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Chee Yong edited this page Jul 11, 2022 · 8 revisions


Note: This ModmailBot does not support multi server setup

1. Open the config file

Open the config.js file in the bot's folder. If you don't have a code editor software such as Visual Studio Code, you can simply open the file with a text editor.

2. Configuration Variables

View an example of configured config.js

Key Description Required
token Your Bot's Token (e.g. MjQ1NTU5MDg3NGI0MjE2ODMy.AulyxA.brcD2xRAqjACTuMcGPwy4TWVQdg) true
databaseURI Your MongoDB Database URI (e.g. mongodb+srv://Username:<password> true
guildID Your modmail thread server ID (the server you use to receive modmails) true
category ID of the category where threads will be created true
roleID ID of the role for modmail staff(s) (users without this role cannot reply, view, delete modmails) true
prefix The prefix of the bot true
colors Specify the colors for primary, success, error and custom true
customReply Able to customize replies in some situation false
activity Your Bot's Status false
threadCloseDelay Delay (deleting a channel) after a staff runs the close or delete thread command false
logThreads Threads logging (log the thread when someone closes a thread) false
notifyMsg A notification message when someone creates a thread (such as pings and .etc) false
webhookURI Webhook that will be trigger when someone closes a thread false
logsURI Threads logging URL false
port The port where modmail logs viewer will be hosted (this will enable the logs viewer) false
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