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This is the iOS SDK for Onramp payment gateway.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

General Requirements

The minimum requirements for the SDK are:

  • iOS 12.0 and higher


Via CocoaPods

OnrampKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

 pod 'OnrampKit'

Then, run the following command:

 pod install

Add LSApplicationQueriesSchemes

  • To allow your application to support UPI intent for Onramp, add the following code to enable UPI intents to the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes in the info.plist file of your project.
  • To allow your application to support Wallet Connect intent for Offramp, add the following code to enable WC intents to the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes in the info.plist file of your project.

Initialize the SDK

  • Initialize the SDK by calling the startOnrampSDK function and pass the basic config parametes to start the sdk.
  _ viewController:UIViewController, // reference to a UIViewController where the onrampKit's user interface will be presented.
  _ target: OnrampKitDelegate, //  An object conforming to the OnrampKitDelegate protocol. The delegate will receive callback and notifications.
  appId: 1, // replace this with the appID you got during onboarding process
  walletAddress: '0x49...430B', // replace with user's wallet address
  flowType: 1 // 1 -> onramp || 2 -> offramp || 3 -> Merchant checkout
  fiatType: 1 // 1 -> INR || 2 -> TRY
  paymentMethod: 1 // 1 -> Instant transafer(UPI) || 2 -> Bank transfer(IMPS/FAST)
  // ... pass other configs here
  • Add the following line to check for ios availability check at the top of your View Controller class or where you will call the startOnrampSDK function
@available(iOS 13.0, *) // add this line
class ViewController: UIViewController {

Listening to Custom Events

  • Add OnrampKitDelegate interface to the declaration of your ViewController class in your project.
class ViewController: UIViewController, OnrampKitDelegate // add this to appropriate activity based on your business logic {
  • Implement the onDataChanged(_ data: OnrampEventResponse) method in your activity class.
     func onDataChanged(_ data: OnrampEventResponse) {
            // handle various sdk events based on type of event here

            //Example events usage:
        switch data.type {
            case "ONRAMP_WIDGET_TX_COMPLETED":
                // handle success code here
            case "ONRAMP_WIDGET_TX_FAILED":
                // handle failure code here 
                // handle failure code here when user cancels the transaction  

About OnrampKit Lifecycle

At any time, you can disable the OnrampKit with the following code:

 _ viewController:UIViewController // reference to a UIViewController where the onrampKit's user interface will be presented.

Initiate KYC SDK

To use the kyc widget in OnrampKit, initialize the initiateOnrampKyc function and pass the kyc config parametes (mandatory) to start the sdk.

  _ viewController:UIViewController, // reference to a UIViewController where the onrampKit's user interface will be presented.
  _ target: OnrampKitDelegate, //  An object conforming to the OnrampKitDelegate protocol. The delegate will receive callback and notifications.
    payload:"enter payload string here",
    signature:"enter signature string here",
    customerId:"enter customerId here",
    apiKey:"enter apiKey here",
    lang:"en" // optional parameter, replace with desired language code

Initiate Login SDK

  • To use the login widget in OnrampKit, initialize the startOnrampLogin function and pass the config parametes to start the sdk.
    _ viewController:UIViewController, // reference to a UIViewController where the onrampKit's user interface will be presented.
    _ target: OnrampKitDelegate, //  An object conforming to the OnrampKitDelegate protocol. The delegate will receive callback and notifications.
    appId: 1, // replace this with the appID you got during onboarding process
    closeAfterLogin: true/false, // toggle this value based on if you want to close widget after login or not
    lang:"en" // optional parameter, replace with desired language code

Events Docs

Here is the list of all events:

  • ONRAMP_WIDGET_READY -> sent when widget is ready for user interaction

  • ONRAMP_WIDGET_FAILED -> sent when widget render failed due to multiple reasons like wrong params combination or missing params etc.

  • ONRAMP_WIDGET_CONTENT_COPIED -> sent when copy to clipboard event is performed in widget, sends along the content copied.

  • ONRAMP_WIDGET_CLOSE_REQUEST_CONFIRMED -> sent when widget is closed

  • ONRAMP_WIDGET_CLOSE_REQUEST_CANCELLED -> sent when user dismisses close widget request modal.

  • ONRAMP_WIDGET_TX_INIT -> when user sees the payment details on screen

  • ONRAMP_WIDGET_TX_FINDING -> when user submits the reference number for INR deposit

  • ONRAMP_WIDGET_TX_PURCHASING -> when system finds the deposit against reference / UTR submitted by user

  • ONRAMP_WIDGET_TX_SENDING -> when system is done purchasing the crypto & starts withdrawal

  • ONRAMP_WIDGET_TX_COMPLETED -> when system gets the tx hash for the deposit

  • ONRAMP_WIDGET_TX_SENDING_FAILED -> if Failed before getting the tx hash

  • ONRAMP_WIDGET_TX_PURCHASING_FAILED -> if failed while making the crypto purchase

  • ONRAMP_WIDGET_TX_FINDING_FAILED -> if system failed at finding the deposit against the reference / UTR


OnrampKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.