None Optional[str] training arguments The name of the model at the hub. Example: BobaZooba/Shurale
hub_private_repo True bool training arguments Private repository or not
report_to_wandb False bool wandb Report or not to Weight & Biases
wandb_api_key None Optional[str] wandb Weight & Biases API key. You can also set this key using .env file
wandb_project None Optional[str] wandb Weight & Biases project name
wandb_entity None Optional[str] wandb Weight & Biases entity name (user or company)

How to extend config

You may need to extend the config. To do this, you will need to inherit from the default config and write your own logic or add fields.


from dataclasses import dataclass, field

from xllm import Config

class DemoXLLMConfig(Config):
    text_field: str = field(default="chosen", metadata={
        "help": "Field for Antropic RLHF dataset",

Next, you will need to add this class to the xllm CLI function calls.


from xllm.cli import cli_run_train

from xllm_demo.core.config import DemoXLLMConfig

if __name__ == "__main__":

How do I choose the methods for training?

  • Another incredibly effective method is LoRA (apply_lora). It allows for a tremendous reduction in training costs and, moreover, helps very effectively combat catastrophic forgetting.
  • Then, I advise using load_in_4bit and prepare_model_for_kbit_training together. This also significantly reduces memory consumption.
  • Lastly, I would recommend apply use_gradient_checkpointing. This method also greatly reduces memory consumption, but at the expense of slowing down training.
  • If your project allows, I suggest enabling push_to_hub and hub_private_repo, also specifying the model name in hub_model_id and save_steps. Example: "BobaZooba/SupaDupaLlama-7B-LoRA". During training, every checkpoint of your model will be saved in the HuggingFace Hub. If you specified apply_lora, then only the LoRA weights will be saved, which you can later easily fuse with the main model, for example, using xllm.
  • If your GPU allows it add use_flash_attention_2
  • I also recommend using report_to_wandb, also specifying wandb_project (the project name in W&B) and wandb_entity (user or organization name in W&B).
  • Note that for push_to_hub, you need to log in to the HuggingFace Hub beforehand or specify the token (HUGGING_FACE_HUB_TOKEN) in the .env file. Similarly, when using report_to_wandb, you will need to log in to W&B. You can either specify the token (WANDB_API_KEY) in the .env file or you will be prompted to enter the token on the command line.

Multiple GPUs training with DeepSpeed

DeepSpeed is needed for training models on multiple GPUs. DeepSpeed allows you to efficiently manage the resources of several GPUs during training. For example, you can distribute the gradients and the state of the optimizer to several GPUs, rather than storing a complete set of gradients and the state of the optimizer on each GPU. Starting training using DeepSpeed can only happen from the command line.

from xllm import Config
from xllm.datasets import GeneralDataset
from xllm.cli import cli_run_train

if __name__ == '__main__':
  train_data = ["Hello!"] * 100
  train_dataset = GeneralDataset.from_list(data=train_data)
  cli_run_train(config_cls=Config, train_dataset=train_dataset)

Run train (in the num_gpus parameter, specify as many GPUs as you have)

deepspeed --num_gpus=8 --deepspeed_stage 2

You also can pass other parameters

deepspeed --num_gpus=8 \
  --deepspeed_stage 2 \
  --apply_lora True \
  --stabilize True \
  --use_gradient_checkpointing True

Special details

DeepSpeed, LoRA and push_to_hub

Currently, when using DeepSpeed, sending a checkpoint to the Hugging Face Hub also results in sending a checkpoint of the entire model in DeepSpeed format. This behavior is planned to be corrected in the future.

DeepSpeed stage 3 and bitsandbytes

Currently, it is not possible to use DeepSpeed Stage 3 and bitsandbytes together. This behavior is planned to be corrected in the future.


Q: How to understand that my GPU is suitable for Flash Attention 2 (use_flash_attention_2)?
A: The simplest and most cost-effective way is to just try running it with this function and without it. For more details, you can refer to this source:

Q: Can I use bitsandbytes int4, bitsandbytes int8 and gptq model at once?
A: You can choose either bitsandbytes int4 or bitsandbytes int8 only. Training through the gptq model is not recommended, but it is supported. Your model must already be converted to the GPTQ format.

Tale Quest

Tale Quest is my personal project which was built using xllm and Shurale. It's an interactive text-based game in Telegram with dynamic AI characters, offering infinite scenarios

You will get into exciting journeys and complete fascinating quests. Chat with George Orwell, Tech Entrepreneur, Young Wizard, Noir Detective, Femme Fatale and many more

Try it now: