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Modding Counties, Baronies & Buildings

Rémerod (el MaloDiablo edited this page Sep 7, 2022 · 4 revisions


So you want to add a building or faith or similar to a barony? well this is the place to find out!

Assigning Faith, Culture and holding type to a county/baronies

To assign Faith, Culture and holding type to a barony go to the \LotRRealmsInExileDev\history\provinces folder path and open the fitting txt document with notepad++ then scroll down to the county/barony you want to alter and apply the code culture = example_culture, religion = example_faith & holding = holding type under Numbers = { #County (b_Barony) witch signifies what county & barony it is.

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Assigning Buildings & Special Works

To assign Building you need to open one of the txt files in the \LotRRealmsInExileDev\history\provinces folder path and go to the correct barony you want to assign the building/s. You need to add a date when the building/s where constructed then you need to add a new line of code under buildings = { builing_type }. With "Special Works" you need to fill in a slot for whatever the barony in question can make the building with the code line; special_building_slot = wonder_custom and then if a code for whatever the "special works" are present at the game start special_building = wonder_custom, (Look at the example bellow).

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image Example of, time when the buildings where constructed, buildings added to barony alongside special works

How to create a Building

If you want to create a new type of building for the mod, say a new building chain for Rohan or a new special works for Gondor, you'd had to do practically the same thing but in different files.

Create a building

To create a new building you need to go to \LotRRealmsInExileDev\common\buildings and open the fitting txt file or create a new one and create new line of codes, similar to an vanilla one, a mod one or if you have enough understanding yourself of code to make the "building you want.

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image Example of a custom lotr building line of codes.

Then you need to apply Localization to these buildings, go to \LotRRealmsInExileDev\localization\english and open the yml file lotr_buildings_l_english.yml and get the descriptions code in under respectively under the fitting section and use similar descriptions code to describe your buildings.

Create a Special Works

You do basically the same thing as Create a building but when you go to \LotRRealmsInExileDev\common\buildings you open the txt file lotr_wonders.txt and apply your line of codes there, either by comparing it to already existing vanila or lotr special works or create your own if you have the knowledge of doing so.

Then the localization is on the same place; you need to apply Localization to these wonder/special work, go to \LotRRealmsInExileDev\localization\english and open the yml file lotr_buildings_l_english.yml and get the descriptions code in under respectively under the fitting section and use similar descriptions code to describe your wonder/special work.

Special works map modding

Also you need to make sure it shows up on the special works map mode. Go to the folder path \RealmsInExile\LotRRealmsInExileDev\common\scripted_effects and then open and edit the txt file special_buildings_map_effects.txt and a copy of the already existing codes:

else_if = { 
		limit = { has_building_or_higher = wonder_name } 
		set_sp_value = { SP = wonder_name } 
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image folder path

image the special_buildings_map_effects.txt file with the code

And that should be it for the map mode!