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A rust-inspired library for working with durations in javascript/typescript.


You can use your favorite package manager to install rusty-duration via packages. For example:

$ npm install rusty-duration


The library exports a single class, Duration, which can be used to represent a duration of time and a number of constants that can be used to convert between different units of time.

Since the methods are the same as in the rust standard library, you can refer to the rust documentation for information on how to use the class. Some methods might not be implemented (see Usage notes).

Usage notes

  1. In opposition to the rust standard library, the Duration class methods are in camelCase, following the javascript convention.
  2. Due to the lack of error handling in typescript, methods like Duration::checked_* and Duration::saturating_* are not implemented. Instead, you do can use try and catch blocks and constants like Duration.MAX, Duration.MIN or DuratION.ZERO to achieve the same effect.
  3. Most methods assume that both seconds and nanos are valid numbers for that field. This means that manually changing them can lead to unexpected behaviour. If you want to change the fields, use methods like Duration.add or Duration.sub instead to create a new Duration.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. If using bun, you can run tests with bun test. Most of the work is automated by husky (with the pre-comit hook) that you can install with bun run prepare or npm run prepare. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

This project uses prettier for code formatting and biomejs for linting. Both have their respective scripts in package.json. For versioning, follow the Semantic Versioning guidelines.

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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


A rust-inspired library for working with durations in javascript/typescript.







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