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Police Database - User Guide

  1. Introduction

The police database is for police officers(PO) and headquarters personnel(HQP). Both groups will have varying access and authorization levels to this database. POs would be able to read from the database after screening someone while on patrol and choose his course of action base on the status/threat level of subject. HQP would have the added functions of adding and removing people from the database. Refer to quick start to get started

  1. Quick Start

  2. Ensure that you have Java Version 9 installed on your device.

  3. Download the latest version of EX-SI-53 here.

  4. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your Address Book.

  5. Double-click the file to start the app. The user interface should appear in a few seconds.

  6. Type the command in the command box and press “Enter” to execute it. E.g. Typing ‘undo’ into the command box will restore the address book to its state before the previous undoable command.

  7. To display the full list of commands and a summary of their functions in the application, type ‘help’ and press “Enter”.

  8. Refer to Section 3, “Features” for details of each command.

  9. Features

3.1. help Format: help

● Lists all the features in a user friendly format for users and how to use them

3.2. Adding a new person: add Adds a criminal to the database- only by Admin. Format: add NAME n/NRIC d/DATEOFBIRTH p/POSTALCODE s/STATUS w/WANTEDFOR [o/PASTOFFENSES] Examples: ● add John Doe n/s1234567a d/1996 p/510246 s/xc w/none o/theft o/drugs" 3.3. Editing a person : edit Edits an existing person in the address book. Format: edit n/[NAME] p/[POSTAL_CODE] s/[STATUS] w/WANTED_FOR o/PAST_OFFENCES ● Edits the person with the specified NRIC. ● At least one of the optional fields must be provided. ● Existing values will be updated to the input values. Examples: ● edit G1952866Q p/91234567 ● Edits the phone number of the person with the specified NRIC to be 91234567 3.4. Deleting a person : delete Deletes the specified person from the database- only by Admin. Format: delete NRIC ● Deletes the person with the specifies NRIC. ● Deleting can be only done by an Administrator. Examples: ● delete G1952866Q ● Deletes the person with the specified NRIC from the database.

3.5. Requesting for assistance : RA (ambulance) or RB (Backup) Format: RA (to call for ambulance) or RB (to call for backup)

● Generates GPS coordinates of current location and sends it to HQ. ● Depending on type of assistance requested, either an ambulance or another patrol resource will be dispatched to said location

	3.6. Undo command: undo
	It erases the last change done to the document reverting it to an older state.
Only works if previous command exists, commands that can be undo are add and delete.

Format: undo

Examples: ● add i/G1978411Q n/John Doe p/98765432 d/03-April-1972 s/Wanted a/John street, block 123, #01-01 ● undo Deletes John Doe from the database

● undo ● Output: ‘It looks like you haven’t entered any previous command, please enter one.’

● help ● Output: ‘Your previous command cannot be undone’

3.7. Repeat command: redo Repeats the previous command, commands include help, battery check, serial number check, battery check, date time, inbox, list.

Format: redo
●	RA
●	redo
		Requests another ambulance

● redo ● Output: ‘It looks like you haven’t entered any previous command, please enter one.’

● add i/G1978411Q n/John Doe p/98765432 d/03-April-1972 s/Wanted a/John street, block 123, #01-01 ● Output: ‘Your previous command cannot be repeated. Please access the help page for a list of repeatable command’

3.8. Check notifications: inbox For HQPs: Check inbox to see a list of dispatch requests made by POs, and are sorted based on severity first, and then time stamp. For POs: Check inbox to see who is responding to request for backup/ambulance/fire truck or to see if have any dispatch orders

Format: inbox
	Examples (as a HQP):
●	inbox
●	Output: Shows a list of dispatch requests (sorted by severity then timestamp) made by POs on the ground:
○	PO1: Gunman, (location in form of GPS coordinates) , 1030 hrs
○	PO3: Gunman, (location in form of GPS coordinates), 1033 hrs
○	PO4: Ambulance, car accident, (location in form of GPS coordinates) , 1028 hrs
○	PO5: Firetruck, small fire, (location in form of GPS coordinates) , 1048 hrs
Examples (as a PO requesting for assistance):
●	inbox
●	Output - for less serious cases - shows who is responding :
○	 PO3 is dispatched and on the way
●	Output (for severe cases):
○	SWAT team is dispatched and on the way
	Examples (as a PO that is dispatched by HQ):
●	inbox
●	Output:
○	Dispatch message: Case of dispute, [location in form of GPS coordinates]

3.9. Dispatch resource: dispatch (HQ Only) HQ is able to dispatch officers to assign them to tasks. Only free officers are able to be dispatched. A warning would presented to HQ when they try to assign an occupied officer.

Format: dispatch [insert patrol number]
●	dispatch PO2

Output: Dispatch message sent to PO2

  1. Commands List

● Help Format - help


E.g. add John Doe n/s1234567a d/1996 p/510246 s/xc w/none o/theft o/drugs"


E.g. edit G1952866Q p/510246

● Delete Format- delete NRIC

E.g. delete G1952866Q

● Repeat Performs previous run command

Format - redo

E.g. redo

● Undo Format - undo

E.g. undo

● RA (Ambulance) or RF(Fire Brigade) or RB (Backup) RA Calls for ambulance, RF calls for Fire Brigade while RB calls for backup to current location

Format: RA or RB or RF

E.g: RB

● Battery Check Checks the battery percentage left currently

Format: battery check

E.g. battery check

● Serial Number Check Checks the serial number of device against database

Format: *06 p/[PHONE_NUMBER]

E.g. *06 p/86781234

● Vehicle Number Check Checks the serial number of device against database

Format: *06 v/[VEHICLE_NUMBER]

E.g. *06 v/SGP0884S

● Date and Time Check Returns the date and time currently

Format: date time

E.g. date time

● Lock System : lock Locks the system and unlocks only with password

Format: lock

E.g. lock

● Check notifications: inbox Checks for list of dispatch requests (for HQP), status of request (for requesting POs) or dispatch messages (for free POs or POs not engaged with anything)

Format: inbox

E.g inbox

● Dispatch resource: dispatch (HQ Only) Dispatches resources (PO)

Format: dispatch PO[id]

E.g. dispatch PO1