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Masternode Setup Guide

1. Requirements

2. Local wallet setup part 1 of 2

Download latest wallet: GitHub

Open the wallet

Note: If you're setting up using an Ubuntu desktop wallet and you do not see the File, Settings, or Help wallet menu options then you must uninstall apppmenu-qt5 from your system (Terminal> sudo apt-get remove appmenu-qt5)

Go to the Receive tab

Click New Address and enter a Masternode Address name (e.g. MN01) and click OK (do not check Stealth Address)

Select the Masternode Address and click Copy Address. Paste the address in a text editor

Click New Address again and enter a label for your Reward Address (e.g. Rewards1) and click OK (do not check Stealth Address)

Select the Reward Address and click Copy Address. Paste the address in a text editor

Go to the Send tab

Use "Coin Control" to select your collateral. If Coin Control is not visible, enable by navigating to menu >Options>Display

Paste the address on the Pay To box and enter 5 in the Amount box

Note : You must be sent exactly 5 BNTU in a single transaction

Click Send (do not check Darksend)

Go to Help > Debug window

Open Consoleand type masternode genkey

Copy the key and paste the masternode genkey (also referred later as a "PrivKey" or "Masternode Private Key") into your text editor

Wait for 10 confirmations (Go to the next step while waiting)

3. Setup VPS

Login to your VPS (Vultr or Digital Ocean) using your SSH client Deploy a new instance (1GB RAM VPS Recommended)

Login to your instance using your SSH Client

3-1. Installation

Paste the applicable command below into your terminal to run the automated masternode installation script. these scripts automatically install the daemon and a bootstrap; therefore, they will take some time to run. Please be patient.

Ubuntu 18.04 VPS:

Install dos2unix:

sudo apt-get install dos2unix -y

Run the setup commands:

wget -q
chmod +x

Paste your masternode genkey when prompted

Ubuntu 20.04 VPS:

Install dos2unix:

sudo apt-get install dos2unix -y

Run the setup commands:

wget -q
chmod +x

Paste your masternode genkey when prompted

Compile Manually:

Follow the compilation instructions here:

Paste your masternode genkey in configuration file as detailed in the step, "Edit the config file"

VPS Masternode Troubleshooting

Get the status code to identify issues:'./buntu masternode status'

The "status" of your masternode will be one of the following:

1 = Your masternode has not been processed by the network yet. Please wait.

2 = Your masternode is active and synced to the network.

3 = Your masternode is inactive.

4 = Your masternode has stopped.

5 = Your masternode seed transaction hasn't reached the minimum of 16 confirmations.

6 = Your masternode port is closed.

7 = Your masternode port is open.

8 = Your masternode is syncing to the network.

9 = Your masternode is remotely enabled and active.

4. Setup local wallet part 2 of 2

After 10 confirmations type masternode outputs in the Debug window in your wallet

Copy the TxHash and output index number and paste it into your text editor

the "Output Index" number is after the collateral tx and is either a "1" or "0"

5. Create the Masternode

Go to the Masternodes tab

Click the Create... button

Fill in the form using the instructions provided by the wallet. Use the information recorded in your text editor from previous steps.

Note: Be sure to add :32821 to the end of the VPS ip in the "Address" field!

Click OK

Click Update

Select your masternode Click Start

Note: If you receive an error such as "Could not allocate VIN", unlock your wallet and click Start again. If the error reoccurs then you may need to reinstall your VPS, remove the masternode (see below) from your masternode.conf file, and begin the setup from the beginning

The above steps will create a 'masternode.conf' file in your %appdata% folder (windows). Masternodes can be removed by editing or deleting file. Your collateral will reappear after you restart your wallet.

You may need to wait a few hours or even a day to receive rewards depending on the number of masternodes on the network.

6. Checking masternode status

Click Update periodically to ensure your masternodes are running

After 30 minutes, your masternode Active(secs) will be reflected in the Buntu subtab

Thank you for running a Buntu Masternode!