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This repository contains the code needed to reproduce the experiments found in the paper.

How to run


  • Python >= 3.8
  • Java >= 11

Building the systems

Included is the code we used to run ESPER, FLINK and SASE.


Esper source contains a maven project. Just package the distribution with dependencies and move espertest-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar to the jars folder, and rename it esper8.jar.


Flink contains a gradle project. Because of a library that flink uses, it is unable to be compiled normally into a fat jar. So, run the gradle command distZip and unzip the contents in flink-1.0-SNAPSHOT into the jars folder.


For SASE, just compile manually an artifact with all the dependencies included, move it to the jars folder and rename it sase.jar


The CORE code that was used in the experiments can be found in the CORE repository under the experiments branch. After compiling it, move it to the jars folder and rename it core.main.jar. Note that at the time of writing this readme, the only differences between the experiments and main branches are, that was modified to print relevant data, and execution\callback\, that was modified to have all system print results in a similar style.

Running the experiments

The experiments scripts are located in the scripts folder. There's 6 included experiments:

  • Sequence: Asks for a simple sequence in a stream. For example A then B then C.
  • Sequence no last event: Asks for a simple sequence, but the last event is not present in the stream.
  • Sequence sel: Asks for a simple sequence, but using different selection strategies.
  • Kleene: Asks for a sequence with kleene terms in between. For example A, then one or more B, then C.
  • Disjunction: Asks for a sequence with disjunctions in between. For example A, then either B or C, then D.
  • Stock Markets: Asks multiple queries regarding the stock market data.

All these experiments have many variables that can be changed to change the behavior of the experiments:

  • TESTS: A list that can contain either 'Time' or 'Memory'. Note that memory tests cannot be run without first running a time test, as the end condition of the memory test depends on the time test.
  • STREAM_EVENTS: A list containing integers. It controls how many events will appear on the query.
  • STREAM_LENGTH: An integer. Controls the length of the stream.
  • WIN_LENGTH: A list containing integers. Controls the length of the windows used, measured in events.
  • NOISE_EVENTS: A list containing integers. Controls how many events will appear on the stream that are not part of the query.
  • ITERATIONS: An integer. How many iterations of each test will be ran.
  • TIMEOUTS: A list containing how many (real) seconds the scripts will give each system to process the data stream. Note that this does not include the time pre-processing the stream (i.e. converting the text file into Event objects and storing them in a list)
  • SYSTEMS: A list containing which systems the experiment shall use.
  • TEST_NAME: Name of the folder that will be created in the results folder.
  • CONSUME: Should not be changed
  • NUM_EVENT_DICT: Should not be changed

After running the experiments, the data will be stored in the results folder. To make it more human readable, there's also two other scripts, and which will take the data from the results folder and convert it into a csv for easier reading. Note that when running there scripts you will have to change the variable TEST_NAMES to the folder name of the tests that were ran.

Note that all the scripts are made to be run from the folder this README is in as cwd.