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BroccolliRaab edited this page Mar 4, 2018 · 1 revision

Welcome to the BroccoliUtils wiki!

BroccoliUtils is a collection of Libraries that I have used for developing my own games with Love2D.

It has a libraries for:

  • Saving data as a lua file that when run returns a table with all of your data,
  • Using timers to run a function periodically, or create a delay before it runs
  • Converting a spritesheet into a table of quad objects
  • Creating animations as objects from a spritesheet or a directory containing pictures
  • Drawing to a game scene like a canvas for it to render each thing to draw to them in order as objects
  • Handling events for each scene
  • Creating a GUI by rendering functions that draw to the screen as objects that can be altered or have events tied to them
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