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File metadata and controls

585 lines (455 loc) · 23.1 KB


In this Section we demonstrate basic usage of the package.

Quick start: Reading note information from a MIDI file

Before we present more in-depth usage of the package, we cover the common use case of reading note information from a MIDI file. The function :func:`~partitura.midi_to_notearray` does exactly that: It loads the note information from the MIDI file MIDI into a structured numpy array with attributes onset (in seconds), duration (in seconds), pitch, velocity, and ID (automatically generated). For the purpose of this example we use a small MIDI file that comes with the partitura package. The path to the example MIDI file is stored as :const:`partitura.EXAMPLE_MIDI`.

>>> import partitura
>>> path_to_midifile = partitura.EXAMPLE_MIDI
>>> note_array = partitura.midi_to_notearray(path_to_midifile)
>>> note_array # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
array([(0., 2., 69, 64, 0, 1, 'n0'),
       (1., 1., 72, 64, 0, 2, 'n1'),
       (1., 1., 76, 64, 0, 2, 'n2')],
      dtype=[('onset_sec', '<f4'),
             ('duration_sec', '<f4'),
             ('pitch', '<i4'),
             ('velocity', '<i4'),
             ('track', '<i4'),
             ('channel', '<i4'),
             ('id', '<U256')])

The individual fields can be accessed using the field names as strings, e.g.:

>>> note_array["onset_sec"] # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
array([0., 1., 1.], dtype=float32)

To access further information from MIDI files, such as time/key signatures, and control changes, see Importing MIDI files.

Importing MusicXML

As an example we take a MusicXML file with the following contents:

.. literalinclude:: ../partitura/assets/score_example.musicxml
   :language: xml

To load the score in python we first import the partitura package:

>>> import partitura

For convenience a MusicXML file with the above contents is included in the package. The path to the file is stored as :const:`partitura.EXAMPLE_MUSICXML`, so that we load the above score as follows:

>>> path_to_musicxml = partitura.EXAMPLE_MUSICXML
>>> part = partitura.load_musicxml(path_to_musicxml)

Displaying the typeset part

The :func:`partitura.render` function displays the part as a typeset score:

>>> partitura.render(part)

Score example

This should open an image of the score in the default image viewing application of your desktop. The function requires that either MuseScore or lilypond is installed on your computer.

Exporting a score to MusicXML

The :func:`partitura.save_musicxml` function exports score information to MusicXML. The following line saves part to a file mypart.musicxml:

>>> partitura.save_musicxml(part, 'mypart.musicxml')

Viewing the contents of a score

The function :func:`~partitura.load_musicxml` returns the score as a :class:`~partitura.score.Part` instance. When we print it, it displays its id and part-name:

>>> print(part)
Part id="P1" name="Piano"

To see all of the elements in the part at once, we can call its :meth:`~partitura.score.Part.pretty` method:

>>> print(part.pretty())
Part id="P1" name="Piano"
 ├─ TimePoint t=0 quarter=12
 │   │
 │   └─ starting objects
 │       │
 │       ├─ 0--48 Measure number=1
 │       ├─ 0--48 Note id=n01 voice=1 staff=2 type=whole pitch=A4
 │       ├─ 0--48 Page number=1
 │       ├─ 0--24 Rest id=r01 voice=2 staff=1 type=half
 │       ├─ 0--48 System number=1
 │       └─ 0-- TimeSignature 4/4
 ├─ TimePoint t=24 quarter=12
 │   │
 │   ├─ ending objects
 │   │   │
 │   │   └─ 0--24 Rest id=r01 voice=2 staff=1 type=half
 │   │
 │   └─ starting objects
 │       │
 │       ├─ 24--48 Note id=n02 voice=2 staff=1 type=half pitch=C5
 │       └─ 24--48 Note id=n03 voice=2 staff=1 type=half pitch=E5
 └─ TimePoint t=48 quarter=12
     └─ ending objects
         ├─ 0--48 Measure number=1
         ├─ 0--48 Note id=n01 voice=1 staff=2 type=whole pitch=A4
         ├─ 24--48 Note id=n02 voice=2 staff=1 type=half pitch=C5
         ├─ 24--48 Note id=n03 voice=2 staff=1 type=half pitch=E5
         ├─ 0--48 Page number=1
         └─ 0--48 System number=1

This reveals that the part has three time points at which one or more musical objects start or end. At t=0 there are several starting objects, including a :class:`~partitura.score.TimeSignature`, :class:`~partitura.score.Measure`, :class:`~partitura.score.Page`, and :class:`~partitura.score.System`.

Extracting note information from a Part

The notes in this part can be accessed through the :attr:`~partitura.score.Part.notes` property:

>>> part.notes  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[<partitura.score.Note object at 0x...>,
 <partitura.score.Note object at 0x...>,
 <partitura.score.Note object at 0x...>]
>>> part.notes[0].duration  # duration in divs

Alternatively, basic note attributes can be accessed through the :attr:`~partitura.score.Part.note_array` property:

>>> arr = part.note_array
>>> arr.dtype  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
dtype([('onset_beat', '<f4'),
       ('duration_beat', '<f4'),
       ('onset_quarter', '<f4'),
               ('duration_quarter', '<f4'),
       ('onset_div', '<i4'),
               ('duration_div', '<i4'),
       ('pitch', '<i4'),
               ('voice', '<i4'),
               ('id', '<U256')])

The onsets and durations of the notes are specified in various units of time.

>>> for pitch, onset, duration in arr[["pitch", "onset_beat", "duration_beat"]]:
...     print(pitch, onset, duration)
69 0.0 4.0
72 2.0 2.0
76 2.0 2.0

Iterating over arbitrary musical objects

In the previous Section we used :attr:`part.notes <partitura.score.Part.notes>` to obtain the notes in the part as a list. This property is a shortcut for the following statement:

>>> list(part.iter_all(partitura.score.Note))  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[<partitura.score.Note object at 0x...>,
 <partitura.score.Note object at 0x...>,
 <partitura.score.Note object at 0x...>]

That is, we iterate over all objects of class :class:`partitura.score.Note`, and store them in a list. The :meth:`~partitura.score.Part.iter_all` method can be used to iterate over objects of arbitrary classes in the part:

>>> for m in part.iter_all(partitura.score.Measure):
...     print(m)
0--48 Measure number=1

The :meth:`~partitura.score.Part.iter_all` method has a keyword include_subclasses that indicates that we are also interested in any subclasses of the specified class. For example, the following statement iterates over all objects in the part:

>>> for m in part.iter_all(object, include_subclasses=True):
...     print(m)
0--48 Note id=n01 voice=1 staff=2 type=whole pitch=A4
0--24 Rest id=r01 voice=2 staff=1 type=half
0--48 Page number=1
0--48 System number=1
0--48 Measure number=1
0-- TimeSignature 4/4
24--48 Note id=n02 voice=2 staff=1 type=half pitch=C5
24--48 Note id=n03 voice=2 staff=1 type=half pitch=E5

This approach is useful for example when we want to retrieve rests in addition to notes. Since rests and notes are both subclassess of :class:`GenericNote <partitura.score.GenericNote>`, the following works:

>>> for m in part.iter_all(partitura.score.GenericNote, include_subclasses=True):
...     print(m)
0--48 Note id=n01 voice=1 staff=2 type=whole pitch=A4
0--24 Rest id=r01 voice=2 staff=1 type=half
24--48 Note id=n02 voice=2 staff=1 type=half pitch=C5
24--48 Note id=n03 voice=2 staff=1 type=half pitch=E5

By default, include_subclasses is False.

Creating a musical score by hand

You can build a musical score from scratch, by creating a :class:`partitura.score.Part` object. We start by renaming the partitura.score module to score, for convenience:

>>> import partitura.score as score

Then we create an empty part with id 'P0' and name 'My Part' (the name is optional, the id is mandatory), and a quarter note duration of 10 units.

>>> part = score.Part('P0', 'My Part', quarter_duration=10)

Adding elements to the part is done by the :meth:`~partitura.score.Part.add` method, which takes a musical element, a start and an end time. Either of the start and end arguments can be omitted, but if both are omitted the method will do nothing.

We now add a 3/4 time signature at t=0, and three notes. The notes are instantiated by specifying an (optional) id, pitch information, and an (optional) voice:

>>> part.add(score.TimeSignature(3, 4), start=0)
>>> part.add(score.Note(id='n0', step='A', octave=4, voice=1), start=0, end=10)
>>> part.add(score.Note(id='n1', step='C', octave=5, alter=1, voice=2), start=0, end=10)
>>> part.add(score.Note(id='n2', step='C', octave=5, alter=1, voice=2), start=10, end=40)

Note that the duration of notes is not hard-coded in the Note instances, but defined implicitly by their start and end times in the part.

Here's what the part looks like:

>>> print(part.pretty())
Part id="P0" name="My Part"
 ├─ TimePoint t=0 quarter=10
 │   │
 │   └─ starting objects
 │       │
 │       ├─ 0--10 Note id=n0 voice=1 staff=None type=quarter pitch=A4
 │       ├─ 0--10 Note id=n1 voice=2 staff=None type=quarter pitch=C#5
 │       └─ 0-- TimeSignature 3/4
 ├─ TimePoint t=10 quarter=10
 │   │
 │   ├─ ending objects
 │   │   │
 │   │   ├─ 0--10 Note id=n0 voice=1 staff=None type=quarter pitch=A4
 │   │   └─ 0--10 Note id=n1 voice=2 staff=None type=quarter pitch=C#5
 │   │
 │   └─ starting objects
 │       │
 │       └─ 10--40 Note id=n2 voice=2 staff=None type=half. pitch=C#5
 └─ TimePoint t=40 quarter=10
     └─ ending objects
         └─ 10--40 Note id=n2 voice=2 staff=None type=half. pitch=C#5

We see that the notes n0, n1, and n2 have been correctly recognized as quarter, quarter, and dotted half, respectively.

Let's save the part to MusicXML:

>>> partitura.save_musicxml(part, 'mypart.musicxml')

When we look at the contents of mypart.musicxml, surprisingly, the <part></part> element is empty:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE score-partwise PUBLIC
  "-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 3.1 Partwise//EN"
    <score-part id="P0">
      <part-name>My Part</part-name>
  <part id="P0"/>

The problem with our newly created part is that it contains no measures. Since the MusicXML format requires musical elements to be contained in measures, saving the part to MusicXML omits the objects we added.

Adding measures

One option to add measures is to add them by hand like we've added the notes and time signature. A more convenient alternative is to use the function :func:`~partitura.score.add_measures`:

>>> score.add_measures(part)

This function uses the time signature information in the part to add measures accordingly:

>>> print(part.pretty())
Part id="P0" name="My Part"
 ├─ TimePoint t=0 quarter=10
 │   │
 │   └─ starting objects
 │       │
 │       ├─ 0--30 Measure number=1
 │       ├─ 0--10 Note id=n0 voice=1 staff=None type=quarter pitch=A4
 │       ├─ 0--10 Note id=n1 voice=2 staff=None type=quarter pitch=C#5
 │       └─ 0-- TimeSignature 3/4
 ├─ TimePoint t=10 quarter=10
 │   │
 │   ├─ ending objects
 │   │   │
 │   │   ├─ 0--10 Note id=n0 voice=1 staff=None type=quarter pitch=A4
 │   │   └─ 0--10 Note id=n1 voice=2 staff=None type=quarter pitch=C#5
 │   │
 │   └─ starting objects
 │       │
 │       └─ 10--40 Note id=n2 voice=2 staff=None type=half. pitch=C#5
 ├─ TimePoint t=30 quarter=10
 │   │
 │   ├─ ending objects
 │   │   │
 │   │   └─ 0--30 Measure number=1
 │   │
 │   └─ starting objects
 │       │
 │       └─ 30--40 Measure number=2
 └─ TimePoint t=40 quarter=10
     └─ ending objects
         ├─ 30--40 Measure number=2
         └─ 10--40 Note id=n2 voice=2 staff=None type=half. pitch=C#5

Let's see what our part with measures looks like in typeset form:

>>> partitura.render(part)

Part with measures

Although the notes are there, the music is not typeset correctly, since the first measure should have a duration of three quarter notes, but instead is has a duration of four quarter notes. The problem is that the note n2 crosses a measure boundary, and thus should be tied.

Splitting up notes using ties

In musical notation notes that span measure boundaries are split up, and then tied together. This can be done automatically using the function :func:`~partitura.score.tie_notes`:

>>> score.tie_notes(part)
>>> partitura.render(part)

Part with measures

Now the score looks correct. Displaying the contents reveals that the part now has an extra quarter note n2a that starts at the measure boundary, whereas the note n2 is now a half note, ending at the measure boundary.

>>> print(part.pretty())
Part id="P0" name="My Part"
 ├─ TimePoint t=0 quarter=10
 │   │
 │   └─ starting objects
 │       │
 │       ├─ 0--30 Measure number=1
 │       ├─ 0--10 Note id=n0 voice=1 staff=None type=quarter pitch=A4
 │       ├─ 0--10 Note id=n1 voice=2 staff=None type=quarter pitch=C#5
 │       └─ 0-- TimeSignature 3/4
 ├─ TimePoint t=10 quarter=10
 │   │
 │   ├─ ending objects
 │   │   │
 │   │   ├─ 0--10 Note id=n0 voice=1 staff=None type=quarter pitch=A4
 │   │   └─ 0--10 Note id=n1 voice=2 staff=None type=quarter pitch=C#5
 │   │
 │   └─ starting objects
 │       │
 │       └─ 10--30 Note id=n2 voice=2 staff=None type=half tie_group=n2+n2a pitch=C#5
 ├─ TimePoint t=30 quarter=10
 │   │
 │   ├─ ending objects
 │   │   │
 │   │   ├─ 0--30 Measure number=1
 │   │   └─ 10--30 Note id=n2 voice=2 staff=None type=half tie_group=n2+n2a pitch=C#5
 │   │
 │   └─ starting objects
 │       │
 │       ├─ 30--40 Measure number=2
 │       └─ 30--40 Note id=n2a voice=2 staff=None type=quarter tie_group=n2+n2a pitch=C#5
 └─ TimePoint t=40 quarter=10
     └─ ending objects
         ├─ 30--40 Measure number=2
         └─ 30--40 Note id=n2a voice=2 staff=None type=quarter tie_group=n2+n2a pitch=C#5

Removing elements

Just like we can add elements to a part, we can also remove them, using the :meth:`~partitura.score.Part.remove` method. The following lines remove the measure instances that were added using the :func:`~partitura.score.add_measures` function:

>>> for measure in list(part.iter_all(score.Measure)):
...     part.remove(measure)

Note that we create a list of all measures in part before we remove them. This is necessary to avoid changing the contents of part while we iterate over it.

Importing MIDI files

For quick access to note information from a MIDI file, use the function :func:`~partitura.midi_to_notearray`, as described in Quick start: Reading note information from a MIDI file. In addition to this function, which returns a structured numpy array, partitura provides two further functions to load information from MIDI files, depending on whether the information should be treated as a performance or as a score (see introduction.html#score-vs-performance):

The :func:`~partitura.load_performance_midi` returns a :class:`~partitura.performance.PerformedPart` instance. The :class:`~partitura.performance.PerformedPart` instance stores notes, program change and control change messages. The notes in :attr:`~partitura.performance.PerformedPart.notes` are dictionaries with the usual MIDI attributes "midi_pitch", "note_on", "note_off", etc. Additionally, there is a key called "sound_off" which returns note_off times adjusted by the sustain pedal. Set the on/off threshold value for the sustain_pedal MIDI cc message like so:

>>> path_to_midifile = partitura.EXAMPLE_MIDI
>>> performedpart = partitura.load_performance_midi(path_to_midifile)
>>> performedpart.sustain_pedal_threshold=64

Setting the sustain pedal threshold to 128 will prevent the change of "sound_off" values by sustain pedal. When the MIDI file does not contain any pedal information, the "sound_off" is equal to "note_off", and setting :attr:`~partitura.performance.PerformedPart.sustain_pedal_threshold` has no effect. Calling :attr:`~partitura.performance.PerformedPart.note_array` will return a structured array like :func:`~partitura.midi_to_notearray`. The values in note_array["duration_sec"] are the actual duration of the note based on the sound_off time.

The function :func:`~partitura.load_score_midi` returns a :class:`~partitura.score.Part` instance. The function estimates the score structure based on the "parts per quarter" value and the note_on/note_off times in a MIDI file. This function only works with deadpan "score" MIDI files that can be generated by Digital Audio Workstations, Scorewriters, and other sequencers. It is not suitable to estimate the score from a performed MIDI file, such as a recording of a pianist playing on a MIDI keyboard.

>>> midipart = partitura.load_score_midi(path_to_midifile)
>>> midipart.note_array  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    array([(0., 4., 0., 4.,  0, 48, 69, 1, 'n0'),
           (2., 2., 2., 2., 24, 24, 72, 2, 'n1'),
           (2., 2., 2., 2., 24, 24, 76, 2, 'n2')],
          dtype=[('onset_beat', '<f4'),
                 ('duration_beat', '<f4'),
                 ('onset_quarter', '<f4'),
                 ('duration_quarter', '<f4'),
                 ('onset_div', '<i4'),
                 ('duration_div', '<i4'),
                 ('pitch', '<i4'),
                 ('voice', '<i4'),
                 ('id', '<U256')])

The note_array of a part is a structured array similar to the one of the :class:`~partitura.performance.PerformedPart` instance, but the first 6 fields refer to onset and duration in score time. The score MIDI function correctly identifies the note lengths of a whole note and two half notes. However, the position of the first measure bar (as well as other score properties) is only an estimate as a "score" MIDI file of a score that begins with a tied quarter note in an anacrusis measure would look exactly the same in the MIDI encoding.

Music Analysis

The package offers tools for various types music analysis, including key estimation, tonal tension estimation, voice separation, and pitch spelling. The functions take the note information of in the form of an instance of :class:`~partitura.score.Part`, :class:`~partitura.score.PartGroup`, or :class:`~partitura.performance.PerformedPart`, a list of :class:`~partitura.score.Part` objects or a structured numpy array, as returned by the :attr:`~partitura.score.Part.note_array` attribute.

Key Estimation

Key estimation is performed by the function :func:`~partitura.musicanalysis.estimate_key`. The function returns a string representation of the root and mode of the key:

>>> key_name = partitura.musicanalysis.estimate_key(part.note_array)
>>> print(key_name)

The number of sharps/flats and the mode can be inferred from the key name using the convenience function :func:`~partitura.utils.key_name_to_fifths_mode`:

>>> partitura.utils.key_name_to_fifths_mode(key_name)
(4, 'minor')

Pitch Spelling

Pitch spelling estimation is performed by the function :func:`~partitura.musicanalysis.estimate_spelling`. The function returns a structured array with pitch spelling information (i.e., with fields step, alter and octave) for each note in the input note_array. If the input to this method is an instance of :class:`~partitura.score.Part`, :class:`~partitura.score.PartGroup`, or :class:`~partitura.performance.PerformedPart`, a list of :class:`~partitura.score.Part`, each row of the output corresponds to order of the notes in the note_array that would be generated by using the helper method :func:`~partitura.utils.ensure_notearray`.

>>> pitch_spelling = partitura.musicanalysis.estimate_spelling(part.note_array)
>>> print(pitch_spelling)
[('A', 0, 4) ('C', 1, 5) ('C', 1, 5)]

Voice Estimation

Voice estimation is performed by the function :func:`~partitura.musicanalysis.estimate_voices`. The function returns a numpy array with voice information for each note in the input note_array. If the input to this method is an instance of :class:`~partitura.score.Part`, :class:`~partitura.score.PartGroup`, or :class:`~partitura.performance.PerformedPart`, a list of :class:`~partitura.score.Part`, each row of the output corresponds to order of the notes in the note_array that would be generated by using the helper method :func:`~partitura.utils.ensure_notearray`.

>>> voices = partitura.musicanalysis.estimate_voices(part.note_array)
>>> print(voices)
[1 1 1]

Tonal Tension

Three tonal tension features proposed by Herremans and Chew (2016) are estimated by the function :func:`~partitura.musicanalysis.estimate_tonaltension`. The function returns a strured array with fields cloud_diameter, cloud_momentum, tensile_strain and onset. In contrast to the other methods in partitura.musicanalysis, the tonal tension features are not computed for each note, but for specific time points, which are specified by argument ss, which can be a float specifying the step size, a 1D numpy array with time values, or 'onset', which computes the tension features at each unique onset time.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> tonal_tension = partitura.musicanalysis.estimate_tonaltension(part, ss='onset')
>>> print(np.unique(part.note_array['onset_beat']))
[0. 1.]
>>> print(tonal_tension.dtype.names)
('onset_beat', 'cloud_diameter', 'cloud_momentum', 'tensile_strain')
>>> print(tonal_tension['cloud_momentum'])
[0.         0.16666667]
>>> partitura.musicanalysis.estimate_spelling(part.note_array)  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
array([('A', 0, 4), ('C', 1, 5), ('C', 1, 5)],
      dtype=[('step', '<U1'), ('alter', '<i8'), ('octave', '<i8')])