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The source code used to construct the MuMiN dataset from scratch.

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This repository contains the source code used to construct, from scratch, the MuMiN dataset from the paper Nielsen and McConville: MuMiN: A Large-Scale Multilingual Multimodal Fact-Checked Misinformation Social Network Dataset (2021).

The idea behind releasing this repository is to give developers and researchers a way to extend the MuMiN framework, or to use parts of this project to further research in related projects.

Code Overview

This section will give an overview of the various scripts in this repository, to make it as easy as possible to locate the functions and classes that could be useful for other projects.

API Keys

To use the scripts, several API keys needs to be set up and stored in a file called .env, in the root of the repository. The file should look like this:


The API keys are only required when a function is used that demands it (otherwise an error will occur).

The Google API key can be set up here, and is used for fetching the claims and verdicts, as well as for the translation. Thus, both the Fact Check Tools API and the Cloud Translation API needs to be enabled for the API key.

The Twitter Academic API key can be applied for here and is used to fetch tweets from Twitter. Note that it is the Bearer Token that is used as the TWITTER_API_KEY.

The DeepL API key can be set up here and is only used if you want to use DeepL for translation instead of Google.

The Neo4j user and password is set up when a Neo4j database is created. Creating such a database is covered in the Populating graph database section below, so you can wait with the NEO4J_USER and NEO4J_PASSWORD until the database is set up.

Main script

This is the script which is used to call all the other scripts. All the needed function calls are already wrapped by functions in this script, so everything should be callable using these wrapper functions. Choose the function to call at the bottom of the script.

Fetching claims

To fetch the claims and verdicts from the Google Fact Check API, we created a wrapper, FactChecker, which lies in the script. This wrapper only has a single method, __call__, which can be used to easily query claims and verdicts from the API. This uses the GOOGLE_API_KEY from the .env file, and thus assumes that you have that set up at this point.

Before we are fetching claims and verdicts, we first need to construct a list of fact-checking websites from which we want to fetch the claims from. This repository already comes with a list of reviewers, which was the one compiled when our paper was written, but this can be updated using the build_reviewer_list function in the script. This fetches fact-checking websites posting claims in each of the list of languages present in the data/bcp47.yaml file, which can be manually updated if required.

The fetching is then done with the fetch_facts function in the script, which assumes that the data/reviewers.yaml file has been created, using the procedure described in the above paragraph. This takes a while, and the result is a folder data/reviewers, which contains a csv file for each of the fact-checking websites. Each of these csv files will then contain all the claims from that fact-checking website.

Fetching tweets

The tweets are fetched using a Twitter API wrapper, Twitter, which is defined in the script. This primary method of this wrapper, query, which can be used to query the Twitter Full-Archive Search API.

The tweets are then fetched primarily using the fetch_tweets_from_extracted_keywords function in the script. This function assumes that the claims have been downloaded and are present in the data/reviewers folder, as described in the previous section, extracts keywords from them and queries Twitter for tweets in the claim period related to the keywords. This uses the fetch_tweets function, which also lies in script, which fetches Twitter data more generally.

Verdict classification

As described in the paper, the verdicts in the data/reviewers folder will be plaintext. To convert these into our three classes factual, misinformation and other, we train a separate classifier. The source code for this model can be found in verdict_classifier folder.

The first step is to annotate verdicts into these three classes, which can be done in a notebook using the verdict_classifier/ script and the notebook notebooks/annotate_verdict_classifier.ipynb. We do provide our annotated verdicts as well, lying in the data/verdict_annotations.csv file.

The dataset is wrapped into a PyTorch dataset in the verdict_classifier/ script, and the model itself is defined in the verdict_classifier/ script. The training of the model is done using the train function in the verdict_classifier/ script, which assumes that the annotated verdicts lie in the data/verdict_annotations.csv file. The resulting model will then lie in the models folder. Alternatively, our trained model already lies in this folder, and can simply be used as-is.

With a trained verdict classifier, the next step is then to run the add_predicted_verdicts function in the script, which will add a predicted_verdict column to the claim csv files in the data/reviewers folder.

Populating graph database

Next, we need to populate a Neo4j graph database with all the data fetched so far. The easiest way to construct such a database is using Docker. Once Docker is installed, the graph database can be launched using the neo4j/ shell script. After a few minutes, you can access the database through your browser at https://localhost:17474. In the top field, Connect URL, select neo4j:// and insert localhost:17687. The default username is neo4j and the default password is also neo4j. When logging in for the first time, a different password will need to be set. After having set a new password, insert the username and password as the NEO4J_USER and NEO4J_PASSWORD in your .env files, as these will be used below.

The querying of the graph database is done using a Neo4j wrapper, Graph, in the neo4j/ script. As the previous wrappers it has a single method, query, which queries the database with a Cypher script.

To populate the graph database with the downloaded Twitter data as well as the claims, the functions populate and create_claims in the neo4j/ script are used. This will use all the Cypher scripts in the neo4j/cypher folder, which creates all the nodes and relations, enforces uniqueness constraints and creates search indices. Note that this will also extract the URLs from the tweets and store these as separate Url nodes.

Translating claims and tweets

As we are doing a lot of translation in building this dataset, we built a dedicated Google Cloud Translation API wrapper, GoogleTranslator, which lies in the script. We also tried an alternative translation provider DeepL and have a wrapper, DeepLTranslator, for that in the same script.

The translation of the claims, tweets and articles are done using the translate_claims, translate_tweets and translate_articles functions in the neo4j/ script. This assumes that you have populated these into the graph database. This will store a text_en attribute on all the Tweet nodes and a claim_en attribute on the Claim nodes.

Fetching and processing articles

The fetching of the articles is done with the create_articles function in the neo4j/ script, which fetches all the URLs from the graph database, filters them and extracts the content using the newspaper3k Python library. These articles will then be stored as Article nodes in the database.

The next step is translating the articles, which is done using the translate_articles function in the neo4j/ script. This is done a bit differently than the other translation functions, as text limitations in the Google Cloud Translation API forces us to split the article content into sentences first, translate each sentence and concatenate the resulting translated sentences. This stores title_en and content_en on all the Article nodes in the database.

Next, the articles need to be summarised, which is done using the summarise_articles function in the script. This takes a long time (summarising a million articles takes several weeks), and the result is a summary attribute on all the Article nodes.

Embedding claims, tweets and articles

With translated claims, tweets and articles, we next need to embed these, to be able to measure similarity between them. This is done using the embed_claims, embed_tweets and embed_articles functions in the neo4j/ script. This results in an embedding attribute on all the Claim, Tweet and Article nodes.

Linking claims with tweets and articles

With embeddings on all the relevant nodes, we next link the claims with the tweets and articles, using the link_nodes function in the neo4j/ script. In this function we can specify the node_type argument to either be tweet or article, depending on whether we are linking tweets or articles with claims. This script continues until all Claim nodes have been linked to a Tweet node (if node_type is tweet) or an Article node (if node_type is article). This will probably never happen, so run the script until you are satisfied with the amount of links. This will usually take several weeks.

Dumping the graph database

With the links in place, the public database (i.e., tweet IDs rather than the tweets themselves) can then be dumped using the dump_database function in the neo4j/ script. The folder containing the dump needs to be specified by changing the dump_dir variable in this script.

Fetching replies and social network

In our database we only dealt with the source tweets, being the tweets that initiates a Twitter thread, and did not include any of the retweets, as this would simply require too much memory. Instead, now that we have the tweet IDs of the source tweets and user IDs of the final dataset, we can add in this information using the fetch_retweets, fetch_followers and fetch_followees functions in the neo4j/ script. Again, the dump_dir variable in this script needs to be changed to where the database dump is located.

Related Repositories

  • MuMiN website, the central place for the MuMiN ecosystem, containing tutorials, leaderboards and links to the paper and related repositories.
  • MuMiN, containing the paper in PDF and LaTeX form.
  • MuMiN-build, containing the scripts for the Python package mumin, used to compile the dataset and export it to various graph machine learning frameworks.
  • MuMiN-baseline, containing the scripts to train the baselines introduced in the paper.


The source code used to construct the MuMiN dataset from scratch.






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