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279 lines (200 loc) · 6.65 KB

File metadata and controls

279 lines (200 loc) · 6.65 KB

Camera Calibration File Format

VTKCam 1.0


The camera calibration file is a yaml and contains all of the information to load a camera into Autoscoper. The file is organized with key value pairs.

:::{warning} The VTKCam 1.0 format is non-standard and exists purely as an implementation detail. While we are documenting it, the file organization may change from version to version without notice. We mean it. :::

Key value pairs

Key Value
version The version of the file. Currently only 1.0 is supported.
focal-point The XYZ coordinates of the focal point.
camera-position The XYZ coordinates of the camera position.
view-up The up vector of the camera.
view-angle The view angle of the camera.
image-width The width of the image.
image-height The height of the image.
clipping-range The range of the closest and farthest objects that will affect the rendering.

::: {warning} The clipping-range is not currently used by Autoscoper. This is used to communicate information within the AutoscoperM Slicer extension. :::


  "@schema": "",
  "version": 1.0,
  "focal-point": [-7.9999999999999964, -245.50000000000006, -186.65000000000006],
  "camera-position": [104.71926635196253, -255.22259800818924, -179.66771669788898],
  "view-up": [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
  "view-angle": 30.0,
  "image-width": 1760,
  "image-height": 1760,
  "clipping-range": [0.1, 1000],

MayaCam 2.0


The camera calibration file is a txt and contains all of the information to load a camera into Autoscoper. The file is organized with key value pairs.

Key value pairs

Key Value
image size The height and width of the radiograph images.
camera matrix The intrinsic camera matrix.
rotation The rotation matrix.
translation The translation matrix.


The rotation is applied to the camera after the translation. Therefore, the final camera position is calculated by the following equation:

camera\_position = rotation * -translation
image size

camera matrix




image size

camera matrix



MayaCam 1.0


The camera calibration file is a csv and contains all of the information to load a camera into Autoscoper. The file is organized by line.

Line values

Line Number Description
1 The camera location in world space.
2 Rotations around the local x, y, and z axes of the camera. The order of rotation is z, y, x (Roll, Pitch, Yaw).
3 The position of the film plane relative to the camera. Given in the camera's local space.
4 u0, v0, z
5 scale, height, width. Scale is ignored and is computed from distance and z.



Backend Calculations


This section describes the calculations that are performed by the backend to convert the camera calibration file into an internal Camera object.

Image Plane

The image plane is the location of the DRR image in world space. The center of the image plane is calculated by the following equation:

The below formula applies to VTKCam 1.0 and MayaCam 2.0. For MayaCam 1.0, `c_x`` and `c_y` are replaced by `u0` and `v0` respectively. The value for `z` is also not calculated and is instead pulled from the camera calibration file.

`DRR_X` and `DRR_Y` are the width and height of the DRR image respectively.

The translation matrix is represented by `t` and the rotation matrix is represented by `R`.

The constant -0.5 is used so that the z value is the average of the f_x and f_y values, and it is negated to be consistent with the MayaCam 1.0 file format.

z = -0.5 * (f_x + f_y)
distance = \sqrt{t_x^2 + t_y^2 + t_z^2}

The constant -1.5 is used so that the image plane is placed across the origin from the camera.

scale = \frac{-1.5 * distance}{z}
image\_plane\_translation[0] = scale *  (\frac{DRR_X}{2} - c_x)
image\_plane\_translation[1] = scale *  (\frac{DRR_Y}{2}  - c_y)
image\_plane\_translation[2] = scale *  z
image\_plane\_center = R * image\_plane\_translation + t


The viewport defines the position of the 2D viewer. The viewport is calculated by the following equation:

The below formula applies to VTKCam 1.0 and MayaCam 2.0. For MayaCam 1.0, c_x and c_y are replaced by u0 and v0 respectively. While f_x and f_y are replaced by z.

DRR_X and DRR_Y are the width and height of the DRR image respectively.
viewport[0] =  -(2 * c_x - DRR_X) / f_x
viewport[1] =  -(2 * c_y - DRR_Y) / f_y
viewport[2] =  2 * DRR_X / f_x
viewport[3] =  2 * DRR_Y / f_y

VTKCam 1.0 Unique Calculations

The VTKCam 1.0 file format calculates the camera orientation and the focal length from the camera position, focal point, and view angle.

Camera Orientation

The translation matrix is assumed to be the camera position.

First, a vector is calculated from the camera position to the focal point.

f = \text{focal_point} - \text{camera_position}

\hat{f} = \frac{f}{\lVert f \rVert}

Next, a side vector is calculated from the cross product of the focal vector and the up vector. The up vector is assumed to be (0, 1, 0).

s = \hat{f} \times \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 1 \\ 0 \end{bmatrix}

\hat{s} = \frac{s}{\lVert s \rVert}

Finally, the up vector is calculated from the cross product of the side vector and the focal vector.

\text{up} = \hat{s} \times \hat{f}

The rotation matrix is then calculated from the side, up, and focal vectors.

\text{rotation_matrix} = \begin{bmatrix}
s_x & s_y & s_z \\
up_x & up_y & up_z \\
-f_X & -f_y & -f_z \\

Focal Length

The principal point (c_x, c_y) is assumed to be half of the image size in the x and y directions respectively.

The view angle is assumed to be in radians (This is converted from degrees to radians in the backend.).

The focal length is calculated from the view angle and the image size.

f_x = \frac{image\_size_x}{2 \cdot \tan(\frac{view\_angle}{2})}
f_y = \frac{image\_size_y}{2 \cdot \tan(\frac{view\_angle}{2})}