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File metadata and controls

248 lines (161 loc) · 8.82 KB

Metadata Submitter Frontend



  • Node 16+

Environment Setup

The frontend can utilise the following env variables.

ENV Default Description
NODE_ENV - Set to development, if running in development mode.
REACT_APP_BACKEND_PROXY localhost:5430 Proxy frontend requests to this backend, port must be specified.
Cypress.env port 3000 Port Cypress can use for integration tests. Can be set in cypress.json

Install and run

For installing metadata-submitter frontend do the following:

$ git clone
$ npm install

To run the frontend from command line use:

$ npm start

After installing and running, frontend can be found from http://localhost:3000.


Some functionality in frontend requires a working backend. Follow the instructions in :ref:`deploy` for setting it up.

Internal structure

Reusable components are stored in src/components and views in src/views. View-components reflect page structure, such as /, /newdraft, /login etc. One should not define and export views to be rendered inside other views, but rather always build views using components.

React Router is used to render different views in App-component. All components are wrapped with Nav which provider app menu and navigation.

Form components

Form components are crucial part of the application:

  • All submissions and folder creation are made with react-hook-form. Latter uses form as a reference so submission can be triggered outside the form. JSON schema based forms are created with custom JSON schema parser, which builds react-hook-form based forms from given schema. The forms are validated against the JSON schema with Ajv. React-hook-form is used for performance reasons: it uses uncontrolled components so adding a lot of fields to array doesn't slow rendering of the application.


Folder src/constants holds all the constants used in the application. The constants are uniquely defined and separated into different files according to its related context. For example, the file constants/wizardObject.js contains unique constants regarding to wizardObject such as: ObjectTypes, ObjectStatus, etc.

The purposes of using these constants are:

  • to avoid hard coding the values of variables repeatedly
  • to keep the consistency when defining the values of variables
  • to reuse those predefined values across the application

Example of defining and using a constant:

  • First, define the constant object ObjectSubmissionTypes in constants/wizardObject.js
export const ObjectSubmissionTypes = {
form: "Form",
xml: "XML",
existing: "Existing",
  • Then, use this constant in WizardComponents/WizardObjectIndex:
import { ObjectSubmissionTypes } from "constants/wizardObject"

switch (currentSubmissionType) {
    case ObjectSubmissionTypes.form: {
    target = "form"
    case ObjectSubmissionTypes.xml: {
    target = "XML upload"
    case ObjectSubmissionTypes.existing: {
    target = "drafts"

Commonly used data types

All commonly used data types of variables are defined in the file index.js in folder src/types. The purposes are:

  • to avoid hard coding the same data types frequently in different files
  • to keep track and consistency of the data types across different files

For example:

  • declare and export these data types in src/types/index.js
export type ObjectInsideFolder = {
accessionId: string,
schema: string,

export type ObjectTags = {
submissionType: string,
fileName?: string,

export type ObjectInsideFolderWithTags = ObjectInsideFolder & { tags: ObjectTags }
  • import and reuse the data types in different files:
  • Reuse type ObjectInsideFolder in features/wizardSubmissionFolderSlice.js:
import type { ObjectInsideFolder } from "types"

export const addObjectToFolder = (
folderID: string,
objectDetails: ObjectInsideFolder
) => {}

export const addObjectToDrafts = (
folderID: string,
objectDetails: ObjectInsideFolder
) => {}
  • Reuse type ObjectInsideFolderWithTags consequently in both WizardComponents/WizardSavedObjectsList.js and WizardSteps/WizardShowSummaryStep.js:
import type { ObjectInsideFolderWithTags } from "types"

type WizardSavedObjectsListProps = { submissions: Array<ObjectInsideFolderWithTags> }
import type { ObjectInsideFolderWithTags } from "types"

type GroupedBySchema = {| [Schema]: Array<ObjectInsideFolderWithTags> |}

Redux store

Redux is handled with Redux Toolkit and app is using following redux toolkit features:

  • Store, global app state, configured in store.js
  • Root reducer, combining all reducers to one, configured in rootReducer.js
  • Slices with createSlice-api, defining all reducer functions, state values and actions without extra boilerplate. - Slices are configured for different features in features/ -folder. - Async reducer functions are also configured inside slices.

Examples for storing and dispatching with async folder function:

import { useSelector, useDispatch } from "react-redux"
import { createNewDraftFolder } from "features/submissionFolderSlice"

// Create base folder (normally from form)
const folder = {
name: "Test",
description: "Test description for very best folder."

// Initialize dispatch with hook
const dispatch = useDispatch()

// Dispatch the action with folder

// Folder is now submitted to backend and added to redux store

// Take folder from redux state, destructure and log values
const folder = useSelector(state => state.submissionFolder)
const { id, name, description, metadataObjects } = folder
console.log(id) // Should be id generated in backend
console.log(name) // Should be name we set earlier
console.log(description) // Should be description we set earlier
console.log(metadataObjects) // Should be an empty array

Communicating with backend REST API

API/backend modules are defined in services/ -folder with help from apisauce library. Modules should be only responsible for API-related things, so one shouldn't modify data inside them.


import { create } from "apisauce"

const api = create({ baseURL: "/objects" })

const createFromXML = async (objectType: string, XMLFile: string) => {
let formData = new FormData()
formData.append(objectType, XMLFile)
return await`/${objectType}`, formData)

const createFromJSON = async (objectType: string, JSONContent: any) => {
return await`/${objectType}`, JSONContent)


App uses Material UI components.

Global styles are defined with style.css and Material UI theme, customized for CSC. Material UI theme is set theme.js, and added to index.js for use.

Styles are also used inside components, either with withStyles (modifies Material UI components) or makeStyles (creates css for component and its children). See customizing components for more info.