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soonann edited this page Oct 25, 2022 · 3 revisions

Contributing to the project

To contribute to the project, you can follow the detailed guides below on the conventions and ways to navigate through the project.

1. Cloning the project

To get started, you will first need to clone a copy of the project with:

git clone

This should create a local version of the project that you can work on

2. Branching practice

We have the following branches in the project:

  • main
    • This branch has all the production ready code, all source code pushed to here must have been tested in the development branch first.
  • development
    • This branch's purpose is to serve as a testing space before new code written by different developers are merged together. Code should be tested properly to ensure there isn't and errors before merging development into main
  • <feature>/development OR <personal>/development
    • The branch that you will be mostly working on, will be the feature or personal branches. As we add new features to the application, we will create new branches called <feature>/development
      • e.g when building the authentication feature, we will create a authentication/development branch to work on.
      • e.g if you wish to do some testing, you can also create a branch under your own name soonann/development
    • These branches will branch out from the development branch and should be merged back into the development branch when development is done
    • It is also recommended to merge frequently to ensure everything is working well with other developer's codes

3. Configuring Environment Variables

This project uses a .env file to configure the environment variables used by the docker containers. A sample.env file is given as reference, you will need to rename the sample.env file as .env and change the values of the variables declared in the file.

However, take note that not all variables need to be changed in order for the project to function properly. You can refer to the table below on which variables need to be changed in order to work.

If you don't want to bother with reading all the documentation, I'd suggest you refer to the Quick Start section above on how you can setup .env to make everything work.

Variable Used In Needs Changes (Reason)
DATABASE_HOST - src/main/resources/application.yml 🟢 (Variable is used by the Java/Spring Boot container to identify the hostname of the PostgreSQL Server)
DATABASE_SCHEMA - src/main/resources/application.yml 🟢 (Variable is used by the Java/Spring Boot container to identify the schema used in the PostgreSQL Server)
DATABASE_PORT - src/main/resources/application.yml 🟢 (Variable is used by the Java/Spring Boot container to identify the port the PostgreSQL Server is listening on)
POSTGRES_DB - src/main/resources/application.yml - docker-compose.yaml 🟢 (Variable is used by PostgreSQL container to name a database it creates when the image is initially created. It is also used in the Spring Boot container to identify the database name to make a connection)
POSTGRES_USER - src/main/resources/application.yml - docker-compose.yaml 🟢 (Variable is used by PostgreSQL container to name a user it creates when the image is initially created. It is also used in the Spring Boot container to specify a username to make a database connection)
POSTGRES_PASSWORD - src/main/resources/application.yml - docker-compose.yaml 🟢 (Variable is used by PostgreSQL container to set the password of the POSTGRES_USER created. It is also used in the Spring Boot container to specify the password for the POSTGRESQL_USER to make a database connection)
MAIL_HOST - src/main/resources/application.yml 🟠 (This variable need to be changed as the Email Server Host that you want to use might not be outlook's Email Server)
MAIL_PORT - src/main/resources/application.yml 🟠 (This variable need to be changed as the port the Email Server is listening on might be different)
MAIL_USERNAME - src/main/resources/application.yml 🔴 (This variable will need to be changed as it is the accout login or rather, your email address that you are logging into the Email Server with)
MAIL_PASSWORD - src/main/resources/application.yml 🔴 (This variable will need to be changed as it is the password for the MAIL_USERNAME specified previously, used to login into the Email Server)

4. Starting the project

You would have already cloned the project from the first step, now you can cd into your project:

cd plantngo_backend

Now that you are in your project, you can run the following docker command to build the image:

docker compose build

This will take some time (a few minutes), but note that you will rarely need to re-build your docker image as there shouldn't be significat changes to the image and you should see something like this in your build log:

To start the project, you can do the following command:

docker compose up

You can edit the source code as this is running. Live reload for springboot is configured, so you can just make changes to your source code and save them and the app will reload to include your changes.

Sometimes the Live Reload will not work properly as certain settings are cached, you can stop the project by going to the console you ran the docker compose up command on and pressing CTRL+C to exit the project. After which, you can do docker compose up again to start the project again.

5. Getting started with branches

To start off, you can run the following command to see what branches are available locally and remotely (on Github):

# -v flag: is used for verbose output to see the last commit for the branch
# -a flag: is used to show all branch (remote and local branches)
git branch -va

You should see an output similar to the following:

The branches with the remotes/origin/ prefixes are the ones that are on the remote git repository, essentially github in our case.

The branches without the remotes/origin/ prefixes are the branches that exist locally on your desktop.

Since there is already a copy of development on our remote repository, we can use the following command to get a local copy of it:

# changes your current active branch to development
git checkout development

You should see an output similar to the following:

Now you're in the development branch, you can create your own feature/personal branches from here.

You can do so with the following command:

git branch <new-branch> development

# alternatively, if you are already in development branch now, you can use the following command:
git branch <new-branch>

# after running either one of the above commands, you can check if the branch was created with:
git branch

You should see an output similar to the following:

Now you have created a branch, you can change your current branch into that branch with the following command:

git checkout <branch-to-change-to>

You should see an output similar to the following:

Take note that to switch between branches, you will use this same command

You are now in your personal/development branch, you can now start developing the new feature or testing anything you want to.

As you implement changes to the codebase, you will want to create commits as checkpoints that you can go back to, to do so, you can use the following commands:

# add all changes made in the project to staging area
git add .

# commit all changes in staging area
git commit -m '<write your commit message here>'

# push your changes to the remote repository (github)
# note that the command's orginal form is:
# git push origin someremotebranch
# if you use the -u flag, it will set the upstream branch of your local branch as the specified remote branch (in this case, origin/someremotebranch)
git push -u origin <your-branch-name>

# after your local branch's upstream branch has been set, you can just type the following command the next time you wish to do pushes and it will automatically refer to the upstream branch as the branch to push your local changes to:
git push

Lets say now you have made commits in your personal branches, and you want to merge them back to development, you can do the following commands:

# checkout to the branch that you wish to merge your changes into
git checkout development

# perform the merge of your feature/personal branch into development
# e.g git merge soonann/development
git merge <feature-branch>

Depending on your changes, there might or might not be merge conflicts and you might need to resolve them if there are any, an easy way to do this is to use the VSCode built in git interface.

After you have tested that it works locally, you can then update the changes of your local development branch to the remote development branch (github).

# Because the development branch already had its upstream branch set before automatically, you can just do git push and it will push to its upstream branch origin/development
git push

6. Connecting to local PostgreSQL database

Note that the docker compose setup makes use of a PostgreSQL database. You can see the credentials for the local database in the main.env file.

To connect to the database, you will first need to have the project started. To do so, use the command:

# start the SpringBoot server and PostgreSQL server
docker compose up

After which, you will need to key in your credentials according to the main.env file's credentials.

In the example below, I used DBeaver to connect to the PostgreSQL server, but you can use any other tools you wish to, just ensure the credentials are keyed in properly as per the main.env file above.

Take note that your host should be written as localhost as docker is running on localhost (below is the reason why its written as plantngo-db in main.env).

The docker container for PostgreSQL server is named as plantngo-db as per the docker-compose.yml file. This naming of the docker container is then applied on the container as a hostname by docker.

Since we know the container's name tallies with the hostname of the container, we can simply use the container's name as the hostname to resolve for its ip address.