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Audit Service Deployment


The Audit Service is designed to provide auditing of user and system actions by defining the required events and the information associated with each event. An application audit event definition file can be used to generate an application-specific, client-side auditing library. The Audit service is multi-tenant aware. Applications send events using the generated client-side auditing library to Elasticsearch where they are indexed according to each tenant.

Deployment Repository

This repository provides the necessary files to easily get started using the Audit Service.

The only pre-requisite required to get started is that Docker must be available on the system.

The deployment files are in Docker Compose v3 format, and they are compatible with both Docker Compose and Docker Stack.

As well as the Audit Web Service, the deployment file also references Elasticsearch and Kibana.


The Docker Compose file contains the following services:

  1. Audit Web Service
    This is a RESTful Web Service and provides a simple API. It can be used to index audit event messages into Elasticsearch. Each audit event message will comprise a set of fields including the application identifier, the user that triggered the audit event as well as the tenant that the user belongs to.

    By default, port 25080 is used to communicate with the Audit Web Service but if that port is not available then the CAF_AUDIT_SERVICE_PORT environment variable can be set to have a different port used.

  2. Elasticsearch Cluster
    Elasticsearch is a search engine based on Lucene. It provides a distributed, multi-tenant capable full-text search engine with an HTTP web interface and schema-free JSON documents. Elasticsearch is developed in Java and is released as open source under the terms of the Apache License.

    By default, ports 9200 (i.e. HTTP port) and 9300 (i.e. network communication port) are used on Node 1 of the Elasticsearch cluster.

    By default, ports 9201 and 9301 are used on Node 2 of the Elasticsearch cluster.

    By default, ports 9202 and 9302 are used on Node 3 of the Elasticsearch cluster.

  3. Kibana
    Kibana is an open source, browser based analytics and visualization platform designed to work with Elasticsearch. You use Kibana to search, view, and interact with the audit data stored in Elasticsearch indices. You can perform data analysis and visualize the audit data in a variety of charts, tables, and maps.

    Kibana is served by a back end server and by default port 5601 is used.


  1. Download the files from this repository
    You can clone this repository using Git or else you can simply download the files as a Zip using the following link:

  2. Configure the external parameters if required
    The following parameters may be set:

    Environment Variable Default Description
    ES_JAVA_OPTS ‑Xmx256m ‑Xms256m Environment variable to set heap size
    e.g. to use 1GB use ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms1g -Xmx1g"
    ELASTICSEARCH_HTTP_PORT_NODE1 9200 HTTP Port used for RESTful API on Node1
    ELASTICSEARCH_NETWORK_PORT_NODE1 9300 Network Communication Port used for Java API, the Elasticsearch transport protocol and Cluster Communications on Node1
    ELASTICSEARCH_HTTP_PORT_NODE2 9201 HTTP Port used for RESTful API on Node2
    ELASTICSEARCH_NETWORK_PORT_NODE2 9301 Network Communication Port used for Java API, the Elasticsearch transport protocol and Cluster Communications on Node2
    ELASTICSEARCH_HTTP_PORT_NODE3 9202 HTTP Port used for RESTful API on Node3
    ELASTICSEARCH_NETWORK_PORT_NODE3 9302 Network Communication Port used for Java API, the Elasticsearch transport protocol and Cluster Communications on Node3
    CAF_AUDIT_SERVICE_PORT 25080 This is the port that the Audit Web Service is configured to listen on.
    KIBANA_SERVER_PORT 5601 This is the port that Kibana is configured to run on.
  3. Deploy the services
    First navigate to the folder where you have downloaded the files to and then run one of the following commands, depending on whether you are using Docker Compose or Docker Stack:

    Docker Compose docker-compose up (docker-compose defaults to use a file called docker-compose.yml)
    docker-compose up -d (-d flag is for "detached mode" i.e. run containers in the background)
    Docker Stack docker stack deploy --compose-file=docker-compose.yml auditservicedemo
  4. Navigate to the Audit Web Service UI
    The Audit Web Service is a RESTful Web Service and is primarily intended for programmatic access, however it also ships with a Swagger-generated user-interface.

    Using a browser, navigate to the /caf-audit-service-ui endpoint on the Audit Web Service:


    Replace <DOCKER_HOST> with the name of your own Docker Host and adjust the port if you are not using the default.

  5. Index an audit event message into Elasticsearch
    Go to the POST /auditevents operation.

    • Enter the following audit event message details into the newAuditEvent parameter:

          "applicationId": "SampleApp",
          "processId": "77baef40-2744-46ab-9b69-a349a19930c5",
          "threadId": 1,
          "eventOrder": 1,
          "eventTime": "2017-05-16T12:16:11.174Z",
          "eventTimeSource": "myHostName",
          "userId": "1234-0003",
          "tenantId": "test_tenant",
          "correlationId": "test123",
          "eventTypeId": "readDocument",
          "eventCategoryId": "documentEvents",
          "eventParams": [
            "paramName": "docId",
            "paramType": "long",
            "paramValue": "123"
            "paramName": "title",
            "paramType": "string",
            "paramValue": "Macbeth"
            "paramName": "fileType",
            "paramType": "string",
            "paramValue": "pdf"
            "paramName": "date",
            "paramType": "date",
            "paramValue": "2017-05-16T12:16:10.174Z"
            "paramName": "userName",
            "paramType": "string",
            "paramValue": "cwhite"
          } ]
    • Click on the 'Try it out!' button.

  6. Retrieve the audit event message
    curl -XGET '<DOCKER_HOST>:<ELASTICSEARCH_HTTP_PORT>/<index>/_search?q=userId:<userId>&pretty'
    i.e. curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/test_tenant_audit/_search?q=userId:1234-0003&pretty'


       "took" : 265,
       "timed_out" : false,
       "_shards" : {
         "total" : 5,
         "successful" : 5,
         "failed" : 0
       "hits" : {
         "total" : 1,
         "max_score" : 0.2876821,
         "hits" : [
             "_index" : "test_tenant_audit",
             "_type" : "cafAuditEvent",
             "_id" : "AVymmfbYKNeN0isJbMGN",
             "_score" : 0.2876821,
             "_source" : {
               "date_CADte" : "2017-05-16T12:16:10.174Z",
               "title_CAKyw" : "Macbeth",
               "eventTimeSource" : "myHostName",
               "userId" : "1234-0003",
               "docId_CALng" : 123,
               "threadId" : 1,
               "eventTypeId" : "readDocument",
               "userName_CAKyw" : "cwhite",
               "processId" : "77baef40-2744-46ab-9b69-a349a19930c5",
               "eventTime" : "2017-05-16T12:16:11.174Z",
               "correlationId" : "test123",
               "applicationId" : "SampleApp",
               "fileType_CAKyw" : "pdf",
               "eventOrder" : 1,
               "eventCategoryId" : "documentEvents"
  7. Navigate to the Kibana UI
    Kibana is a web application that you access through port 5601. Using a browser, navigate to:


    Replace <DOCKER_HOST> with the name of your own Docker Host and adjust the port if you are not using the default.

    When you access Kibana, the Discover page loads by default with the default index pattern selected. The time filter is set to the last 15 minutes and the search query is set to match-all (*).

  8. Connect Kibana with Elasticsearch and search for the audit event message
    Before you can start using Kibana, you need to tell it which Elasticsearch indices you want to explore. The first time you access Kibana, you are prompted to define an index pattern that matches the name of one or more of your indices. When configuring the index pattern, set the name or pattern to *_audit and select eventTime for the Time-field name. Next browse to the Discover page, set the search query to match-all (i.e. *) and configure the time filter for This Year:

Kibana Dashboards, Saved Searches and Visualizations

A set of saved objects including dashboards, saved searches and visualizations are included in the deployment directory that can be imported into Kibana in order to explore and visualize the audit data in several ways. For further information, see here.

Override Files

Docker Compose supports the concept of override files which can be used to modify the service definitions in the main Docker Compose files, or to add extra service definitions.

The following override files are supplied alongside the main Docker Compose file for the service:

Override File Description
docker‑compose.https.yml This override file can be used to activate a HTTPS port in the Audit Web Service which can be used for secure communication.

You must provide a keystore file either at the default path (./keystore/.keystore) or a custom path and set the CAF_AUDIT_SERVICE_KEYSTORE environment variable.

The default port exposed for HTTPS communication is 25081 but this can be overridden by supplying the environment variable CAF_AUDIT_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS.

Additional environment variables can be supplied if the keystore file has been generated using custom values for alias, keystore and key passwords.

Activating HTTPS Endpoint

The docker-compose.https.yml override file should be used to activate a HTTPS endpoint for secure communication with the Audit Web Service.

Create the Keystore

First of all, you need to generate a keystore file. For more information on generating keystores see these instructions.

A default keystore can be generated using the following command. Specify changeit when asked for both the keystore and key passwords.

keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keystore .keystore -keyalg RSA

If you generate a keystore with custom passwords instead, then make sure to provide environment variables CAF_AUDIT_SERVICE_KEYSTORE_PASS and CAF_AUDIT_SERVICE_KEY_PASS (see override options below).

Deploy the Keystore

The generated keystore file then needs placed in a folder called keystore in audit-service-deploy. Name it .keystore or else provide your own custom path by setting CAF_AUDIT_SERVICE_KEYSTORE (e.g. ./mykeystore/ks.p12).


The override file, docker-compose.https.yml, needs applied in order to activate the HTTPS endpoint. Run the following command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.https.yml up
Override Options

The following table outlines the additional overrides supported in the docker-compose.https.yml file:

Environment Variable Default Description
CAF_AUDIT_SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS 25081 This is the HTTPS port to be exposed in the Audit Web Service to allow secure communication. Unless a keystore is provided, the HTTPS port will not be active.
CAF_AUDIT_SERVICE_KEYSTORE ./keystore/.keystore If you are activating the HTTPS port, you can override the default keystore location to provide your own keystore as a volume. This is the path of the keystore file (i.e. ./mykeystore/ks.p12).
CAF_AUDIT_SERVICE_KEYSTORE_ALIAS tomcat If you generated your own keystore with a custom keystore alias, use this environment variable to update the Audit Web Service's keystore configuration in the server.xml. The default is "tomcat".
CAF_AUDIT_SERVICE_KEYSTORE_PASS changeit If you generated your own keystore with a custom keystore password, use this environment variable to update the Audit Web Service's keystore configuration in the server.xml. The default is "changeit".
CAF_AUDIT_SERVICE_KEY_PASS changeit If you generated your own keystore with a custom key password, use this environment variable to update the Audit Web Service's keystore configuration in the server.xml. The default is "changeit".


Errors during Start Up

If the following error appears during start up and the Elasticsearch container shuts down shortly after start up:

elasticsearch1 | ERROR: bootstrap checks failed
elasticsearch1 | max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]

This error can be resolved by issuing the following command on the Linux host:

  • sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

More information regarding vm.max_map_count can be found in the Elasticsearch official Documentation here and here.

Warnings during Start Up

If the following warning is seen during start up it can be disregarded:

audit_elasticsearch | [2017-04-14T09:20:02,597][WARN ][i.n.u.i.MacAddressUtil ] Failed to find a usable hardware address from the network interfaces; using random bytes: 1a:e1:8d:83:20:f5:d0:3c

More information can be found here