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Running PubMiner Locally

Install Required Software and Tools

  • Install Node.js® and npm (node package manager). The installer at will handle both of those for you
  • Install Bower globally npm install -g bower
  • Install the gulp command line tools globally npm install -g gulp-cli

Install and Build Application Dependencies

  • Clone the source code repository: git clone <url> <project directory name>
  • Ensure you are in the project directory
  • Run npm install to install the server-side dependencies (express, pug, xml-simple, etc.)
  • Run bower install to install client-side dependencies (PatternFly, jQuery)
  • Run gulp to build pmstyles.css and automatically have it copied to the public/css folder

Start the Application

  • Ensure you are in the project directory
  • Run npm start to start the server on port 8081
    • If you'd like to change the port to something different, you can modify the bin\www file
    • To start in development mode, run npm run start-dev instead. In development mode, source changes are detected and the server automatically restarts. Also, the browser developer tools will display a Node.js icon that will allow you to debug server side code
  • In your browser, navigate to http://localhost:8081

Running PubMiner in the Cloud


  • Create a new virtual machine for the application on the cloud provider of choice (e.g. AWS, Digital Ocean). Details vary by provider.
  • Connect to a terminal window for the virtual machine.
  • Follow the steps "Required Software and Tools" and "Install and Build Application Dependencies" above.
  • Install Forever globally npm install -g forever. Forever will start an application and automatically restart an application that has crashed.

Start the Application

  • Connect to a terminal window for the virtual machine.
  • Start the application using Forever: forever start ./bin/www
  • View the details using: forever list. This will show the uid, log file location, and uptime.

Update the Running Code

  • Connect to a terminal window for the virtual machine.
  • Find the uid assigned to the application: forever list
  • Stop the application: forever stop <uid>
  • Switch to the project directory
  • Refresh the source code from GitHub: git pull origin master
  • Install any new dependencies: npm install
  • Generate the .css: gulp
  • Start the application: forever start ./bin/www

Additional Information

Running Integration Tests with Cypress

  • ensure the application and database are running
  • run npm run cypress:open
  • select search_spec.js or home_spec from the Integration Test list. The tests should automatically start executing

Running Unit Tests with Mocha

  • ensure the application and database are running
  • run npm run test
  • results are logged to the console

PubMed API key

The app will recognize a PubMed API key stored as configuration value. The PubMed API key should be put in local.json on the deployed machine under the config folder. The example below shows how to provide the API key for the application to use in service calls.

  "PubMedService": {
    "queryOptions": {
      "api_key": "<your-api-key-here>"

The project's .gitignore file is configured to not permit check-in of local.json.

Building pmstyles.css

PatternFly uses Less to compile PatternFly and Bootstrap style elements and project-specific styles into a single .css file. The project file less\pmstyles.less describes how the target css file is assembled, and is the place to add additional PubMiner-specific styles.

The project uses gulp to compile the Less script. To build pmstyles.css, install the gulp command line tools globally npm install -g gulp-cli. You may also need to run npm install within the project folder to update the project-specific dependencies (like gulp, gulp-less and gulp-plumber). Once the dependencies are installed, you simply run gulp in the project folder to build pmstyles.css and automatically copy it to the \public\css folder.