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Gradient Generation to Support Gradient-Enhanced Neural Networks

Neural networks are useful in instances where multivariate process data is available and the mathematical functions describing the variable relationships are unknown. Training deep neural networks is most efficient when samples of the variable derivatives, or gradients, are collected simultaneously with process data. However, gradient data is often unavailable unless the physics of the system are known and predetermined such as in fluid dynamics with outputs of known physical properties.

These gradients may be estimated numerically using solely the process data. The gradient generation tool described below requires a Comma-Separated Value (CSV) file containing process samples (rows), with inputs in the left columns and outputs in the rightmost columns. Multiple outputs are supported, as long as they are the rightmost columns, and the variable columns may have string (text) headings or data may start in row 1. The method produces a CSV file for each output variable containing gradients with respect to each input variable (columns), for each sample point (rows). After navigating to the FOQUS directory examples/other_files/ML_AI_Plugin, the code below sets up and calls the gradient generation method on the example dataset MEA_carbon_capture_dataset_mimo.csv:

# required imports
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from generate_gradient_data import generate_gradients
>>> data = pd.read_csv(r"MEA_carbon_capture_dataset_mimo.csv")  # get dataset
>>> data_array = np.array(data, ndmin=2)  # convert to Numpy array
>>> n_x = 6  # we have 6 input variables, in the leftmost 6 columns

>>> gradients = generate_gradients(
>>>   xy_data=data_array,
>>>   n_x=n_x,
>>>   show_plots=False,  # flag to plot regression results during gradient training
>>>   optimize_training=True,  # will try many regression settings and pick the best result
>>>   use_simple_diff=True  # flag to use simple partials instead of chain rule formula; defaults to False if not passed
>>>   )
>>> print("Gradient generation complete.")

>>> for output in range(len(gradients)):  # save each gradient array to a CSV file
>>>   pd.DataFrame(gradients[output]).to_csv("gradients_output" + str(output) + ".csv")
>>>   print("Gradients for output ", str(output), " written to gradients_output" + str(output) + ".csv",)

Internally, the gradient generation methods automatically executes a series of actions on the dataset:

1. Import process data of size (m, n_x + n_y), where m is the number of sample rows, n_x is the number of input columns and n_y is the number of output columns. Given n_x, the data is split into an input array X and an output array Y.

2. For each input xi and each output yj, estimate the gradient using a multivariate chain rule approximation. For example, the gradient of y1 with respect to x1 is calculated at each point as:

\frac{Dy_1}{Dx_1} = \frac{dy_1}{dx_1} \frac{dx_1}{dx_1} + \frac{dy_1}{dx_2} \frac{dx_2}{dx_1} + \frac{dy_1}{dx_3} \frac{dx_3}{dx_1} + ...

where D/D represents the total derivative, d/d represents a partial derivative at each sample point. y1, x1, x2, x3, and so on are vectors with values at each sample point m, and this formula produces the gradients of each output with respect to each input at each sample point by iterating through the dataset. The partial derivatives are calculated by simple finite difference. For example:

\frac{dy_1}{dx_1} (m_{1.5}) = \frac{y_1 (m_2) - y_1 (m_1)}{x_1 (m_2) - x_1 (m_1)}

where m_1.5 is the midpoint between sample points m_2 and m_1. As a result, this scheme calculates gradients at the points between the sample points, not the actual sample points.

3. Train an MLP model on the calculated midpoint and midpoint-gradient values. After normalizing the data via linear scaling (see :ref:`mlaiplugin.datanorm`), the algorithm leverages a small neural network model to generate gradient data for the actual sampe points. Passing the argument optimize_training=True will train models using the optimizers Adam or RMSProp, with activation functions ReLu or Sigmoid on hidden layers, using a Linear or ReLu activation function on the output layer, building 2 or 8 hidden layers with 6 or 12 neurons per hidden layer. The algorithm employs cross-validation to check the mean-squared-error (MSE) loss on each model and uses the model with the smallest error to predict the sample gradients.

4. Predict the gradients at each sample point from the regressed model. This produces n_y arrays with each having size (m, n_x) - the same size as the original input array X.

5. Concatenate the predicted gradients into a single array of size (m, n_x, n_y). This is the single object returned by the gradient generation method.