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Skeletons provide a low fidelity representation of an application before it has finished loading, improving the user's perception of performance.

Skeleton-Aware Components

Components which are skeleton-aware extend the SkeletonMixin (more on that below). These components can be skeletized by setting the skeleton boolean attribute/property.

For example, this causes a text input to be skeletized:

<d2l-input-text label="Name" skeleton></d2l-input-text>

A parent component could contain several skeleton-aware components. In this case, the parent would extend SkeletonGroupMixin, which would automatically handle the skeleton state of its contents.

Skeletizing Custom Elements with SkeletonMixin

For a component to become skeleton-aware, it extends SkeletonMixin. The mixin comes with some styles, so include super.styles with your element's static styles() property.

import { SkeletonMixin } from '@brightspace-ui/core/components/skeleton/skeleton-mixin.js';

class MyElement extends SkeletonMixin(LitElement) {

  static get styles() {
    return [ super.styles, ... ];


The mixin includes a single skeleton boolean property, which can then be set either by consumers or by your component itself to place it into "skeleton" mode:

<my-element skeleton></my-element>

Skeletizing Native Elements

Once a component is skeleton-aware, it can apply skeleton styles to native elements within its render root using the d2l-skeletize CSS class. These native elements can be anything, including our own headings, links and standard/compact/small body styles.

render() {
  return html`
    <h2 class="d2l-heading-2 d2l-skeletize">Heading</h2>
    <span class="d2l-body-compact d2l-skeletize">Description</span>
    <a class="d2l-link d2l-skeletize" href="somewhere">Link</a>
    <div class="widget d2l-skeletize">Widget</div>
    <d2l-input-text label="text input" ?skeleton="{this.skeleton}"></d2l-input-text>

Important: Only use this CSS class on native elements. Custom elements should extend the SkeletonMixin and have their skeleton attribute set. If a custom element isn't skeleton-aware and doesn't yet have a skeleton property, take the time to add that support.

Native Form Elements

Unfortunately, native form elements like <input>, <select> and <textarea> do not support (in all browsers we care about) the ::before CSS pseudo-class that our skeleton technique relies upon. To work around this, wrap these native elements in a <div> (or other block or inline-block container) and apply the d2l-skeletize CSS class to it instead.

import { selectStyles } from '@brightspace-ui/core/components/inputs/input-select-styles.js';
import { SkeletonMixin } from '@brightspace-ui/core/skeleton/skeleton-mixin.js';

class MyElement extends SkeletonMixin(LitElement) {
  static get styles() {
    return [super.styles, selectStyles];
  render() {
    return html`
      <div class="d2l-skeletize">
        <select class="d2l-input-select" aria-label="select">
          <option>Option 1</option>
          <option>Option 2</option>

Container Elements

You can also apply a skeleton to a native element you are using as a container using the d2l-skeletize-container CSS class. Instead of blocking out the whole box, this will skeletonize the text and the border and allow you to individually skeletonize the components/elements inside as you wish.

render() {
  return html`
    <div class="d2l-skeletize-container">
      <div class="d2l-skeletize">This text will skeletize</div>
      <span>This text will hide</span>
      <d2l-input-checkbox ?skeleton="{this.skeleton}">This input will skeletize</d2l-input-checkbox>

Multi-Line Paragraphs

Paragraphs of text that may span multiple lines are a special case for skeletons. The d2l-skeletize CSS class would turn the entire paragraph block into a skeleton box, which isn't quite what we want. Also, often we're showing a skeleton because we don't yet know how much data we'll have.

Ideally, we'd like to show several lines of skeletized text. To accomplish this, three special CSS classes exist to provide skeletons that span 2, 3 or 5 lines: d2l-skeletize-paragraph-2, d2l-skeletize-paragraph-3 and d2l-skeletize-paragraph-5 respectively.

Apply one of these classes plus any additional (optional) typography styles for your paragraph:

<p class="d2l-body-compact d2l-skeletize-paragraph-2">2-line</p>
<p class="d2l-skeletize-paragraph-3">3-line</p>
<p class="d2l-body-standard d2l-skeletize-paragraph-5">5-line</p>

Work with your designer to choose an appropriate number of lines to display based on the expected size of the paragraph.

Skeleton Width of Block Elements

When skeleton styles are applied to block elements like <div>s and headings, the skeleton will fill the entire available width. Sometimes this is desired (like in the case of a box-like widget or container), but in other scenarios we'd like the skeleton to only partially fill the available width.

One solution is to make these elements inline or inline-block instead of block. If that's feasible, it's a great solution and has the added benefit that the skeleton's width will match the width of the text inside.

If making the element inline is not possible, a series of CSS classes in the form of d2l-skeletize-<width> can be used. <width> is a number from 5 to 95 in steps of 5 -- d2l-skeletize-5, d2l-skeletize-10, d2l-skeletize-15, etc. all the way to d2l-skeletize-95. When used, a width: <value>% will be applied as a percentage, but ONLY when the skeleton is visible.

For example:

<h2 class="d2l-heading-2 d2l-skeletize d2l-skeletize-45">Heading</h2>

When skeletized, this heading will take up 45% of the available width.

Skeleton groups

Skeleton groups can be used to ensure a collection of components all appear at the same time. This can be used to prevent individual components from popping in before everything has loaded.

import { SkeletonGroupMixin } from '@brightspace-ui/core/skeleton/skeleton-group-mixin.js';

class MyElement extends SkeletonGroupMixin(LitElement) {

  render() {
    return html`
      // Anything that can be skeletonized.
      // All components will remain in skeleton state until they have all loaded

Future Enhancements

Looking for an enhancement not listed here? Is there a core component that should support skeletons but doesn't yet? Create a GitHub issue!