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work on methods in progress
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Liam Cain committed Nov 29, 2011
1 parent 144db5a commit 3b5b546
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Showing 3 changed files with 233 additions and 44 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions String.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
145 changes: 101 additions & 44 deletions
@@ -1,65 +1,122 @@
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
import re
# import sublime
# import sublime_plugin
# import re
# import os

completions = []
# completions = []

class DisplayFunctionsCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
# class DisplayFunctionsCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):

# def run(self, edit):

def run(self, edit):
# sel = self.view.sel()[0]
# word = self.view.word(sel.end() - 1)
# string = self.view.substr(word).strip()

sel = self.view.sel()[0]
word = self.view.word(sel.end() - 1)
string = self.view.substr(word).strip()
regions = self.view.find_all('(?<![\\w])' + re.escape(string) + '\\b')
# if not self.is_proceeding_method(word):

self.view.insert(edit, sel.end(), ".") # this is for when the plugin is eventually mapped to "."
# regions = self.view.find_all('(?<![\\w])' + re.escape(string) + '\\b')

for r in regions:
prev_end = r.begin() - 2
prev_word = self.view.word(prev_end)
# self.view.insert(edit, sel.end(), ".")

if "storage.type" in self.view.scope_name(prev_word.begin()):
print "Class: " + self.view.substr(prev_word)
# for r in regions:
# prev_end = r.begin() - 2
# prev_word = self.view.word(prev_end)

self.view.run_command('auto_complete', {'disable_auto_insert': True})

# if "storage.type" in self.view.scope_name(prev_word.begin()):
# print "Class: " + self.view.substr(prev_word)
# self.add_functions(self.view.substr(prev_word))

# self.view.run_command('auto_complete', {'disable_auto_insert': True})
# break

# return

# def get_package_dir(self):
# return os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), "Display-Functions")

#This function will take a classname and return a list of all the class methods
#Will use find_by_selector(selector)
def add_functions(self, classname):

# def prev(self, word):
# return self.view.word(word.begin() - 2)
# def next(self, word):
# return self.view.word(word.end() + 2)

# def get_type(self, current_word):
# string = self.view.substr(current_word)
# regions = self.view.find_all('(?<![\\w])' + re.escape(string) + '\\b')
# for r in regions:
# prev_word = self.prev(r)
# print self.view.substr(prev_word)

# if "storage.type" in self.view.scope_name(prev_word.begin()):
# return self.view.substr(prev_word)

this_file = self.view.file_name()
print this_file

# def is_proceeding_method(self, word):
# prev_word = self.prev(word)
# while "storage.type" in self.view.scope_name(prev_word.begin()):
# prev_word = self.view.word(prev_word.begin() - 2)
# current_word = prev_word

dir_len = this_file.rfind('/') #(for OSX)
# word_type = self.get_type(current_word)
# regions = self.view.find_all('(?<![\\w])' + re.escape(word_type) + '\\b')

# for r in regions:
# prev_word = self.prev(r)
# print self.view.substr(prev_word)

# if "storage.type" in self.view.scope_name(prev_word.begin()):
# print "method"
# with open(filename, 'r') as f:
# read_data =
# current_word =
# return_type = self.prev(re.find(current_word))
# print return_type
# return True

# def check_str(self, classname, check_name):
# if classname == check_name:
# check_path = os.path.join(self.get_package_dir(), check_name)
# check_path += '.txt'
# print check_path

# with open(check_path, 'r') as f:
# str_fun =
# return str_fun

# #This function will take a classname and return a list of all the class methods
# #Will use find_by_selector(selector)
# def add_functions(self, classname):

# methods = self.check_str(classname, "String")

if not dir_len > 0:
dir_len = this_file.rfind('\\') #(for Windows)
# if not methods:
# this_file = self.view.file_name()

this_dir = this_file[:(dir_len + 1)] # + 1 for the '/'
filename = this_dir + classname + ".java"
# dir_len = this_file.rfind('/') #(for OSX)

print filename
# if not dir_len > 0:
# dir_len = this_file.rfind('\\') #(for Windows)

with open(filename, 'r') as f:
read_data =
methods = re.findall("(\w+)\s*\(", read_data) #Regex taken from Java.tmLanguage (needs fix)
# this_dir = this_file[:(dir_len + 1)] # + 1 for the '/'
# filename = this_dir + classname + ".java"

methods = list(set(methods)) #to remove duplicates
# with open(filename, 'r') as f:
# read_data =
# methods = re.findall("(\w+)\s*\(", read_data) #Regex taken from Java.tmLanguage

print 'methods: '
print methods
# methods = list(set(methods)) #to remove duplicates

del completions[:]
# del completions[:]

for m in methods:
completions.append(m + "()")
# for m in methods:
# m.strip('h')
# completions.append(m + "()")

class FillAutoComplete(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_query_completions(self, view, prefix, locations):
return [(x, x) for x in completions]
# class FillAutoComplete(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
# def on_query_completions(self, view, prefix, locations):
# return [(x, x) for x in completions]
121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
import re
import os

completions = []

class DisplayFunctionsCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):

# while previous word is a method
# go back && count ++

# now have root word

# get type of root
#while less than count
# open up file
# get return type of next method

#open up file and get methods...

def run(self, edit):

sel = self.view.sel()[0]
word = self.view.word(sel.end() - 1)
#string = self.view.substr(word).strip()
count = 0

prev_word = self.prev(word)

print self.view.substr(prev_word)


while "meta.method" in self.view.scope_name(prev_word.begin()):
prev_word = self.prev(prev_word)
count = count + 1

root = prev_word


return_type = self.get_type(root)

i = 0
while i < count:
filename = self.make_filename(return_type)
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
read_data =
return_type ='(\w+)\W+\w+$', read_data)
print return_type


def make_filename(self, classname):
this_file = self.view.file_name()

dir_len = this_file.rfind('/') #(for OSX)

if not dir_len > 0:
dir_len = this_file.rfind('\\') #(for Windows)

this_dir = this_file[:(dir_len + 1)] # + 1 for the '/'
return this_dir + classname + ".java"

def get_package_dir(self):
return os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), "Display-Functions")

def prev(self, word):
return self.view.word(word.begin() - 2)

def next(self, word):
return self.view.word(word.end() + 2)

def get_type(self, current_word):
string = self.view.substr(current_word)
regions = self.view.find_all('(?<![\\w])' + re.escape(string) + '\\b')
for r in regions:
prev_word = self.prev(r)
print self.view.substr(prev_word)

if "storage.type" in self.view.scope_name(prev_word.begin()):
return self.view.substr(prev_word)

def check_str(self, classname, check_name):
if classname == check_name:
check_path = os.path.join(self.get_package_dir(), check_name)
check_path += '.txt'
print check_path

with open(check_path, 'r') as f:
str_fun =
return str_fun

#This function will take a classname and return a list of all the class methods
#Will use find_by_selector(selector)
def add_functions(self, classname):

methods = self.check_str(classname, "String")

if not methods:

filename = self.make_filename(classname)

with open(filename, 'r') as f:
read_data =
methods = re.findall("(\w+)\s*\(", read_data) #Regex taken from Java.tmLanguage

methods = list(set(methods)) #to remove duplicates

del completions[:]

for m in methods:
completions.append(m + "()")

class FillAutoComplete(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_query_completions(self, view, prefix, locations):
return [(x, x) for x in completions]

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