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CCJS - Ruby on Rails

This sample illustrates a BreezeJS client working with a Ruby on Rails backend.

The Breeze CCJS-Ruby sample documentation has more information about this sample.

There are two main directories, "client" and "rails".


The client app (CCJS) is derived from the published source code for John Papa's "Code Camper Jumpstart". Learn about CCJS in his justly famous PluralSight course, "Single Page Apps JumpStart"

It has been modified in small but important ways to interact with a Rails backend instead of the ASP.NET Web API backend in the original. In all other respects (except the ruby re-coloring), it is the same as the original. John's course is the best guide to it's behavior and implementation.


This "rails" directory holds the Ruby on Rails code and database data for the CCJS-Ruby sample.


We assume you are familiar with Ruby and have Rails, MySql, and some kind of web server installed in your environment.

There are four principle steps to running the application.

  1. Setup (first time only)
  2. Start rails server
  3. Start client app server
  4. Launch app in a browser


You only perform this step once.

a. Install all gems the project needs in the ~/ccjs_ruby/rails directory (correct the directory name as appropriate)

~/ccjs_ruby/rails>bundle install 

b. Open ./config/database.yml in a text editor.

the database.yml is for Windows; if using OS X, replace it with database_sample.yml.

c. Update database.yml with your MySQL user credentials

d. Create the project database (make sure MySQL is running first!)

~/ccjs_ruby/rails>bundle exec rake db:create

e. Create the project database structure

~/ccjs_ruby/rails>bundle exec rake db:migrate

f. Import Data as follows, replacing [user] with your MySQL user (e.g., admin); supply the user's password when asked

~/ccjs_ruby/rails>mysql -u [user] -p ccjs_ruby_development < db/data.sql

if mysql is not in your path, specify the full executable path, e.g. C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.5/bin/mysql

Start the rails server

Make sure nothing else is running on port 3000!

Go to the ~/ccjs_ruby/rails directory if you're not already there. In a terminal or command window, execute the following command:

~/ccjs_ruby/rails>bundle exec rails s

The rails server is running on port 3000

Start the client application server

Most of the client application assets - html, css, JavaScript - are in the ~/ccjs_ruby/client directory.

The breeze scripts are not included directly. You must copy them into the sample before you run it.

Windows users can simply execute the getLibs.cmd command file which copies the files from a source directory in the samples repository into the client/scripts folder.

Not a Windows user? It's really simple.

  • Open the getLibs.cmd command file in a text editor.
  • Notice that it copies a small number of source files, starting from ....\build\libs</em>, into the scripts folder.
  • Do the same manually.

Open a second terminal or command window, navigate to that directory, and launch your web server of choice. Here is an example running in Python.

~/ccjs_ruby/rails>cd ../client
~/ccjs_ruby/client>python -m http.server

if python is not in your path, specify the full executable path, e.g. C:/python33/python.

The client application server is now running on port 8000

Launch the app in your browser

Open a browser to http://localhost:8000/