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add signal padding #34
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bvenn committed May 30, 2019
1 parent dd71355 commit a575b7a
Showing 1 changed file with 164 additions and 1 deletion.
165 changes: 164 additions & 1 deletion src/FSharp.Stats/Signal/Padding.fs
@@ -1,10 +1,173 @@
namespace FSharp.Stats.Signal

open FSharp.Stats

open FSharp.Stats
open System

///padds data points to the beginning, the end and on internal intervals of the data
module Padding =

module HelperFunctions =

///average spacing of the data points
let inline getAvgSpacing (data : ('a * float) []) (getDiff: 'a -> 'a -> float) =
let n = data.Length
///minimal x_Value
let minX = data |> Array.head |> fst
///minimal y_Value
let maxX = data |> Array.last |> fst
(getDiff maxX minX) / (float n)

module Time =

///getDiff: calculates the time span between the two events as total minutes (float)
let getDiffMinutes (a: DateTime) (b: DateTime) =
a - b
|> fun x -> x.TotalMinutes
///addToXValue: adds minutes to the date
let addToXValueMinutes (dt: DateTime) (minutes: float) =
///addToXValue: adds minutes to the date
let addToXValueHours (dt: DateTime) (hours: float) =

module Float =

///getDiff: calculates the difference of the two events (-)
let getDiffFloat (a: float) (b: float) =
a - b
///addToXValue: adds toAdd to a (+)
let addToXValueFloat (a: float) (toAdd: float) =
a + toAdd

module Int =
///getDiff: calculates the difference of the two events
let getDiffInt (a: int) (b: int) =
(float a) - (float b)
///addToXValue: adds toAdd to a
let addToXValueInt (a: int) (toAdd: float) =
a + (int toAdd)

//padds data point in small gaps (e.g. a missing data point or small ranges with no data)
type InternalPaddingMethod =
//inserts random data points taken from the original data set
| Random
//inserts nan values
| NaN
//does not insert any point internally
| Delete
//inserts 0.0 as y_Value
| Zero
//inserts points lying on the linear interpolation of the two adjacent knots
| LinearInterpolation

///Adds additional data points to the beginning and end of data set (number: borderpadding; x_Value distance: minDistance; y_Value: random).
///Between every pair of data point where the difference in x_Values is greater than minDistance, additional datapoints are generated as defined in internalPaddingMethod.
///default: internalPaddingMethod=LinearInterpolation; hugeGapPaddingMethod=Random (like in border cases)
///getDiff: get the difference in x_Values as float representation (if 'a is float then (-))
///addToXValue: function that adds a float to the x_Value (if 'a is float then (+))
let inline padd (data : ('a * float) []) (minDistance: float) (maxDistance : float) (getDiff: 'a -> 'a -> float) (addToXValue : 'a -> float -> 'a) (borderpadding : int) (internalPaddingMethod: InternalPaddingMethod) =
let rnd = System.Random()
let n = data.Length
///minimal x_Value
let minX = data |> Array.head |> fst
///minimal y_Value
let maxX = data |> Array.last |> fst
///adds 'borderpadding' number of random data points to the left
let leftPadding =
Array.init borderpadding (fun i ->
let paddX = addToXValue minX (- (float i + 1.) * minDistance)
let paddY = snd data.[rnd.Next(0,n)] //n+1
|> Array.rev
///adds 'borderpadding' number of random data points to the rigth
let rightPadding =
Array.init borderpadding (fun i ->
let paddX = addToXValue maxX ((float i + 1.) * minDistance)
let paddY = snd data.[rnd.Next(0,n)] //n+1

let fillSpaceInBetween =
//interpolate the space between the two adjacent knots and add aditional points (number = (getDiff p1 p2 / minDistance) - 1)
let linearInterpol current next numberOfPointsToAdd xSpacing =
let m =
let deltaX = getDiff (fst next) (fst current)
let deltaY = snd next - snd current
//number of points to add between the adjacent points, that the distance is < minDistance
let pointsToAdd =
[1 .. int numberOfPointsToAdd]
|> (fun interval ->
let x = addToXValue (fst current) (float interval * xSpacing)
let y = snd current + (m * float interval * xSpacing)

let rec loop i acc =
//abort condition
if i = n-1 then
|> List.rev
|> List.concat
//current data point
let current = data.[i]
//right next data point
let next = data.[i+1]
//difference of these two points
let diff = Math.Abs (getDiff (fst current) (fst next))

//if the difference is greater than the minimal distance, padding must happen
if diff > minDistance then
//how many points should be added that no gap is greater than minDistance
let numberOfPointsToAdd = (diff / minDistance) - 1. |> floor
//how must the spacing be to insert the number of data points in a uniformly manner
let xSpacing = diff / (numberOfPointsToAdd + 1.)

match internalPaddingMethod with
| InternalPaddingMethod.Random ->
let pointsToAdd =
[1 .. int numberOfPointsToAdd]
|> (fun interval ->
let x = addToXValue (fst current) (float interval * xSpacing)
let y = data.[rnd.Next(0,n)] |> snd
loop (i+1) (pointsToAdd::[current]::acc) //add random
| InternalPaddingMethod.NaN ->
let pointsToAdd =
[1 .. int numberOfPointsToAdd]
|> (fun interval ->
let x = addToXValue (fst current) (float interval * xSpacing)
let y = nan
loop (i+1) (pointsToAdd::[current]::acc) //add nan
| InternalPaddingMethod.Delete ->
loop (i+1) ([current]::acc) //no values are added
| InternalPaddingMethod.Zero ->
let pointsToAdd =
[1 .. int numberOfPointsToAdd]
|> (fun interval ->
let x = addToXValue (fst current) (float interval * xSpacing)
let y = 0.0
loop (i+1) (pointsToAdd::[current]::acc) //zeros are added
| _ ->
let pointsToAdd = linearInterpol current next numberOfPointsToAdd xSpacing
loop (i+1) (pointsToAdd::[current]::acc) //linear interpolation values are added

loop (i+1) ([current]::acc)
loop 0 []
|> Array.ofSeq
[leftPadding;fillSpaceInBetween;rightPadding] |> Array.concat

let padSignalStartAndEnd x = raise (System.NotImplementedException())

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