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Admin API

In addition to the APIs already covered for updating and querying stores, there are a number of useful administration APIs also provided by BrightstarDB. A Visual Studio solution file containing some sample applications that use these APIs can be found in [INSTALLDIR]/Samples/StoreAdmin.


When a new job is passed to a store, the job information is added to a queue. Jobs are queued and executed in the order they are received. Through the BrightstarDB APIs you can retrieve that list of jobs and monitor the state of a given job.


Job information retrieved from BrightstarDB is represented by an instance of the BrightstarDB.Client.IJobInfo interface. This interface exposes the following properties:

  • JobId: The unique identifier for the job.
  • Label: An optional user-friendly name for the job. The label is set by passing it in with the optional label parameter on methods that start a job.
  • JobPending: A boolean flag. If true, the job is in the queue but has not yet been executed.
  • JobStarted: A boolean flag. If true, the job is in the queue and is currently being executed.
  • JobCompletedWithErrors: A boolean flag. If true, the processing of the job completed but the job itself failed for some reason. More information can be found by examining the StatusMessage and ExceptionInfo properties
  • JobCompletedOk: A boolean flag. If true the job has completed processing successfully.
  • StatusMessage: The current job status message. For some long-running jobs such as RDF import, this message will be updated as the job runs. For other types of job the status message may only be updated on completion or failure of the job.
  • ExceptionInfo: If an error is raised internally as a job is run, the exception information wil be recorded in this property. The value is a BrightstarDB.Dto.ExceptionDetailObject which provides access to the exception type, message and any inner exceptions.
  • QueuedTime: The date/time when the job was queued to be processed.
  • StartTime: The date/time when the job started processing.
  • EndTime: The date/time when the job completed processing.


Timestamps are all provided in UTC and are serialized with a resolution of 1 second.

Retrieving the Jobs List

The method to retrieve a list of jobs from a store is GetJobInfo(string storeName, int skip, int take). The storeName parameter specifies the name of the store to retrieve job information from. The skip and take parameters can be used for paging long lists of jobs. The return values is and enumerable of Admin_API_IJobInfo instances.


The list of jobs maintained by the BrightstarDB server is not persistent. This means that the jobs list is reset whenever the server gets restarted so if you were to retrieve the list of jobs immediately after starting the server you would get an empty list.

Monitoring Individual Jobs

The methods in the BrightstarDB API that queue long running jobs all return an instance of the Admin_API_IJobInfo interface. To check on the status of a job, you can use the method GetJobInfo(string storeName, string jobId). The storeName parameter is the name of the store that the job runs against and jobId is the unique identifier for the job (which is provided in the JobId property of the Admin_API_IJobInfo object). The return value of this method is an Admin_API_IJobInfo instance that represents the current state of the job.

Monitoring the status of a job is then a question of simply polling the server by calling the GetJobInfo(string,string) method until either the JobCompletedOk or JobCompletedWithErrors property on the returned Admin_API_IJobInfo instance gets set to true.

When polling status in this way you should be aware of the following:

  1. Polling for status does require some (fairly minimal) server resources, so you should avoid polling in a very tight loop.
  2. If the server gets reset before your job has a chance to execute, the job information will be lost and a BrightstarClientException will get thrown. In this case your code should either notify the user of the failure or you could opt to simply resubmit the job.


Job IDs are assigned by the server using GUIDs so even if the server gets reset it is not possible to end up monitoring a different job with the same JobId.

Commit Points


Commit Points are a feature that is only available with the Append-Only store persistence type. If you are accessing a store that uses the Rewrite persistence type, operations on a Commit Points are not supported and will raise a BrightstarClientException if an attempt is made to query against or revert to a previous Commit Point.

Each time a transaction is committed to a BrightstarDB store, a new commit point is written. Unlike a traditional database log file, a commit point provides a complete snapshot of the state of the BrightstarDB store immediately after the commit took place. This means that it is possible to query the BrightstarDB store as it existed at some previous point in time. It is also possible to revert the store to a previous commit point, but in keeping with the BrightstarDB architecture, this operation doesn't actually delete the commit points that followed, but instead makes a new commit point which duplicates the commit point selected for the revert.

Retrieving Commit Points

The method to retrieve a list of commit points from a store is GetCommitPoints() on the IBrightstarService interface. There are two versions of this method. The first takes a store name and skip and take parameters to define a subrange of commit points to retrieve, the second adds a date/time range in the form of two date time parameters to allow more specific selection of a particular commit point range. The code below shows an example of using the first of these methods:

// Create a client - the connection string used is configured in the App.config file.
var client = BrightstarService.GetClient();
foreach(var commitPointInfo in client.GetCommitPoints(storeName, 0, 10))
   // Do something with each commit point

To avoid operations that return potentially very large results sets, the server will not return more than 100 commit points at a time, attempting to set the take parameter higher than 100 will result in an ArgumentException being raised.

The structures returned by the GetCommitPoints() method implement the ICommitPointInfo interface, this interface provides access to the following properties:


the name of the store that the commit point is associated with.


the commit point identifier. This identifier is unique amongst all commit points in the same store.


the UTC date/time when the commit was made.


the GUID identifier of the transaction job that resulted in the commit. The value of this property may be Guid.Empty for operations that were not associated with a transaction job (e.g initial store creation).

Querying A Commit Point

To execute a SPARQL query against a particular commit point of a store, use the overload of the ExecuteQuery() method that takes an ICommitPointInfo parameter rather than a store name string parameter:

var resultsStream = client.ExecuteQuery(commitPointInfo, sparqlQuery);

The resulting stream can be processed in exactly the same way as if you had queried the current state of the store.

Reverting The Store

Reverting the store takes a copy of an old commit point and pushes it to the top of the commit point list for the store. Queries and updates are then applied to the store as normal, and the data modified by commit points since the reverted one is effectively hidden.

This operation does not delete the commit points added since the reverted one, those commit points are still there as long as a Coalesce operation is not performed, meaning that it is possible to "re-revert" the store to its state before the revert was applied. The method to revert a store is also on the IBrightstarService interface and is shown below:

var client = BrightstarService.GetClient();
ICommitPointInfo commitPointInfo = ... ; // Code to get the commit point we want to revert to
client.RevertToCommitPoint(storeName, commitPointInfo); // Reverts the store

Consolidating The Store

Over time the size of the BrightstarDB store will grow. Each separate commit adds new data to the store, even if the commit deletes triples from the store the commit itself will extend the store file. The ConsolidateStore() operation enables the BrightstarDB store to be compressed, removing all commit point history. The operation rewrites the store data file to a shadow file and then replaces the existing data file with the new compressed data file and updates the master file. The consolidate operation blocks new writers, but allows readers to continue accessing the data file up until the shadow file is prepared. The code required to start a consolidate operation is shown below:

var client = BrightstarService.GetClient();
var consolidateJob = client.ConsolidateStore(storeName);

This method submits the consolidate operation to the store as a long-running job. Because this operation may take some time to complete the call does not block, but instead returns an IJobInfo structure which can be used to monitor the job. The code below shows a typical loop for monitoring the consolidate job:

while (!(consolidateJob.JobCompletedOk || consolidateJob.JobCompletedWithErrors))
   consolidateJob = client.GetJobInfo(storeName, consolidateJob.JobId);

Creating Store Snapshots

From version 1.4, BrightstarDB now provides an API to allow you to create an independent snapshot of a store. A snapshot is an entirely separate store that contains a consolidated version of the data in the source store. You can use snapshots for a number of purposes, for example creating replicas for query or branching the data in a store to allow two different parallel modifications to the data.

The API for creating a store snapshot is quite simple:

var snapshotJob = client.CreateSnapshot(sourceStoreName, targetStoreName, 
    persistenceType, commitPoint);

The sourceStoreName and targetStoreName parameters name the source for the snapshot and the store that will be created by the snapshot respectively. The store named by targetStoreName must not exist (the method will not overwrite existing stores). The persistenceType parameter can be one of PersistenceType.AppendOnly or PersistenceType.Rewrite and specifies the type of persistence used by the target store. The target store can use a different persistence type to the source store. The commitPointId parameter is optional. If it is not specified or if you pass null, the snapshot will be created from the most recent commit of the source store. If you want to create a snapshot from a previous commit of the source store, you can pass the ICommitPointInfo instance for that commit.


A snapshot can be created from a previous commit point only if the source store persistence type is PersistenceType.AppendOnly

Store Statistics

From version 1.4, BrightstarDB can now optionally maintain some basic triple-count statistics. The statistics kept are the total number of triples in the store, and the total number of triples for each distinct predicate. Statistics can be maintained automatically by the store or updated using an API call. As with transaction logs, BrightstarDB will maintain historical stats, allowing you to analyse the changes in a store over time if you wish.

Retrieving Statistics

The API provides two methods for retrieving statistics. To retrieve just the most recently generated statistics you can use code like this:

var client = BrightstarService.GetClient();
var stats = client.GetStatistics(storeName);

This method will return an IStoreStatistics instance which represents the most recent statistics for the store. The IStoreStatistics interface defines the following properties:

  • CommitId and CommitTimestamp: The identifier and timestamp of the database commit that the statistics relate to. This information enables you to relate statistics to a commit point.
  • TotalTripleCount: The total number of triples in the store
  • PredicateTripleCounts: A dictionary of entries in which the key is a predicate URI and the value is the count of the number of triples using that predicate in the store.

If you want to analyse the changes in statistics over a period of time, there is an alternate method that retrieves multiple statistics records in one call:

DateTime fromDate = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(Timespan.FromDays(10));
DateTime toDate = DateTime.UtcNow();
IEnumerable<IStoreStatistics> allStats = 
    client.GetStatistics(storeName, fromDate, toDate, 0, 100);

As you can see from the example above, this method takes a date range allowing you to select the period in time you want stats for. The final two parameters are a skip and take that is applied to the list of statistics after the date range filter. A BrightstarDB server will not return more than 100 statistics records at a time, so if your date range covers a period with more statistics in it than this you will need to make multiple calls using the skip and take parameters for paging.

Updating Statistics

Statistics can be updated automatically by the store if it is configured to do so (see the next section for details). However you can also use the API to request an update of the statistics. Statistics updates are processed as a long running job as for large stores the process may take some time:

IJobInfo statsUpdateJob = client.UpdateStatistics(storeName);

This method call will queue the update job and return a structure that you can use to poll until the job is completed (or you can simply call the method in a fire-and-forget manner).

Automatic Update of Statistics

The BrighstarDB server process can automatically update statistics. This is done by periodically queuing a job to update statistics. The period between updates is controlled by two configuration settings in the application configuration file for your BrightstarDB service (or other BrightstarDB application if you are using the embedded store).

The setting BrightstarDB.StatsUpdate.Timespan specifies the minimum number of seconds that must pass between executions of the statistics update job.

The setting BrightstarDB.StatsUpdate.TransactionCount specifies the minimum number of other transaction or update jobs that must be queued between executions of the statistics update job.

These conditions are only checked after a job is placed in the queue, so during quiet periods when there is no activity statistics will not be unnecessarily updated. Both conditions have to be met before a statistics update job will be queued. Normally it makes sense to set both of these properties to a non-zero value to ensure that both sufficient time has passed and sufficient changes have been made to the store to justify the overhead of running a statistics update. However, you can set either one of these properties to zero (which is the default value) to only take account of the other. Setting both of these configuration properties to zero (or leaving them out of the configuration file) results in automatic statistics update being disabled.