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Inflammation Index R Package

Table of Contents

  1. Installation and Dependencies
    1. Installing R and the InflammationIndex Package
    2. Example Datasets for this README
  2. Use with the Microglia Morphology Analysis Fiji Plugin
    1. Step 1: Loading in Data (morphPreProcessing() function)
    2. Step 2: Constructing the Inflammation Index (constructInfInd() function)
    3. Step 3: Apply the Inflammation Index to test data (applyInfInd() function)

Installation and Dependencies

Installing R and the InflammationIndex Package

To begin using R, you need to install R from this site. You also need to download and install a development environment. We recommend RStudio. A good walkthrough is available here.

Once you’ve started R, the InflammationIndex package can be installed first by installing and loading devtools to enable installing packages directly from GitHub, then installing the InflammationIndex package from GitHub.

To do this, type in and execute the following code:

install_github("BrainEnergyLab/Inflammation-Index/R Package")

Then load in the package using:


You’ll also want to install and load the data.table package, which we use in the InflammationIndex functions, and in this README, using the following code:


Example Datasets for this README

This README contains links to example datasets users can download in order to follow along with. These are the:

Use with the Microglia Morphology Analysis Fiji Plugin

Step 1: Loading in Data (morphPreProcessing() function)

Example Input Files from the Fiji Plugin

After users have run the Microglia Morphology Analysis Fiji plugin (see here), the morphPreProcessing() function from the InflammationIndex R package can be used to read in and collate all the morphological metrics extracted.

This function reads in the .csv files produced by the Fiji plugin e.g. Example cell parameters Example sholl parameters

As well as the .txt files generated by the FracLac plugin e.g.

Example FracLac parameters

Specifying Input Arguments

This function requires users to specify:

  • pixelSize: The pixel size in microns (assuming a square pixel)
    • Double
    • e.g. 0.58
  • morphologyWD: The file path to the ‘Output’ folder of the ‘Working Directory’ of the Fiji plugin passed as a string
    • String
    • e.g. ‘/Working Directory/Output’
    • For the examples here we are using a path to ‘Working Directory/Output/’ from this Fji example output directory.
  • animalIDs: A string vector where each element is the ID of an animal that users want to extract data for
    • String vector
    • e.g. c(‘Animal1’, ‘Animal2’)
  • treatmentIDs: A string vector where each element is the ID of the treatment applied that users want to extract data for
    • String vector
    • e.g. c(‘Timepoint1’, ‘Timepoint2’)

Optional inputs:

  • TCSExclude: a numeric vector of mask size values that users want to exclude from the data collation
    • Integer vector
    • e.g. c(600, 700)
    • Defaults to NULL (no values are excluded)
  • useFrac: a boolean that indicates whether the user wants to include data from FracLac in their collation
    • Boolean
    • e.g. TRUE
    • Defaults to False

The output of the function is a data.table where each row is a cell and the columns indicate morphological metrics.

Here we are specifying our arguments, note we’ve opted to include the data obtained from the FracLac ImageJ plugin:

 # Pixel size in microns
pixelSize = 0.58

# Output directory of the MicroMorph.ijm script as a string
morphologyWD = "/Microglial Morphology/Output" 

# Vector of strings identifying the names of the animals images were captured 
# from and matching the names of the Animal level folders
animalIDs = c('HIPP5', 'HIPP6', 'HIPP7')

# Vector of strings identifying different treatments and matching the names 
# of the Treatment level folders
treatmentIDs = c('Pre-LPS', 'Post-LPS') 

# Optional:

# Boolean indicating whether to use the output of the FracLac plugin
useFrac = TRUE

# String vector of mask sizes to exclude from the preprocessing function, can also take NULL
TCSExclude = NULL
# Alternatively:
# TCSExclude = c(400, 500, 600)

Retrieving IDs from the Fiji Plugin Folder Structure

To avoid having to manually input the animal and treatment IDs, users can use the getAnimalAndTreatmentIDs() function to return a list, the only input is:

  • imageStorageDirectory: the file path to the ‘Image Storage directory’ that users used with the Fiji plugin, passed as a string
    • String
    • e.g. ‘Image Storage Directory/’

The function returns a list with two elements:

  • treatmentIDs: a string vector of treatment IDs
  • animalIDs: a string vector of animal IDs

These can be passed directly to the treatmentIDs and animalIDs arguments in morphPreProcessing().

Here we’re using a path to the ‘Image Storage Directory’ in the example data found at our Fiji example data directory as our input argument imageStorageDirectory.

# e.g.
# imageStorageDirectory = '/Users/Downloads/Image Storage Directory/'

idList = getAnimalAndTreatmentIDs(imageStorageDirectory)
treatmentIDs = idList$treatmentIDs
animalIDs = idList$animalIDs

## $treatmentIDs
## [1] "HFD21"
## $animalIDs
## [1] "CE1L"

Here we’re using a path to the ‘Working Directory/Output’ in the example data found at our Fiji example data directory as our morphologyWD argument. The value for pixelSize was specified earlier as 0.58, as was the value for useFrac. The animalIDs and treatmentIDs values are being passed from the output of getAnimalAndTreatmentIDs as demonstrated in the cell above.

output = 
    pixelSize = pixelSize, morphologyWD = morphologyWD, 
    animalIDs = animalIDs, treatmentIDs = treatmentIDs,
    useFrac = useFrac)

The returned value, output, is a data.table object. This data.table is a table that combines all the measurements taken by our Fiji plugin. The columns in the output table are:

  • Animal: animal ID
    • String
    • These values match the values in the animalIDs input
  • Treatment: treatment ID
    • String
    • These values match the values in the treatmentIDs input
  • TCSValue: The mask size value this row’s metrics relate to
    • Integer
  • UniqueID: is a unique identifier for each row (a combination of animal, treatment, mask size, and name of the mask file)
    • String
  • CellNo: (second to last column) is an identifier for each cell that is duplicated if a cell has measurements taken at multiple TCSValue levels.
    • Integer

All other columns are morphological metrics, e.g. CellSpread. Below is a print out of the first 10 rows of our output table ordered by Animal, then CellNo, then TCSValue.

Note here that some rows have identical measurements. This can occur when automated cell segmentation creates the same mask for a given cell across multiple TCSValue values. This is a result of the cell segmentation converging on a certain threshold to use for segmentation. This is intended behaviour.

head(output[order(Animal,CellNo, TCSValue)], 10)
##     Animal Treatment TCSValue
##  1:   CE1L     HFD21      300
##  2:   CE1L     HFD21      400
##  3:   CE1L     HFD21      500
##  4:   CE1L     HFD21      600
##  5:   CE1L     HFD21      700
##  6:   CE1L     HFD21      800
##  7:   CE1L     HFD21      200
##  8:   CE1L     HFD21      300
##  9:   CE1L     HFD21      400
## 10:   CE1L     HFD21      500
##                                                       UniqueID
##  1:  ce1lhfd21300candidate mask for 10-20 x 17828 y 433108 tif
##  2:  ce1lhfd21400candidate mask for 10-20 x 17828 y 433108 tif
##  3:  ce1lhfd21500candidate mask for 10-20 x 17828 y 433108 tif
##  4:  ce1lhfd21600candidate mask for 10-20 x 17828 y 433108 tif
##  5:  ce1lhfd21700candidate mask for 10-20 x 17828 y 433108 tif
##  6:  ce1lhfd21800candidate mask for 10-20 x 17828 y 433108 tif
##  7: ce1lhfd21200candidate mask for 10-20 x 228978 y 298356 tif
##  8: ce1lhfd21300candidate mask for 10-20 x 228978 y 298356 tif
##  9: ce1lhfd21400candidate mask for 10-20 x 228978 y 298356 tif
## 10: ce1lhfd21500candidate mask for 10-20 x 228978 y 298356 tif
##     CellParametersPerimeter CellSpread Eccentricity Roundness SomaSize MaskSize
##  1:                337.5485    24.0163       2.1762   0.03985  27.9212 361.2940
##  2:                337.5485    24.0163       2.1762   0.03985  27.9212 361.2940
##  3:                337.5485    24.0163       2.1762   0.03985  27.9212 361.2940
##  4:                337.5485    24.0163       2.1762   0.03985  27.9212 361.2940
##  5:                337.5485    24.0163       2.1762   0.03985  27.9212 361.2940
##  6:                337.5485    24.0163       2.1762   0.03985  27.9212 361.2940
##  7:                 85.4561     8.9277       1.3486   0.19510  20.1840 113.3669
##  8:                245.3896    17.0824       1.4252   0.06564  20.1840 314.5343
##  9:                245.3896    17.0824       1.4252   0.06564  20.1840 314.5343
## 10:                245.3896    17.0824       1.4252   0.06564  20.1840 314.5343
##     #Branches #Junctions #End-pointvoxels #Junctionvoxels #Slabvoxels
##  1:        35         15               20              41         191
##  2:        35         15               20              41         191
##  3:        35         15               20              41         191
##  4:        35         15               20              41         191
##  5:        35         15               20              41         191
##  6:        35         15               20              41         191
##  7:        10          4                7               9          50
##  8:        30         13               17              39         149
##  9:        30         13               17              39         149
## 10:        30         13               17              39         149
##     AverageBranchLength #Triplepoints #Quadruplepoints MaximumBranchLength
##  1:              5.0535            11                3             13.4753
##  2:              5.0535            11                3             13.4753
##  3:              5.0535            11                3             13.4753
##  4:              5.0535            11                3             13.4753
##  5:              5.0535            11                3             13.4753
##  6:              5.0535            11                3             13.4753
##  7:              4.6581             3                1              7.9210
##  8:              4.8348            10                2             13.2817
##  9:              4.8348            10                2             13.2817
## 10:              4.8348            10                2             13.2817
##     LongestShortestPath SkelArea CriticalValue EnclosingRadius
##  1:             73.4044  84.7729  2.277565e+00        34.10392
##  2:             73.4044  84.7729  2.277565e+00        34.10392
##  3:             73.4044  84.7729  2.277565e+00        34.10392
##  4:             73.4044  84.7729  2.277565e+00        34.10392
##  5:             73.4044  84.7729  2.277565e+00        34.10392
##  6:             73.4044  84.7729  2.277565e+00        34.10392
##  7:             22.6403  22.2024  1.690778e+14        14.46011
##  8:             63.5910  68.9621            NA        20.84011
##  9:             63.5910  68.9621            NA        20.84011
## 10:             63.5910  68.9621            NA        20.84011
##     MaximumNumberofIntersections Skewness(sampled)
##  1:                            7        -0.2103932
##  2:                            7        -0.2103932
##  3:                            7        -0.2103932
##  4:                            7        -0.2103932
##  5:                            7        -0.2103932
##  6:                            7        -0.2103932
##  7:                            3        -0.2937964
##  8:                            8         0.2661271
##  9:                            8         0.2661271
## 10:                            8         0.2661271
##     RegressionIntercept(Semi-log)[P10-P90] RegressionCoefficient(semi-log)
##  1:                              -1.913573                      -0.1819827
##  2:                              -1.913573                      -0.1819827
##  3:                              -1.913573                      -0.1819827
##  4:                              -1.913573                      -0.1819827
##  5:                              -1.913573                      -0.1819827
##  6:                              -1.913573                      -0.1819827
##  7:                              -2.617455                      -0.2387706
##  8:                              -2.127898                      -0.1902941
##  9:                              -2.127898                      -0.1902941
## 10:                              -2.127898                      -0.1902941
##     MeanValue RegressionIntercept(semi-log) RamificationIndex(fit)
##  1:  3.720781                     -2.206013               6.595027
##  2:  3.720781                     -2.206013               6.595027
##  3:  3.720781                     -2.206013               6.595027
##  4:  3.720781                     -2.206013               6.595027
##  5:  3.720781                     -2.206013               6.595027
##  6:  3.720781                     -2.206013               6.595027
##  7:  2.142856                     -2.528711               3.160871
##  8:        NA                     -2.271791                     NA
##  9:        NA                     -2.271791                     NA
## 10:        NA                     -2.271791                     NA
##     Kurtosis(sampled) PolynomialDegree IntersectingRadii CentroidRadius
##  1:        -1.5171886               27                54      18.733908
##  2:        -1.5171886               27                54      18.733908
##  3:        -1.5171886               27                54      18.733908
##  4:        -1.5171886               27                54      18.733908
##  5:        -1.5171886               27                54      18.733908
##  6:        -1.5171886               27                54      18.733908
##  7:        -1.5878508               14                21       8.660103
##  8:        -0.4671162               NA                32      11.850105
##  9:        -0.4671162               NA                32      11.850105
## 10:        -0.4671162               NA                32      11.850105
##     RegressionCoefficient(Log-log)[P10-P90] MaxIntersectionRadius
##  1:                               -3.008099             10.323904
##  2:                               -3.008099             10.323904
##  3:                               -3.008099             10.323904
##  4:                               -3.008099             10.323904
##  5:                               -3.008099             10.323904
##  6:                               -3.008099             10.323904
##  7:                               -1.689856              4.600101
##  8:                               -1.889429             12.140105
##  9:                               -1.889429             12.140105
## 10:                               -1.889429             12.140105
##     PrimaryBranches MedianofIntersections
##  1:               1                   4.5
##  2:               1                   4.5
##  3:               1                   4.5
##  4:               1                   4.5
##  5:               1                   4.5
##  6:               1                   4.5
##  7:               1                   2.0
##  8:               1                   4.0
##  9:               1                   4.0
## 10:               1                   4.0
##     RegressionCoefficient(semi-log)[P10-P90] RegressionIntercept(Log-log)
##  1:                               -0.1957838                    1.3719607
##  2:                               -0.1957838                    1.3719607
##  3:                               -0.1957838                    1.3719607
##  4:                               -0.1957838                    1.3719607
##  5:                               -0.1957838                    1.3719607
##  6:                               -0.1957838                    1.3719607
##  7:                               -0.2254427                   -0.9958107
##  8:                               -0.1971739                   -0.5304139
##  9:                               -0.1971739                   -0.5304139
## 10:                               -0.1971739                   -0.5304139
##     RamificationIndex(sampled) RegressionIntercept(Log-log)[P10-P90]
##  1:                          7                            2.94181923
##  2:                          7                            2.94181923
##  3:                          7                            2.94181923
##  4:                          7                            2.94181923
##  5:                          7                            2.94181923
##  6:                          7                            2.94181923
##  7:                          3                           -1.03891847
##  8:                          8                            0.04722433
##  9:                          8                            0.04722433
## 10:                          8                            0.04722433
##     RegressionCoefficient(Log-log) SumofIntersections Kurtosis(fit)
##  1:                      -2.517894                201     -1.568975
##  2:                      -2.517894                201     -1.568975
##  3:                      -2.517894                201     -1.568975
##  4:                      -2.517894                201     -1.568975
##  5:                      -2.517894                201     -1.568975
##  6:                      -2.517894                201     -1.568975
##  7:                      -1.747633                 45     -1.579314
##  8:                      -1.705895                134            NA
##  9:                      -1.705895                134            NA
## 10:                      -1.705895                134            NA
##     CentroidValue CriticalRadius MeanofIntersections
##  1:      3.722222       28.33172            3.722222
##  2:      3.722222       28.33172            3.722222
##  3:      3.722222       28.33172            3.722222
##  4:      3.722222       28.33172            3.722222
##  5:      3.722222       28.33172            3.722222
##  6:      3.722222       28.33172            3.722222
##  7:      2.142857       17.58189            2.142857
##  8:      4.187500             NA            4.187500
##  9:      4.187500             NA            4.187500
## 10:      4.187500             NA            4.187500
##     Density=ForegroundPixels/HullArea SpanRatio(major/minoraxis)
##  1:                         0.1044186                     1.9135
##  2:                         0.1044186                     1.9135
##  3:                         0.1044186                     1.9135
##  4:                         0.1044186                     1.9135
##  5:                         0.1044186                     1.9135
##  6:                         0.1044186                     1.9135
##  7:                         0.2076261                     1.1423
##  8:                         0.1452239                     1.2212
##  9:                         0.1452239                     1.2212
## 10:                         0.1452239                     1.2212
##     MaximumSpanAcrossHull      Area HullandCircularityPerimeter Circularity
##  1:              55.68302 1163.9440                   141.15982      0.7340
##  2:              55.68302 1163.9440                   141.15982      0.7340
##  3:              55.68302 1163.9440                   141.15982      0.7340
##  4:              55.68302 1163.9440                   141.15982      0.7340
##  5:              55.68302 1163.9440                   141.15982      0.7340
##  6:              55.68302 1163.9440                   141.15982      0.7340
##  7:              17.40969  183.6744                    51.09591      0.8841
##  8:              35.39902  728.6424                   101.58770      0.8872
##  9:              35.39902  728.6424                   101.58770      0.8872
## 10:              35.39902  728.6424                   101.58770      0.8872
##     MaximumRadiusfromHull'sCentreofMass Max/MinRadii CVforallRadii MeanRadius
##  1:                            33.89595       2.4700        0.2527   23.80326
##  2:                            33.89595       2.4700        0.2527   23.80326
##  3:                            33.89595       2.4700        0.2527   23.80326
##  4:                            33.89595       2.4700        0.2527   23.80326
##  5:                            33.89595       2.4700        0.2527   23.80326
##  6:                            33.89595       2.4700        0.2527   23.80326
##  7:                            10.68870       1.6847        0.1519    8.46742
##  8:                            18.94524       1.3895        0.1094   16.52756
##  9:                            18.94524       1.3895        0.1094   16.52756
## 10:                            18.94524       1.3895        0.1094   16.52756
##     DiameterofBoundingCircle MaximumRadiusfromCircle'sCentre
##  1:                 56.34538                       28.172688
##  2:                 56.34538                       28.172688
##  3:                 56.34538                       28.172688
##  4:                 56.34538                       28.172688
##  5:                 56.34538                       28.172688
##  6:                 56.34538                       28.172688
##  7:                 17.67962                        8.839838
##  8:                 36.40996                       18.204982
##  9:                 36.40996                       18.204982
## 10:                 36.40996                       18.204982
##     Max/MinRadiifromCircle'sCentre CVforallRadiifromCircle'sCentre
##  1:                         1.4317                          0.1286
##  2:                         1.4317                          0.1286
##  3:                         1.4317                          0.1286
##  4:                         1.4317                          0.1286
##  5:                         1.4317                          0.1286
##  6:                         1.4317                          0.1286
##  7:                         1.1591                          0.0488
##  8:                         1.3701                          0.0985
##  9:                         1.3701                          0.0985
## 10:                         1.3701                          0.0985
##     MeanRadiusfromCircle'sCentre FractalDimension Lacunarity CellNo
##  1:                    25.461014           1.3991     0.6822      1
##  2:                    25.461014           1.3991     0.6822      1
##  3:                    25.461014           1.3991     0.6822      1
##  4:                    25.461014           1.3991     0.6822      1
##  5:                    25.461014           1.3991     0.6822      1
##  6:                    25.461014           1.3991     0.6822      1
##  7:                     8.485574           1.3704     0.5695      2
##  8:                    16.707074           1.4293     0.5832      2
##  9:                    16.707074           1.4293     0.5832      2
## 10:                    16.707074           1.4293     0.5832      2
##     BranchingDensity
##  1:       0.07283246
##  2:       0.07283246
##  3:       0.07283246
##  4:       0.07283246
##  5:       0.07283246
##  6:       0.07283246
##  7:       0.12087912
##  8:       0.09464464
##  9:       0.09464464
## 10:       0.09464464

Step 2: Constructing the Inflammation Index (constructInfInd() function)

Once users have an output from the morphPreProcessing() function, descibed in detail in Step #1, they can use this to generate an Inflammation Index based on training conditions using the constructInfInd() function. This function takes one required arguments:

  • procDat: this is the filtered data.table output by the morphPreProcessing() function that is limited to your positive control / training conditions in the ‘Treatment’ column
    • This table should have two unique values in the ‘Treatment’ column.
    • This table should have multiple ‘TCSValue’ values as the function compares TCS value against one another to pick the value that provides the best morphological discrimination between training conditions.
    • We will be filtering the Example morphPreProcessing() Function Output to match these requirements for our example code.

For the following examples we’re going to run this function on the Example morphPreProcessing() Function Output. It’s worth noting that this data was processed with a legacy version of the Fiji plugin, and also collated with a legacy version of the morphPreProcessing function. In addition, it doesn’t have any FracLac data included. However, it has the same structure as the data that is output by the current version of this function and can still be used for all the functions we’re demonstrating here.

We’re not running the examples on the data we extracted using morphPreProcessing() in Step #1 as that example data only covers a single animal at a single treatment level.

Here we use the fread function to read in a .csv file as a data.table - our pathToExampleData argument is just a string that is the path to where we’ve downloaded the Example morphPreProcessing() Function Output. Note that this string must include the name of the file you’ve saved e.g. ‘Users/Test/Downloads/ExampleData.csv’.

# Read in our example data
output = fread(pathToExampleData)

# Show that this data has the same format as the output of morphPreProcessing()
##    TCSValue Animal Treatment
## 1:      800   BT1R       D49
## 2:      500 HIPP17       D30
## 3:      500   CE1L   D2HOURS
## 4:      800 WICKET       D14
## 5:      800   BT1R        D3
## 6:      500   BU2L        D1
##                                                 UniqueID Perimeter CellSpread
## 1:     BT1RD49CANDIDATEMASKFORSUBSTACK(21-30)X100Y159800   444.190     27.598
## 2:   HIPP17D30CANDIDATEMASKFORSUBSTACK(21-30)X100Y249500   327.259     24.864
## 3: CE1LD2HOURSCANDIDATEMASKFORSUBSTACK(21-30)X100Y348500   263.188     21.937
## 4:   WICKETD14CANDIDATEMASKFORSUBSTACK(21-30)X100Y375800   480.572     30.771
## 5:      BT1RD3CANDIDATEMASKFORSUBSTACK(21-30)X100Y380800   402.979     23.340
## 6:       BU2LD1CANDIDATEMASKFORSUBSTACK(21-30)X100Y61500   381.371     24.091
##    Eccentricity Roundness SomaSize MaskSize #Branches #Junctions
## 1:        1.783     0.041   47.432  637.478        59         29
## 2:        1.758     0.053   51.133  450.776        32         15
## 3:        1.632     0.067   37.004  372.058        29         13
## 4:        1.411     0.034   38.350  631.759        54         25
## 5:        1.991     0.050   31.622  646.224        61         32
## 6:        1.233     0.049   66.271  562.461        42         19
##    #End-pointvoxels #Junctionvoxels #Slabvoxels AverageBranchLength
## 1:               23              55         301               4.565
## 2:               17              31         214               5.555
## 3:               17              33         165               5.103
## 4:               28              54         320               5.232
## 5:               15              55         330               4.674
## 6:               22              37         261               5.225
##    #Triplepoints #Quadruplepoints MaximumBranchLength LongestShortestPath
## 1:            21                8              16.902              89.368
## 2:            13                2              20.424              71.090
## 3:            12                0              12.618              61.586
## 4:            22                1              17.043             106.993
## 5:            21               11              15.403             126.398
## 6:            15                3              18.062              72.768
##    SkelArea Ibranches(inferred) Intersectingradii Suminters. Meaninters.
## 1:  127.496                   1                65        250        3.85
## 2:   88.137                   2                45        182        4.04
## 3:   72.326                   1                46        157        3.41
## 4:  135.233                   1                61        285        4.67
## 5:  134.560                   1                58        240        4.14
## 6:  107.648                   1                45        235        5.22
##    Medianinters. Skewness(sampled) Kurtosis(sampled) Maxinters.
## 1:           4.0        -0.0006346             -1.12          8
## 2:           4.0         0.5800000             -0.10         10
## 3:           3.5         0.4500000             -0.40          8
## 4:           5.0         0.0900000             -0.69          9
## 5:           2.0         0.7100000             -1.01         11
## 6:           5.0         0.2700000             -0.99         12
##    Maxinters.radius Ramificationindex(sampled) Centroidradius Centroidvalue
## 1:            15.49                          8          26.53          4.77
## 2:            12.73                          5          18.51          5.31
## 3:            10.39                          8          20.45          4.78
## 4:            11.03                          9          42.67          9.08
## 5:            14.19                         11          18.91          4.45
## 6:            13.87                         12          15.93          5.43
##    Enclosingradius Criticalvalue Criticalradius Meanvalue
## 1:           41.01          6.04          15.45      3.88
## 2:           29.55          7.27          13.45      4.10
## 3:           29.53          5.62          10.04      3.47
## 4:           38.29          7.34          10.10      4.73
## 5:           36.23          9.47          13.75      4.19
## 6:           30.11         10.24          13.29      5.31
##    Ramificationindex(fit) Skewness(fit) Kurtosis(fit)
## 1:                   6.04         -0.16         -1.53            7
## 2:                   3.64          0.16         -1.20            7
## 3:                   5.62          0.05         -1.24            8
## 4:                   7.34         -0.18         -0.99            8
## 5:                   9.47          0.52         -1.34            8
## 6:                  10.24          0.13         -1.30            7
##    Regressioncoefficient(Semi-log) Regressionintercept(Semi-log)
## 1:                            0.15                         -2.60
## 2:                            0.18                         -2.21
## 3:                            0.18                         -2.41
## 4:                            0.13                         -2.72
## 5:                            0.17                         -2.36
## 6:                            0.18                         -2.17
##    Regressioncoefficient(Semi-log)[P10-P90]
## 1:                                     0.16
## 2:                                     0.18
## 3:                                     0.19
## 4:                                     0.15
## 5:                                     0.20
## 6:                                     0.19
##    Regressionintercept(Semi-log)[P10-P90] Regressioncoefficient(Log-log)
## 1:                                  -2.34                           2.48
## 2:                                  -2.14                           2.40
## 3:                                  -2.24                           2.27
## 4:                                  -2.37                           2.09
## 5:                                  -1.79                           2.39
## 6:                                  -1.77                           2.30
##    Regressionintercept(Log-log) Regressioncoefficient(Log-log)[P10-P90]
## 1:                         1.44                                    3.02
## 2:                         1.14                                    2.60
## 3:                         0.67                                    2.64
## 4:                         0.54                                    2.73
## 5:                         1.02                                    3.16
## 6:                         1.04                                    2.73
##    Regressionintercept(Log-log)[P10-P90] CellNo
## 1:                                  3.19   4083
## 2:                                  1.91      1
## 3:                                  1.87      2
## 4:                                  2.54   4084
## 5:                                  3.46   4085
## 6:                                  2.55      3

In order to construct an inflammation index from this data, we need to subset out the rows that correspond to our positive control conditions. Here we’re specifying these conditions in the vector LPSGroups that we then used to filter our output object (which is just this Example morphPreProcessing() Function Output).

# A string vector indicating the treatment labels that ID our training data
LPSGroups = c('D56', 'LPS')

# The output of the morphPreProcessing() function filtered to only include our
# training data
inDat = output[Treatment %in% LPSGroups]
# Show our filtered data
head(inDat[order(Animal, Treatment, UniqueID)],10)
##     TCSValue Animal Treatment                                          UniqueID
##  1:      200   BR1R       D56 BR1RD56CANDIDATEMASKFORSUBSTACK(21-30)X148Y164200
##  2:      300   BR1R       D56 BR1RD56CANDIDATEMASKFORSUBSTACK(21-30)X148Y164300
##  3:      400   BR1R       D56 BR1RD56CANDIDATEMASKFORSUBSTACK(21-30)X148Y164400
##  4:      500   BR1R       D56 BR1RD56CANDIDATEMASKFORSUBSTACK(21-30)X148Y164500
##  5:      600   BR1R       D56 BR1RD56CANDIDATEMASKFORSUBSTACK(21-30)X148Y164600
##  6:      700   BR1R       D56 BR1RD56CANDIDATEMASKFORSUBSTACK(21-30)X148Y164700
##  7:      800   BR1R       D56 BR1RD56CANDIDATEMASKFORSUBSTACK(21-30)X148Y164800
##  8:      200   BR1R       D56  BR1RD56CANDIDATEMASKFORSUBSTACK(21-30)X150Y28200
##  9:      200   BR1R       D56 BR1RD56CANDIDATEMASKFORSUBSTACK(21-30)X167Y466200
## 10:      300   BR1R       D56 BR1RD56CANDIDATEMASKFORSUBSTACK(21-30)X167Y466300
##     Perimeter CellSpread Eccentricity Roundness SomaSize MaskSize #Branches
##  1:   183.415     17.194        1.803     0.112   59.206  298.723        19
##  2:   157.929     16.749        1.969     0.114   59.206  225.388        13
##  3:   183.415     17.194        1.803     0.112   59.206  298.723        19
##  4:   183.415     17.194        1.803     0.112   59.206  298.723        19
##  5:   218.603     22.235        1.523     0.100   59.206  380.132        23
##  6:   218.603     22.235        1.523     0.100   59.206  380.132        23
##  7:   404.420     26.811        1.636     0.052   59.206  679.864        40
##  8:    95.100      9.659        1.451     0.163   32.967  117.067         8
##  9:    73.036      8.609        1.217     0.262   45.414  111.012         7
## 10:    96.658     10.065        1.237     0.228   45.414  169.209        16
##     #Junctions #End-pointvoxels #Junctionvoxels #Slabvoxels AverageBranchLength
##  1:          9               11              13         118               5.113
##  2:          6                8              14         101               6.293
##  3:          9               11              13         118               5.113
##  4:          9               11              13         118               5.113
##  5:         10               13              23         158               5.932
##  6:         10               13              23         158               5.932
##  7:         18               23              41         284               6.094
##  8:          3                6               9          60               6.626
##  9:          3                5               7          40               4.981
## 10:          7               10              14          58               3.485
##     #Triplepoints #Quadruplepoints MaximumBranchLength LongestShortestPath
##  1:             9                0              13.903              50.608
##  2:             6                0              13.903              45.786
##  3:             9                0              13.903              50.608
##  4:             9                0              13.903              50.608
##  5:             7                3              17.524              55.488
##  6:             7                3              17.524              55.488
##  7:            15                3              23.365             103.333
##  8:             2                1              14.582              32.686
##  9:             3                0              11.202              25.884
## 10:             6                1               7.138              27.761
##     SkelArea Ibranches(inferred) Intersectingradii Suminters. Meaninters.
##  1:   47.769                   3                40        109        2.73
##  2:   41.377                   3                39         98        2.51
##  3:   47.769                   3                40        109        2.73
##  4:   47.769                   3                40        109        2.73
##  5:   65.262                   3                42        142        3.38
##  6:   65.262                   3                42        142        3.38
##  7:  117.067                   2                62        248        4.00
##  8:   25.230                   1                22         58        2.64
##  9:   17.493                   4                13         40        3.08
## 10:   27.585                   4                18         56        3.11
##     Medianinters. Skewness(sampled) Kurtosis(sampled) Maxinters.
##  1:             3              0.54             -1.10          6
##  2:             2              0.34             -1.22          5
##  3:             3              0.54             -1.10          6
##  4:             3              0.54             -1.10          6
##  5:             3             -0.02             -1.49          6
##  6:             3             -0.02             -1.49          6
##  7:             3              0.53             -0.67         10
##  8:             2              0.56             -0.78          6
##  9:             3             -0.46             -0.50          5
## 10:             3             -0.22             -0.09          5
##     Maxinters.radius Ramificationindex(sampled) Centroidradius Centroidvalue
##  1:             7.82                       2.00          13.77          2.41
##  2:             8.98                       1.67          14.07          2.28
##  3:             7.82                       2.00          13.77          2.41
##  4:             7.82                       2.00          13.77          2.41
##  5:             7.82                       2.00         -13.35         -4.57
##  6:             7.82                       2.00         -13.35         -4.57
##  7:            17.10                       5.00          25.10          5.39
##  8:             5.56                       6.00           9.31          3.04
##  9:             9.60                       1.25           5.28          2.14
## 10:             6.70                       1.25          10.92          3.40
##     Enclosingradius Criticalvalue Criticalradius Meanvalue
##  1:           26.96          5.44           9.46      2.74
##  2:           26.38          4.62           8.88      2.53
##  3:           26.96          5.44           9.46      2.74
##  4:           26.96          5.44           9.46      2.74
##  5:           28.12          5.57           9.01      3.43
##  6:           28.12          5.57           9.01      3.43
##  7:           39.72          7.33          14.57      4.04
##  8:           15.42          5.04           5.39      2.73
##  9:           10.76          4.36           9.05      3.12
## 10:           13.66          4.17           3.80      3.14
##     Ramificationindex(fit) Skewness(fit) Kurtosis(fit)
##  1:                   1.81          0.32         -1.54            8
##  2:                   1.54          0.21         -1.52            8
##  3:                   1.81          0.32         -1.54            8
##  4:                   1.81          0.32         -1.54            8
##  5:                   1.86         -0.48         -1.22            8
##  6:                   1.86         -0.48         -1.22            8
##  7:                   3.66          0.36         -1.18            8
##  8:                   5.04          0.45         -1.30            8
##  9:                   1.09         -0.76         -0.37            8
## 10:                   1.04         -1.37          2.05            8
##     Regressioncoefficient(Semi-log) Regressionintercept(Semi-log)
##  1:                            0.24                         -1.92
##  2:                            0.23                         -2.04
##  3:                            0.24                         -1.92
##  4:                            0.24                         -1.92
##  5:                            0.22                         -1.97
##  6:                            0.22                         -1.97
##  7:                            0.15                         -2.61
##  8:                            0.34                         -1.45
##  9:                            0.42                         -0.97
## 10:                            0.33                         -1.43
##     Regressioncoefficient(Semi-log)[P10-P90]
##  1:                                     0.27
##  2:                                     0.25
##  3:                                     0.27
##  4:                                     0.27
##  5:                                     0.24
##  6:                                     0.24
##  7:                                     0.16
##  8:                                     0.42
##  9:                                     0.27
## 10:                                     0.29
##     Regressionintercept(Semi-log)[P10-P90] Regressioncoefficient(Log-log)
##  1:                                  -1.57                           3.15
##  2:                                  -1.85                           3.03
##  3:                                  -1.57                           3.15
##  4:                                  -1.57                           3.15
##  5:                                  -1.54                           2.85
##  6:                                  -1.54                           2.85
##  7:                                  -2.40                           2.48
##  8:                                  -0.77                           2.72
##  9:                                  -1.88                           2.79
## 10:                                  -1.71                           2.57
##     Regressionintercept(Log-log) Regressioncoefficient(Log-log)[P10-P90]
##  1:                         2.63                                    3.72
##  2:                         2.29                                    3.37
##  3:                         2.63                                    3.72
##  4:                         2.63                                    3.72
##  5:                         2.14                                    3.43
##  6:                         2.14                                    3.43
##  7:                         1.49                                    2.96
##  8:                         1.20                                    3.50
##  9:                         1.42                                    1.92
## 10:                         1.12                                    2.32
##     Regressionintercept(Log-log)[P10-P90] CellNo
##  1:                                  4.25   5994
##  2:                                  3.28   5994
##  3:                                  4.25   5994
##  4:                                  4.25   5994
##  5:                                  3.82   5994
##  6:                                  3.82   5994
##  7:                                  3.09   5994
##  8:                                  2.95   5996
##  9:                                 -0.10   6002
## 10:                                  0.67   6002

We can now pass this filtered table object to our constructInfInd() function as the procDat argument. Again, the constructInfInd() function takes as inputs:

One required arguments:

  • procDat: this is the filtered data.table output by the morphPreProcessing() function that is limited to your positive control / training conditions in the ‘Treatment’ column
    • This table should have two unique values in the ‘Treatment’ column.
    • This table should have multiple ‘TCSValue’ values as the function compares TCS value against one another to pick the value that provides the best morphological discrimination between training conditions.

And four optional argument:

  • method: this is a string identifying which method users want to use to optimise the Inflammation Index
    • String
    • ‘p value’ uses the smallest p value
    • ‘AUC’ uses a ROC-AUC analysis
    • Defaults to ‘AUC’
  • noDesc: this is an integer vector of the number of ‘best’ descriptors to compare to one another
    • Integer vector
    • e.g. c(5,6,7,8)
    • Defaults to 5:15 (this ‘:’ notation is another way of constructing an integer vector like c(5,6,7…14,15))
  • labCols: this is a string vector containing the names of non-metric columns that defaults to the identifier columns provided by morphPreProcessing():
    • String vector
    • e.g. c(‘Animal’, ‘Treatment’, ‘TCSValue’, ‘UniqueID’, ‘CellNo’)
    • Defaults to c(Animal, Treatment, TCSValue, UniqueID, CellNo)
  • correlationCutoff: this is a decimal value that indicates the threshold at which highly correlated metrics will be dropped e.g a value of 0.9 means if two metrics correlate at this value or above, the worst performing one will be dropped from consideration
    • Double
    • e.g. 0.56
    • Defaults to 0.9

The function returns a list containing:

  • PCA
    • A PCA object, trained to be discriminate between the training conditions
  • Metrics Correlation
    • A correlation matrix of the metrics included in the PCA so users can see what was used, and how they relate
  • Optimal TCS
    • The TCS value identified as optimal for detecting differences in morphology between training conditions

In addition when executed the constructInfInd() function will print out the mask size (i.e. TCSValue) and number of descriptors that created the inflammation index that was most sensitive to the differences in morphology between the positive control conditions according to the method passed in the method argument (e.g. p value or AUC). It will also print the discriminators that were retained after cleaning (removing variants of the same metrics, removing highly correlated metrics) and these are the ones included in the index. Finally, it prints the value (AUC or p value) of the index’s ability to discriminate between training conditions.

infIndOut = 
  constructInfInd(procDat = inDat)
## [1] "Best TCS 500"
## [1] "Best No. Discriminators (Pre Cleaning): 5"
## [1] "Discriminators chosen (Post Cleaning): MaskSize, #Slabvoxels, Criticalradius"
## [1] "AUC 0.741221374045801"

Here we can also look at the Metrics Correlations returned list element. This may also be of interest to users.

infIndOut$`Metric Correlations`
##                 MaskSize #Slabvoxels Criticalradius
## MaskSize       1.0000000   0.8478799      0.5107622
## #Slabvoxels    0.8478799   1.0000000      0.4253839
## Criticalradius 0.5107622   0.4253839      1.0000000

Step 3: Apply the Inflammation Index to test data (applyInfInd() function)

Having produced an output from the constructInfInd() function, i.e., having generated an inflammation index optimised to detect morphological differences between their specified training conditions, users can use the applyInfInd() function to generate that inflammation index for novel data using the PCA object output by constructInfInd().

This simply requires that the novel dataset have is the same metrics that were available in the training dataset, and that the data collected in the novel dataset was collected at the identified optimal TCS value. This value is printed during executing of the constructInfInd() function, and is also found in the Optimal TCS element of the list output by that function.

Here we are simply going to generate our inflammation for the rest of our output data (the Example morphPreProcessing() Function Output treatment conditions that weren’t included in the LPSGroups vector we used to filter the data in order to generate our inflammation index). To do this, we filter that data so it only contains rows that match the $Optimal TCS value, and rows that containt Treatment values that aren’t in the LPSGroups vector.

outputToApplyTo = output[TCSValue == infIndOut$`Optimal TCS` & !(Treatment %in% LPSGroups)]

Now we apply our inflammation index to this data. The applyInfInd() function:

Takes two required arguments:

  • infIndOutput: A PCA object output by the constructInfInd() function (this is held in the $PCA element returned from the constructInfInd() function)
  • applyTo: A data.table object that contains the same columns as the data.table that constructInfInd() was run on. It must also contain rows with a TCSValue of the same value as the $Optimal TCS element returned from the list output by the constructInfInd() function.

The function returns:

  • A data.table that is a copy of the input data.table passed in applyTo, except with an extra column ‘InfInd’ added, which contains the inflammation index value for each row in the dataset.
dataWithInfIndex = applyInfInd(infIndOut$PCA, outputToApplyTo[TCSValue == infIndOut$`Optimal TCS`])

Here we can see our output has had its inflammation index calculated and added:

head(dataWithInfIndex[, list(Animal, Treatment, TCSValue, CellNo, InfInd)])
##    Animal Treatment TCSValue CellNo     InfInd
## 1: HIPP17       D30      500      1  0.9762437
## 2:   CE1L   D2HOURS      500      2 -0.4894777
## 3:   BU2L        D1      500      3  2.0586940
## 4:   BG1L        D7      500      4 -1.4928852
## 5: HIPP12   D4HOURS      500      5 -1.4916847
## 6:   BR1R       D-1      500      6 -1.0283423

If you want to save this table, use the fwrite function:


Next steps

Now that you are familiar with how to use this R package, you can train and calculate an inflammation index for your own data. You can compare this index between groups using statistical tests to evaluate if a difference in morphology exists.