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Online Password Cracking

Table of Contents


Default Passwords

Nmap script

http-default-accounts: Tests for access with default credentials used by a variety of web applications and devices.


By default, Nikto identifies default credentials in some common HTTP/HTTPS services (ex. Apache Tomcat)

HTTP Basic Authentication

Web applications using Basic Authentication send user credentials in a request header with the following format:

Authorization: Basic base64(username:password)

Tip: ncrack appears to be the fastest, although any of the below tools work fine


HTTP Command layout
HTTPS Command layout
Example command
hydra -L userpass.txt -P userpass.txt "http-get://"
Other potentially-useful options
-C [FILE]: file with user:pass combinations to try, instead of specifying separately
-M [FILE]: file containing multiple targets to attack
-S: connect using SSL/TLS
-O: connect using old SSLv3 and SSLv2
-U [module]: print additional options for specific module
-f: stop testing against current host when working credentials are found on current host
-F: stop testing against all hosts when working credentials are found on any host
Proxying hydra examples

Set HYDRA_PROXY_HTTP environment variable (for HTTP proxy):

export HYDRA_PROXY_HTTP=http://login:pass@proxy_host:proxy_port

Set HYDRA_PROXY environment variable (for all proxies):

export HYDRA_PROXY=socks5://login:pass@proxy_host:proxy_port


HTTP Command layout
HTTPS Command layout
Example command
medusa -h -U userpass.txt -P userpass.txt -n 8080 -M http -m DIR:/manager/html
Other potentially-useful options
-C [FILE]: file with user:pass or host:user:pass combinations to try, instead of specifying separately
-t [NUM]: number of logins to be tested concurrently
-T [NUM]: number of hosts to be tested concurrently
-f: stop testing against current host when working credentials are found on current host
-F: stop testing against all hosts when working credentials are found on any host
-b: do not display startup banner
-v [NUM]: set verbosity level to [NUM]. Default medusa output is very verbose (every login attempt is printed), so this can be used for cleaner screenshots
"-v 4" will only print successful attempts


HTTP (single host) Command layout
ncrack --user/-U [USERNAME]/[USERNAME_FILE] --pass/-P [PASSWORD]/[PASSWORD_FILE] http://[IP_ADDRESS]:[PORT] -m http:path=[URL_PATH]

[USERNAME] and [PASSWORD] can also be comma-separated lists

HTTPS (single host) Command layout
ncrack --user/-U [USERNAME]/[USERNAME_FILE] --pass/-P [PASSWORD]/[PASSWORD_FILE] https://[IP_ADDRESS]:[PORT] -m https:path=[URL_PATH]

[USERNAME] and [PASSWORD] can also be comma-separated lists

Example command
ncrack -U userpass.txt -P userpass.txt -m http:path=/manager/html
Other potentially-useful options
-f: Stop all testing when working credentials are found on any host
-v: verbose output
-vv: very verbose output

HTTP Form Authenticaton (POST)

Web applications using login forms send user credentials using body parameters in a POST request (using the content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")

Tip: Intercept a login request in Burp Suite in order to identify the target URL, POST data, and any other information.


HTTP command layout
  • [POST_DATA]: Request body contents, fill in insertion points for usernames with ^USER^ and passwords with ^PASS^.
  • [FAILED_LOGIN_STRING]: String encountered in responses when login fails
HTTPS command layout
  • [POST_DATA]: Request body contents, fill in insertion points for usernames with ^USER^ and passwords with ^PASS^.
  • [FAILED_LOGIN_STRING]: String encountered in responses when login fails
Example Command
hydra -L /usr/share/wordlists/metasploit/mirai_user.txt -P /usr/share/wordlists/metasploit/mirai_user.txt "http-post-form://^USER^&password=^PASS^&LocalAuth=No&LocalAuthWithDomain=No&loginButton=Login:Username or Password is incorrect"
Other potentially-useful options
-C [FILE]: file with user:pass combinations to try, instead of specifying separately
-M [FILE]: file containing multiple targets to attack
-S: connect using SSL/TLS
-O: connect using old SSLv3 and SSLv2
-U [module]: print additional options for specific module
-f: stop testing against current host when working credentials are found on current host
-F: stop testing against all hosts when working credentials are found on any host
Proxying hydra examples

Set HYDRA_PROXY_HTTP environment variable (for HTTP proxy):

export HYDRA_PROXY_HTTP=http://login:pass@proxy_host:proxy_port

Set HYDRA_PROXY environment variable (for all proxies):

export HYDRA_PROXY=socks5://login:pass@proxy_host:proxy_port

Burp Suite Intruder

Intruder in Burp Suite Free Version is VERY slow, so this method should be avoided in favor of faster methods.


Notable SSH wordlists

  • piata_ssh_userpass.txt (Provided by the Metasploit Framework: /usr/share/wordlists/metasploit/piata_ssh_userpass.txt)


Command layout


Other potentially-useful options

-C [FILE]: file with user:pass or host:user:pass combinations to try, instead of specifying separately (any of the three options can be blank per line)
-t [NUM]: number of logins to be tested concurrently
-T [NUM]: number of hosts to be tested concurrently
-f: stop testing against current host when working credentials are found on current host
-F: stop testing against all hosts when working credentials are found on any host
-b: do not display startup banner
-v [NUM]: set verbosity level to [NUM]; Default medusa output is very verbose (every login attempt is printed), so this can be used for cleaner screenshots
"-v 4" will only print successful attempts


Command layout

ncrack --user/-U [USERNAME]/[USERNAME_FILE] --pass/-P [PASSWORD]/[PASSWORD_FILE] ssh://[HOST]:[PORT]


Command layout

nmap -p22 -sS -Pn --script ssh-brute --script-args "userdb=[USER_LIST_FILE],passdb=[PASSWORD_LIST_FILE]" [HOST]

Other useful options

brute.useraspass: try username as password for each username


RDP password cracking is VERY SLOW, and should not be relied upon if there are other penetration options available.


Command layout

ncrack --user/-U [USERNAME]/[USERNAME_FILE] --pass/-P [PASSWORD]/[PASSWORD_FILE] rdp://[HOST],CL=1