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Android App for Crowdsourcing Research

Android app for researching effectiveness of different types of offline crowdsourcing. Created primarily to test out various crowdsourcing concepts.

How to Run

Import the project in Android Studio and build the project with an Android phone connected.


Download the APK file within the public/ folder directly.

Primary Features

  • Let users create tasks to be completed by crowdsourcing.
  • Let users complete tasks already submitted for crowdsourcing.
  • Display tasks that are locally available.
  • Display activities of other users.
  • Get alerted whenever a user enters or leaves a location for a task.

How to Create an APK

  • Create a new build configuration with task assemble
  • Run the new build configuration to create the APK
  • Compiled APK will be located at app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk


  • Check release log or change log.