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File metadata and controls

760 lines (492 loc) · 22.2 KB


You can customize the behavior of the SNP Pipeline by configuring parameters. Each step in the pipeline has a corresponding parameter allowing you to set one or more options for each tool in the pipeline.

Parameters can be configured either in a configuration file if you are using the run command, or in environment variables.

The pipeline comes with a default configuration file. When you use the run command without specifying a configuration file, it automatically uses the default supplied configuration file.

To get a copy of the default configuration file, run the following command. This will create a file called snppipeline.conf:

cfsan_snp_pipeline data configurationFile

To customize the pipeline behavior, edit the configuration file and pass the file to the run command:

cfsan_snp_pipeline run -c snppipeline.conf ...

When the run command executes, it copies the configuration file to the log directory for the run, capturing the configuration used for each run.

If you decide not to use the run command, you can still customize the behavior of the pipeline tools, but you will need to set (and export) environment variables with the same names as the parameters in the configuration file.

The available configuration parameters are described below.


Controls whether the pipeline exits upon detecting errors affecting only a single sample. The pipeline will always stop upon detecting global errors affecting all samples.


When this parameter is not set to a value, the pipeline will stop upon detecting single sample errors. If you want the pipeline to continue, you must explicitly set this parameter false.




Controls the number of CPU cores used by the SNP Pipeline. This parameter controls CPU resources on both your workstation and on an HPC cluster. By limiting the number of CPU cores used, you are also limiting the number of concurrently executing processes.


When this parameter is not set to a value, the pipeline will launch multiple concurrent processes using all available CPU cores.




Controls how many CPU cores are concurrently used per process when running multi-threaded processes on Grid or Torque. This parameter affects bowtie2, smalt, samtools, and GATK. You can set this parameter in one place instead of setting special options in multiple places for bowtie, smalt, samtools, and GATK. The pipeline will automatically use this setting whenever processes use multiple CPU cores. You should set this parameter to the typical number of CPUs available on the compute nodes in your HPC cluster. The MaxCpuCores-label parameter takes precedence over CpuCoresPerProcessOnHPC. If you set CpuCoresPerProcessOnHPC higher than MaxCpuCores, you will only get MaxCpuCores threads per process.


Do not leave this parameter unset.




Controls how many CPU cores are concurrently used per process when running multi-threaded processes on your workstation. This parameter affects bowtie2, smalt, samtools, and GATK. You can set this parameter in one place instead of setting special options in multiple places for bowtie, smalt, samtools, and GATK. The pipeline will automatically use this setting whenever processes use multiple CPU cores. You should set this parameter to some even divisor of the number of CPUs on your workstation. When this parameter is less than the number of CPU cores in your workstation, multiple processes will be launched, each using the number of cores specified here. The MaxCpuCores-label parameter takes precedence over CpuCoresPerProcessOnWorkstation. If you set CpuCoresPerProcessOnWorkstation higher than MaxCpuCores, you will only get MaxCpuCores threads per process.


When this parameter is not set to a value, all CPU cores are consumed by one process, instead of splitting the CPU cores between multiple processes.




Controls the maximum number of snps allowed for each sample. Any sample with excessive snps exceeding this limit will be excluded from the snp list, snp matrix, and snpma.vcf file. When set to -1, this parameter is disabled.


Do not leave this parameter unset. To disable the excessive snp filtering and include all samples regardless of the number of snps, set the parameter to -1




Controls which reference-based aligner is used to map reads to the reference genome. The choices are bowtie2 or smalt.


When this parameter is not set to a value, the pipeline will use the bowtie2 aligner.




Specifies options passed to the bowtie2 indexer. Any of the bowtie2-build options can be specified.

Default: none


Bowtie2Build_ExtraParams="--offrate 3"


Specifies options passed to the smalt indexer. Any of the smalt index options can be specified.

Default: none


SmaltIndex_ExtraParams="-k 20 -s 1"


Specifies options passed to the SAMtools faidx indexer. Any of the SAMtools faidx options can be specified.

Default: none




Specifies options passed to the Picard CreateSequenceDictionary indexer. Any of the CreateSequenceDictionary options can be specified.

Default: none




Specifies options passed to the bowtie2 aligner. Any of the bowtie2 aligner options can be specified.


If you do not specify the -p option, the CFSAN SNP Pipeline will automatically set the number
of threads using the values CpuCoresPerProcessOnHPC-label and CpuCoresPerProcessOnWorkstation-label.
To disable bowtie2 multithreading, specify "-p 1".

If Bowtie2Align_ExtraParams is not set to any value, the --reorder option is enabled by default.
Any value, even a single space, will suppress this default option.

Parameter Notes:

-p threads

Bowtie2 uses the specified number of parallel search threads. Setting this option is not recommended. The recommended way to control threads per process is by setting CpuCoresPerProcessOnHPC-label and CpuCoresPerProcessOnWorkstation-label.


Generate output records in the same order as the reads in the input file.

-X distance

Maximum inter-mate fragment length for valid concordant paired-end alignments.


Bowtie2Align_ExtraParams="--reorder -p 16 -X 1000"


Specifies options passed to the smalt mapper. Any of the smalt map options can be specified.


If you do not specify the -n option, the CFSAN SNP Pipeline will automatically set the number
of threads using the values CpuCoresPerProcessOnHPC-label and CpuCoresPerProcessOnWorkstation-label.
To disable smalt multithreading, specify "-n 1".

If SmaltAlign_ExtraParams is not set to any value, the -O option is enabled by default.
Any value, even a single space, will suppress this default option.

Parameter Notes:

-n threads

Number of parallel alignment threads. Setting this option is not recommended. The recommended way to control threads per process is by setting CpuCoresPerProcessOnHPC-label and CpuCoresPerProcessOnWorkstation-label.


Generate output records in the same order as the reads in the input file.

-i size

Maximum insert size for paired-end reads.

-r seed

Random number seed, if seed < 0 reads with multiple best mappings are reported as 'not mapped'.

-y fraction

Filters output alignments by a threshold in the number of exactly matching nucleotides


SmaltAlign_ExtraParams="-O -i 1000 -r 1"


Specifies options passed to the SAMtools view tool when filtering the SAM file. Any of the SAMtools view options can be specified.


If SamtoolsSamFilter_ExtraParams is not set, the "-F 4" option is enabled by default.
Any value, even a single space, will suppress the -F option.

If you do not specify the -@ option, the CFSAN SNP Pipeline will set the number of threads
using the values CpuCoresPerProcessOnHPC-label and CpuCoresPerProcessOnWorkstation-label.

Parameter Notes:

-F 4

Exclude unmapped reads.

-q threshold

Exclude reads with map quality below threshold.

-@ threads

Number of parallel threads. Setting this option is not recommended. The recommended way to control threads per process is by setting CpuCoresPerProcessOnHPC-label and CpuCoresPerProcessOnWorkstation-label.


SamtoolsSamFilter_ExtraParams="-F 4 -q 30"


Specifies options passed to the SAMtools sort tool when sorting the BAM file. Any of the SAMtools sort options can be specified.


If you do not specify the -@ option, the CFSAN SNP Pipeline will set the number of threads
using the values CpuCoresPerProcessOnHPC-label and CpuCoresPerProcessOnWorkstation-label.

Parameter Notes:

-@ threads

Number of parallel threads. Setting this option is not recommended. The recommended way to control threads per process is by setting CpuCoresPerProcessOnHPC-label and CpuCoresPerProcessOnWorkstation-label.




Specifies options passed to the SAMtools index tool when indexing the BAM file. Any of the SAMtools index options can be specified.


If you do not specify the -@ option, the CFSAN SNP Pipeline will set the number of threads
using the values CpuCoresPerProcessOnHPC-label and CpuCoresPerProcessOnWorkstation-label.

Parameter Notes:

-@ threads

SPECIAL NOTE: ordinarily, we recommended specifying the threads with the the CpuCoresPerProcessOnHPC-label and CpuCoresPerProcessOnWorkstation-label parameters. However, when we tested samtools index on a Lustre file system, we found it runs slower with multiple threads. For this reason, we recommend customizing this parameter for your environment.


SamtoolsIndex_ExtraParams="-@ 2"


Controls whether the pipeline removes duplicate reads prior to creating the pileup and calling snps.


When this parameter is not set to a value, the pipeline removes duplicate reads.




Specifies options passed to the Picard Java Virtual Machine. Any of the JVM options can be specified.

Default: None

Parameter Notes:

-Xmx300m : use 300 MB memory (modify as needed)




Specifies options passed to the Picard MarkDuplicates tool when removing duplicate reads.

Default: None




Controls whether the pipeline realigns reads around indels prior to creating the pileup and calling snps.


When this parameter is not set to a value, the pipeline realigns reads around indels.




Specifies options passed to the GATK Java Virtual Machine. Any of the JVM options can be specified.

Default: None

Parameter Notes:

-Xmx3500m : use 3500 MB memory (modify as needed)




Specifies options passed to the GATK RealignerTargetCreator tool.


If you do not specify the -nt option, the CFSAN SNP Pipeline will set the number of threads
using the values CpuCoresPerProcessOnHPC-label and CpuCoresPerProcessOnWorkstation-label.
To disable RealignerTargetCreator multithreading, specify "-nt 1".

Parameter Notes:

-nt threads

Number of parallel threads. Setting this option is not recommended. The recommended way to control threads per process is by setting CpuCoresPerProcessOnHPC-label and CpuCoresPerProcessOnWorkstation-label.


RealignerTargetCreator_ExtraParams="--minReadsAtLocus 7"


Specifies options passed to the GATK IndelRealigner tool.

Default: None


IndelRealigner_ExtraParams="--consensusDeterminationModel USE_READS"


Specifies options passed to the SAMtools mpileup tool. Any of the SAMtools mpileup options can be specified.

Default: None

Parameter Notes:

-q : minimum mapping quality for an alignment to be used
-Q : minimum base quality for a base to be considered
-x : disable read-pair overlap detection
-A : include alignments that are not proper-pairs


SamtoolsMpileup_ExtraParams="-q 0 -Q 13 -A"


Specifies options passed to the Varscan mpileup2snp tool. Any of the Varscan mpileup2snp options can be specified.

Default: None

Parameter Notes:

--min-avg-qual : minimum base quality at a position to count a read
--min-var-freq : minimum variant allele frequency threshold
--min-reads2 : minimum supporting reads at a position to call variants


VarscanMpileup2snp_ExtraParams="--min-avg-qual 15 --min-var-freq 0.90 --min-reads2 5"


Specifies options passed to the Varscan Java Virtual Machine. Any of the JVM options can be specified.

Default: None

Parameter Notes:

-Xmx300m : use 300 MB memory (modify as needed)




Specifies options passed to the filter_regions command.

Default: None

Parameter Notes:


The length of the edge regions in a contig, in which all SNPs will be removed.


The length of the window in which the number of SNPs should be no more than max_num_snp.


The maximum number of SNPs allowed in a window.


Relative or absolute path to the file indicating outgroup samples, one sample ID per line.

--mode all

Dense regions found in any sample are filtered from all of the samples.

--mode each

Dense regions found in any sample are filtered from each sample independently.

You can filter snps more than once by specifying multiple window sizes and max snps. For example "--max_snp 3 2 --window_size 1000 100" will filter more than 3 snps in 1000 bases and also more than 2 snps in 100 bases.


FilterRegions_ExtraParams="--edge_length 500 --window_size 1000 125 15 --max_snp 3 2 1 --out_group /path/to/outgroupSamples.txt"


Specifies options passed to the merge_sites command.

Default: None


MergeSites_ExtraParams="--verbose 1"


Specifies options passed to the call_consensus command.

Default: None

Parameter Notes:


Mimimum base quality score to count a read. All other snp filters take effect after the low-quality reads are discarded.


Consensus frequency. Mimimum fraction of high-quality reads supporting the consensus to make a call.


Consensus depth. Minimum number of high-quality reads supporting the consensus to make a call. This impacts both variant calls and reference calls.


Consensus strand depth. Minimum number of high-quality reads supporting the consensus which must be present on both the forward and reverse strands to make a call


Strand bias. Minimum fraction of the high-quality consensus-supporting reads which must be present on both the forward and reverse strands to make a call. The numerator of this fraction is the number of high-quality consensus-supporting reads on one strand. The denominator is the total number of high-quality consensus-supporting reads on both strands combined.


VCF Output file name. If specified, a VCF file with this file name will be created in the same directory as the consensus fasta file for this sample.


Flag to cause VCF file generation at all positions, not just the snp positions. This has no effect on the consensus fasta file, it only affects the VCF file. This capability is intended primarily as a diagnostic tool and enabling this flag will greatly increase execution time.


Flag to cause the VCF file generator to emit each reference base in uppercase/lowercase as it appears in the reference sequence file. If not specified, the reference bases are emitted in uppercase.


CallConsensus_ExtraParams="--minBaseQual 15 --minConsDpth 3 --vcfFileName consensus.vcf"


Specifies options passed to the snp_matrix command.

Default: None


SnpMatrix_ExtraParams="--verbose 1"


Specifies options passed to the snp_reference command.

Default: None


SnpReference_ExtraParams="--verbose 1"


Specifies options passed to the merge_vcfs command.

Default: none


MergeVcfs_ExtraParams="-n sample.vcf"


Specifies options passed to the bcftools merge tool.


When this parameter is not set to a value, the pipeline uses the settings: --merge all --info-rules NS:sum. Any value, even a single space, will suppress the default settings.

Parameter Notes:

Controls the creation of multiallelic records.
  • none = no new multiallelics, output multiple records instead
  • snps = allow multiallelic SNP records
  • indels = allow multiallelic indel records
  • both = both SNP and indel records can be multiallelic
  • all = SNP records can be merged with indel records
  • id = merge by ID
Controls the content of the filter data element.
  • x = set the output record filter to PASS if any of the inputs pass
  • + = set the output record filter to PASS when all of the inputs pass

Rules for merging INFO fields (scalars or vectors) or - to disable the default rules. METHOD is one of sum, avg, min, max, join. Default is DP:sum,DP4:sum if these fields exist in the input files. Fields with no specified rule will take the value from the first input file.


BcftoolsMerge_ExtraParams="--merge all --info-rules NS:sum"


Specifies options passed to the collect_metrics command.

Default: none


CollectSampleMetrics_ExtraParams="-v consensus.vcf"


Specifies options passed to the combine_metrics command.

Default: none

Parameter Notes:

-s : Emit column headings with spaces instead of underscores




Controls stripping the suffix from the job id when specifying Torque job array dependencies. It may be necessary to change this parameter if the pipeline fails with an illegal qsub dependency error.




Controls stripping the suffix from the job id when specifying Grid Engine job array dependencies. It may be necessary to change this parameter if the pipeline fails with an illegal qsub dependency error.




Specifies the name of the Grid Engine parallel environment. This is only needed when running the SNP Pipeline on a High Performance Computing cluster with the Grid Engine job manager. Contact your HPC system administrator to determine the name of your parallel environment. Note: the name of this parameter was PEname in releases prior to 0.4.0.




Specifies extra options passed to sbatch when running the SNP Pipeline on the SLURM job scheduler.

Default: None




Specifies extra options passed to qsub when running the SNP Pipeline on the Grid Engine job scheduler.

Default: None


GridEngine_QsubExtraParams="-q bigmem.q -l h_rt=12:00:00"


Specifies extra options passed to qsub when running the SNP Pipeline on the Torque job scheduler.

Default: None


Torque_QsubExtraParams="-l pmem=16gb -l walltime=12:00:00"