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TunaButter edited this page Feb 17, 2019 · 17 revisions



  • Install Node.js here

  • Install Yarn here

  • Install Adonis with yarn add global @adonisjs/cli


Within the directory /Jasper write the following to install all dependencies:

  • yarn install

Running The Application

To start the application run

  • yarn start or adonis serve

To run test if your code meets coding coventions

  • run yarn lint


  1. Download the database file and place it under the <App root directory>/database folder.

  2. Make sure your .env has the following lines:



  • Run adonis migration:run to generate the tables.
  • Run adonis migration:rollback to purge the tables.

Sqlite shell (Optional)


  1. Download the binaries and the command line tool and place them under C:\Windows\System32
  2. Open a command line tool from the <App root directory>/database and run sqlite3 jasper_dev.db




  • Go to extentions and download "ESLint"

Manual Testing

  • Type yarn lint

Ignoring ESLint [Not Recommended]

  • For in line use: // eslint-disable-line
  • For the whole file use: eslint no-use-before-define: 0 */ // --> OFF



  1. Download this script and put it in database/. To execute the script, within the sqlite3 shell, run .read room.sql. This will populate the database with some mock rooms whose schedules are hosted on the Outlook account.

  2. To get access token from the Outlook account, go to http://localhost:3333/authenticate where you will be prompted to login. Use the following credentials (You will only have to do this once. The application will refresh the access token every half hour as long as it is running):

  3. You may log into Outlook using the above credentials view the schedules(calendars) of mock rooms.

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