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add studentized range distribution
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bvenn committed Sep 27, 2020
1 parent 8b7b730 commit fecadc6
Showing 1 changed file with 106 additions and 0 deletions.
106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions src/FSharp.Stats/Distributions/Continuous.fs
Expand Up @@ -601,6 +601,112 @@ module Continuous =
| None -> failwithf "Critical t value could not be determined (increase maxIterations or decrease lower bound)."
| Some t -> Math.Abs t

// ######
// Studentized range (q) distribution
// ------------------------------
// ######

open FSharp.Stats.Integration

/// Studentized range distribution helper functions.
let studentizedRangeCheckParam q r v =
if System.Double.IsNaN(q) ||
System.Double.IsNaN(r) ||
System.Double.IsNaN(v) ||
r < 1.0 ||
v < 1.0
then failwith "Studentized range distribution should be parametrized by r and v > 1.0."

/// Studentized range (q) distribution. Used in Tukey's HSD post hoc test.
/// method from: QUANTILES FROM THE MAXIMUM STUDENTIZED RANGE DISTRIBUTION, Ferreira, Rev. Mat. Estat., v.25, n.1, p.117-135, 2007
/// table from: Tables of range and studentized range, Harter, 1960 and Lawal B, Applied Statistical Methods in Agriculture, Health and Life Sciences, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05555-8, 2014
type StudentizedRange =
/// Computes the mean.
static member Mean =
failwithf "Not implemented yet"

/// Computes the variance.
static member Variance =
failwithf "Not implemented yet"

/// Computes the standard deviation.
static member StandardDeviation =
failwithf "Not implemented yet"

/// Produces a random sample using the current random number generator (from GetSampleGenerator()).
static member Sample() =
failwithf "Not implemented yet"

/// Computes the probability density function.
static member PDF =
failwithf "Not implemented yet"

/// Computes the cumulative density function.
/// Accuracy defines the number of steps within the integration (Recommended: 1k-10k, default: 2k). pValue accuracy is minimum 3 digits for v>3 at pValue=0.05.
/// q:qValue r:number of treatments v:df (n-r) c:1.
/// Integration can be performed in parallel using PSeq
static member CDF q r v c accuracy computeParallel =
let _accuracy = defaultArg accuracy 2000.

studentizedRangeCheckParam q r v
let normal = normal 0. 1.

let h q r =
let integrateInner y =
let normalPDF = normal.PDF y
let normalCDF = (normal.CDF y - normal.CDF (y - q))**(r - 1.)
normalPDF * normalCDF
if not (Precision.almostEqualNorm (integrateInner -20.) (10.**(-20.))) ||
not (Precision.almostEqualNorm (integrateInner 20.) (10.**(-20.)))
then printfn "Warning: Integral in q distribution H(q) does not start/end at y=0. Extend borders [-20,20]!"
if computeParallel then r * DefiniteIntegral.integratePSeq DefiniteIntegral.midRect integrateInner -20. 20. _accuracy
else r * DefiniteIntegral.integrate DefiniteIntegral.midRect integrateInner -20. 20. _accuracy

let f q r v c =
let partH u = (h (q * sqrt u) r) ** c
let gammapart = 2.**(v/2.)*SpecialFunctions.Gamma.gamma (v/2.)
let sndQuotient u =
let a = v**(v/2.)*Math.Exp((-u * v)/2.)*u**(v/2. - 1.)
a / gammapart
let com u = partH u * sndQuotient u
let check =
let bordercase = com 50.
if not (Precision.almostEqualNorm bordercase (10.**(-20.))) then
printfn "Warning: Integral in q distribution F(q) does not end at y=0 but at y=%.12f. Extend border [0,50]!" bordercase
if computeParallel then DefiniteIntegral.integratePSeq DefiniteIntegral.midRect com 0. 50. _accuracy
else DefiniteIntegral.integrate DefiniteIntegral.midRect com 0. 50. _accuracy
f q r v c

//Lawal B, Applied Statistical Methods in Agriculture, Health and Life Sciences, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05555-8, 2014
//StudentizedRange.CDF 18. 2. 1. 1. (Some 2000.) true //Lawal expected: 0.95 observed: 0.9473 (2k accuracy) 0.9459 (1k accuracy)
//StudentizedRange.CDF 59.6 20. 1. 1. (Some 2000.) true //Lawal expected: 0.95 observed: 0.9618 (2k accuracy) 0.9459 (1k accuracy)
//StudentizedRange.CDF 6.08 2. 2. 1. (Some 2000.) true //Lawal expected: 0.95 observed: 0.9507 (2k accuracy) 0.9521 (1k accuracy)
//StudentizedRange.CDF 16.8 20. 2. 1. (Some 2000.) true //Lawal expected: 0.95 observed: 0.9503 (2k accuracy) 0.9481 (1k accuracy)
//StudentizedRange.CDF 4.5 2. 3. 1. (Some 2000.) true //Lawal expected: 0.95 observed: 0.9501 (2k accuracy) 0.9505 (1k accuracy)
//StudentizedRange.CDF 11.2 20. 3. 1. (Some 2000.) true //Lawal expected: 0.95 observed: 0.9495 (2k accuracy) 0.9495 (1k accuracy)
//StudentizedRange.CDF 3.93 2. 4. 1. (Some 2000.) true //Lawal expected: 0.95 observed: 0.9501 (2k accuracy) 0.9901 (1k accuracy)
//StudentizedRange.CDF 9.23 20. 4. 1. (Some 2000.) true //Lawal expected: 0.95 observed: 0.9499 (2k accuracy) 0.9901 (1k accuracy)
//StudentizedRange.CDF 3.64 2. 5. 1. (Some 2000.) true //Lawal expected: 0.95 observed: 0.9502 (2k accuracy) (1k accuracy)
//StudentizedRange.CDF 8.21 20. 5. 1. (Some 2000.) true //Lawal expected: 0.95 observed: 0.9500 (2k accuracy) (1k accuracy)
//StudentizedRange.CDF 3.46 2. 6. 1. (Some 2000.) true //Lawal expected: 0.95 observed: 0.9500 (2k accuracy) (1k accuracy)
//StudentizedRange.CDF 7.59 20. 6. 1. (Some 2000.) true //Lawal expected: 0.95 observed: 0.9501 (2k accuracy) (1k accuracy)

/// Initializes a studentized range distribution.
/// Accuracy defines the number of steps within the CDF integration (Recommended: 1k-10k, default: 2k). pValue accuracy is minimum 3 digits for v>3.
/// q:qValue r:number of treatments v:df (n-r) c:1.
/// Integration can be performed in parallel using PSeq
let studentizedRange r v c accuracy computeParallel =
{ new Distribution<float,float> with
member d.Mean = StudentizedRange.Mean
member d.StandardDeviation = StudentizedRange.StandardDeviation
member d.Variance = StudentizedRange.Variance
member d.Sample () = StudentizedRange.Sample()
member d.PDF x = StudentizedRange.PDF
member d.CDF q = StudentizedRange.CDF q r v c accuracy computeParallel

// ######
// F-distribution or Fisher–Snedecor distribution
// ----------------------------------------------
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