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Burgestrand edited this page Feb 23, 2012 · 31 revisions

How to run the tests

(psst, looking for how to run the examples?)

Hallon comes bundled with tests to make sure nothing breaks between releases and that everything works as expected. In the past, Hallon used your Spotify credentials to test live against the Spotify servers, but nowadays all the specs runs on libmockspotify. Getting the tests to run ought to be just a few steps.

  1. Clone Hallon with git (make sure you get the submodules!).
  2. Go into the now cloned Hallon repository.
  3. Install Bundler (unless you already have it).
  4. Go into Hallon directory and install dependencies.
  5. Run the tests.

The above steps correspond to the following commands.

git clone git:// --recursive # step 1
cd Hallon                                                     # step 2
gem install bundler                                           # step 3
bundle install                                                # step 4
rake                                                          # step 5

Hopefully the specs should now be running. If they aren’t I’ve screwed up, please contact me and ask me how to fix it.

PS: Using an old enough version of git you’ll have trouble doing step #1. If that’s the case, use these commands for step #1 instead.

git clone git://  # step 1
cd Hallon                                          # step 2
git submodule update --init                        # step 2.5

The rest should be the same.