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Dem Tools modules

This section describes all dem tools modules: :ref:`dem_tools`, :ref:`dataset_tools`, :ref:`img_tools`.

As explained below, the dem_tools module handles the main API for dem manipulation through a dataset described in dataset_tools below.

Dem_tools module

demcompare.dem_tools module file is

This module contains main functions to manipulate DEM raster images.

It represents the primary API to manipulate DEM as xarray dataset in demcompare. Dataset and associated internal functions are described in dataset_tools

As one can see in :ref:`demcompare_module`, the main demcompare module in file uses dem_tools's functions such as load_dem, reproject_dems and compute_alti_diff_for_stats.

The full list of API functions available in the dem_tools module, as well as their description and input and output parameters can be found here: :doc:`/api_reference/demcompare/dem_tools/index`

Dataset_tools module

demcompare.dataset_tools module file is

This module contains functions associated to demcompare's DEM dataset creation. It shall not be used directly, as it is the dem_tools module who handles its API.

The demcompare DEM dataset is a xarray Dataset created by demcompare for each DEM, it contains all the necessary information for demcompare to perform all the different available processes on a DEM.

One can see here all the information inside a demcompare dataset:

:image: 2D (row, col) image as xarray.DataArray,
:georef_transform: 1D (trans_len) xarray.DataArray with the parameters:

            - c: x-coordinate of the upper left pixel,
            - a: pixel size in the x-direction in map units/pixel,
            - b: rotation about x-axis,
            - f: y-coordinate of the upper left pixel,
            - d: rotation about y-axis,
            - e: pixel size in the y-direction in map units, negative

:classification_layers: 3D (row, col, indicator) xarray.DataArray:

            It contains the maps of all classification layers,
            being the indicator a list with each
            classification_layer name.


            - nodata : image nodata value. float
            - input_img : image input path. str or None
            - crs : image crs.
            - xres : x resolution (value of transform[1]). float
            - yres : y resolution (value of transform[5]). float
            - plani_unit : georefence planimetric unit. astropy.units
            - zunit : input image z unit value. astropy.units
            - bounds : image bounds. rasterio.coords.BoundingBox
            - geoid_path : geoid path. str or None
            - source_rasterio : rasterio's DatasetReader object or None.

Img_tools module

demcompare.img_tools module file is

This module contains generic functions associated to raster images. It consists mainly on wrappers to rasterio functions. Like dataset_tools, this module shall not be used directly, as it is the dem_tools module who handles its API.