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461 lines (361 loc) · 20.8 KB

File metadata and controls

461 lines (361 loc) · 20.8 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


  • Added a POST endpoint for receiving file information #814
  • lastModified to folder to keep track when a folder or the objects in a folder change and be able to filter via the lastModified
  • connection checking and retry-mechanism for calls to Metax-service in case of server and connection errors
  • Endpoint for submitting DOI information. #389
  • Endpoint with swagger documentation /swagger
  • added aiohttp_session as dependency and removed old way of handling cookies
  • Create a new ServiceHandler class to share error handling, retry mechanism, custom request logic between service integrations.
  • Integration with REMS #498
    • New rems service handler
    • New rems mock api service for integration tests
    • New API endpoint /v1/rems for the frontend to retrieve DAC and Policies
    • Submission now can have a new field, dac (changed to rems in #648), with workflowId, organizationId, and licenses (array of int)
    • Published datasets have a new field dac (changed to rems in #648) with workflowId, organizationId, resourceId, and catalogueItemId
  • Pylint static checks
  • Added mapping for languages between the submitter and Metax-service #514
  • Added mapping for subjects from submission doi info to Metax field_of_science #556
  • Run integration tests with pytest
    • run integration tests with --nocleanup option
  • Support for LifeScience groups as a substitute to CSC projects #548
  • Support for Bearer tokens, opening use of the API without frontend. Tokens are validated from the configured OIDC_URL
  • Made PKCE settings explicit in oidcrp client auth
  • Added DPOP placeholder settings for when AAI support has been implemented
  • Add advanced health checks for Datacite, REMS and Metax and performance checks for API response #585
  • pre-commit check to sort and remove duplicates in the dictionary
  • vulture as a tox env and pre-commit hook.
  • Add endpoint for fetching workflows #362
  • Add checks so that submission conforms with the workflows #591
  • Add new schema file.json to represent files which are linked to a submission #148
    • Add a corresponding field to submission that lists files attached to a submission #148
  • Add pytest-xdist to run unit tests faster, in parallel #626
  • add MessageBroker class with MQPublisher and MQConsumer separate classes functionality #148 #622
    • add cli tool for MQConsumer so that we can deploy multiple consumers independently of the web server
    • add message broker publishing to workflow
    • add rabbitmq + default config to integration tests
  • File operator that does database operations for files #148
    • introduced /v1/submissions/{submissionId}/files to update and remove files in a submission #633
    • file flagged for deletion also removed from submission and check files have the status ready when being read from the submission #633
    • prevent publish if files have in submission have status added (added but no metadata object) or failed (failed in ingestion, completion, or for any other reason) #633
  • Mongo indexes for file schema #148
  • /files endpoint to retrieve files attached to a project #148 #627
  • option to add additional members to application/problem+json #642
  • Bigpicture sample, image and dataset XML schemas were added and JSON schemas for those objects were produced #445 #481 #491
  • Bigpicture observation XML schema was added and JSON schema for it was produced #665
  • Bigpicture staining XML schema was added and JSON schema for it was produced #666
  • Add new endpoint /users/{userId}/key for generating a signing key


  • schema loader now matches schema files by exact match with schema #481. This means that schema file naming in metadata_backend/helpers/schemas now have rules:
    • file name starts with schema provider separated with dot or underscore (e.g. EGA.policy.xsd, ena_policy.json) or
    • if schema is local then no schema provider needs to be added (e.g users.json)
    • schema name and mongo database collection name must be the same
  • migrated to variables used by motor 3 for ssl
  • Refactor folder to submission #411
  • HTTP PATCH for submissions has changed to only accept 'name' and 'description' in a flat JSON object.
  • Better (metax) error handling #382
    • HTTPError exceptions return a response with JSON Problem instead of an HTML page #433
    • Make Metax errors visible to user #453
    • Catch unexpected errors and return a JSON Problem instead of server crashing #453
  • Fix session and authorization issues
    • Prefix API endpoint with /v1
    • Refactor authentication checking, fixing issues from #421 and remove HTTPSeeOther from the API
  • Recreate DB before integration tests run and cleanup after integration tests have run #448
  • Make using of discovery service (METAX) optional #467
  • Refactor api handlers to share a single instance of service handlers
  • Refactor metadata creation methods to parse and add separate metadata objects to db from a single XML file #525
  • Validate schema definitions, updating them to JSON schema 2020-12 #581
  • changed HTTP header Server to metadata
  • enabled new pylint checks #597 logging-fstring-interpolation, fixme, useless-param-doc, suppress-message
  • reformatted logs to style { and refactored some of the messages to be clearer #597
  • exceptions now default to log.exception with stacktrace #597
  • POST/PATCH/PUT/DELETE requests on published submission responds with 405 instead of 401 HTTP response #618
  • Submissions must have a workflow #591
  • Refactor publish endpoint into its own python class and module #591
  • Refactored Mongo queries to return the value for a single field #591
  • There's more clear distinction between publishing to each integration: datacite, metax, and rems #591
  • Separated operator classes into their own files for better readability #625
  • updated ENA XML and JSON schemas to 1.16 #628
    • XML to JSON parser had to be adjusted for assemblyGraph
  • Refactor Operator -> ObjectOperator #627
  • Refactor -> #627
  • Refactor operators to use a common base class called BaseOperator #627
  • XML validation errors now compile all the failing elements into same error message and include the line number in the error reason #630
  • Changed the submission object's dac field to rems and its subsequent endpoints similarly #648
  • XML to JSON parser/converter was enhanced to accommodate for the new Bigpicture XML objects #445 #481 #491
  • Updated BP sample XML and JSON schema, its parsing method and its related example file and tests #650
  • Updated BP image and dataset JSON schemas for better functionality #664
  • Updated XML to JSON converter to parse ISO-8601 duration strings into numbers in BP sample attributes #696
  • Updated middleware to accept user signed tokens
  • make use of idpyoidc library instead of oidc-rp


  • remove datacite.json to render the form from folder["doiInfo"]

    • we removed namedtype for contributors and creators we therefore allow additionalProperties
    • subjectsSchema is a given by frontend thus we allow via additionalProperties
  • Removed OIDC_ENABLED testing variable which can cause misconfiguration incidents

  • Removed METAX_ENABLED as superseded by the introduction of workflows #591

  • Removed REMS_ENABLED as superseded by the introduction of workflows #591

  • remove unused code related to change from user to project ownership caused by faulty rebase or rollback of certain features #579

  • Remove dictionary de-duplication from pre-commit's sort hook #626


  • Schemas endpoint returned 400 for /v1/schemas/datacite #554
  • XML delete when an object or submission is deleted #579
  • small pylint issues e.g. web.HTTPSuccessful was never being raised #579
  • fix Any type wherever that is possible. #579
  • Published submissions and its objects cannot be altered #584
  • Incorrectly marking a workflow schema as required because its step is required #591
  • Incorrectly marking a workflow schema as required when it appears in the requires field of a schema that is not required #591
  • deprecated syntax in github publish action for ::set-output and better default param. Dockerfile fix for github actions
  • mypy complaining about default values None in service handler

[0.13.1] - 2022-05-31


0.13.0 - 2022-04-07


  • Submission endpoint update #371
    • Adds mandatory query parameter folder for submit endpoint POST
    • On actions add and modify object is added or updated to folder(submission) where it belongs with it's accession ID, schema, submission type, title and filename
    • Adds metax integration to submit endpoint
  • Integration with Metax service #356 #387
    • Adds new local container for testing against mocked Metax API
    • Introduces new env vars: METAX_USER, METAX_PASS, METAX_URL for connection to Metax service
    • Introduces new env var DISCOVERY_URL for creating link to dataset inside Fairdata SD catalog
    • Adds new key metaxIdentifier to Study and Dataset collections containing metax id returned from Metax API
    • Adds new handler MetaxServiceHandler to take care of mapping Submitter metadata to Metax metadata and to connect to Metax API
    • Adds new mapper class to adjust incoming metadata to Metax schema
  • Add patching of folders after object save and update operations #354
    • Adds mandatory query parameter folder for objects endpoint POST
    • Object is added or updated to folder(submission) where it belongs with it's accession ID, schema, submission type, title and filename in the case of CSV and XML upload
    • Adds configuration for mypy linting to VScode devcontainer setup
  • Templates API #256
    • use ujson as default json library
  • Creating draft Datacite DOI for folders #257 #332
    • created a mock web app, which would act similarly to DataCite REST API
    • altered publish_folder endpoint so that extraInfo containing the DOI data is added upon publishing
    • added datePublished key to folders which takes in the date/time, when folder is published
  • DOI Publishing and deletion to Datacite #332 #369
    • create draft DOIs for both Study and Datasets and add them to the folder extraInfo when published
    • delete draft DOIs on object delete
    • update DOI info at Datacite when folder is published
  • VScode Dev environment #287
    • Add VS Code development container
    • Update docker for development
  • Docker-compose and docker-compose-tls files changed to use variables from .env file. #301
  • Add folder querying by name #305
    • Add indexing on database initialization
    • Add new field text_name to folder collection
    • Python scripts for database operations. for collections and indexes creation to be run if the database is destroyed and script with new functionality to only delete documents from collections
    • update github actions
  • Add folder querying by date #308
  • Add description to JSON schemas #323
    • add JSON schema spelling checker to pyspelling github action
    • optimise wordlist by adding regex ignore patterns
    • added pyspelling to pre-commit hooks (fixed syntax for scripts according to )
    • enum are sorted alphabetically, with the exception of other and unspecified values which are left at the end of the list
    • allow for accession key in referenceAlignment & process sequence as array, previously all accession keys were converted to accessionId which is not correct
    • add default gender as unknown
  • Project ownership #346
    • added new collection project
    • added new key projects to user
    • added new key projectId to folder and template-* collections
    • new mandatory /userinfo value from AAI at login time sdSubmitProjects
      • user is redirected to an info page by AAI if key is missing
    • new mandatory query parameter projectId in GET /folders
    • new mandatory JSON key projectId in POST /folders and POST /templates
    • new endpoint GET /templates to replace GET /users/current {"templates":[...]}
    • new JSON keys index and tags to PATCH /templates/schema/templateId, same values as were previously used in PATCH /user which is now removed
    • WARNING: breaking change that requires fresh database, because "project" is new information that did not exist before, and it can't be migrated to existing user-owned hierarchy
  • Multilevel add patch objects to support /extraInfo/datasetIdentifiers/- which needs dot notation for mongodb to work e.g. extraInfo.datasetIdentifiers #332


  • Refactor package by removing custom OIDC code and replacing it with #315
    • New mandatory ENV OIDC_URL
    • New optional ENVs OIDC_SCOPE, AUTH_METHOD
    • Added oidcrp dependency
  • Use node 16+ #345
  • VScode Dev environment #287
    • Adds files. Now pip dependencies can be managed with pip-tools
    • README updated with tox command, development build instructions, and prettify Dockerfile.
  • Update ENA XML and JSON schemas #299
  • Github actions changed the use of to rojopolis/spellcheck-github-actions #316
  • Separated most of the handlers to own files inside the handlers folder #319
  • allow inserting only one study in folder #332
  • JSON schemas #332
    • introduce keywords required for Metax in doiInfo
    • dataset description and study studyAbstract are now mandatory
  • keywords will be comma separated values, that will require splitting when adding to Metax API


  • Coveralls report #267
  • Typos for functions and tests #279
  • Fix spelling mistakes for JSON schemas #323
  • Oidcrp does not allow empty values, prefill them in mockauth so front-end can start #333
  • Fix development environment #336
    • Add env vars OIDC_URL and OIDC_URL_TEST to mock auth container
    • Adds logging configs for mock auth
    • Updates mock auth api's token endpoint with expiration configs
    • Adds config .pre-commit-config.yaml file required by pre-commit library
    • Redirect url in docker-compose is now default
    • Adds logging for doi mock api


  • Removed Authlib dependency #315
  • Project ownership #346
    • deprecated folders and templates keys from GET /users/current
      • as a side effect, deprecated items query parameter from the same endpoint
    • deprecated PATCH /user



0.11.0 - 2021-08-31


  • Package updates


  • Feature/sort folders #249
  • Include DOI information in the folder schema #246

0.10.0 - 2021-08-12


  • Add integration tests for misses in dataset, experiment, policy


  • Package updates
  • EGA XML schemas version:1.8.0
  • Refactor analysis and experiment schemas to adhere to XML schema


  • Fix misses for DAC, experiment and policy processing of XML
  • Fix misses in JSON Schema

0.9.0 - 2021-03-22


  • Use dependabot
  • Support simultaneous sessions


  • Refactor JSON schema Links
  • Refactor handlers to be more streamlined
  • Validate patch requests for JSON content
  • Switch to python 3.8

0.8.1 - 2021-02-15


  • Bugfix for error pages #202

0.8.0 - 2021-02-12


  • TLS support
  • Use sub as alternative to eppn to identify users
  • PATCH for objects and PUT for XML objects enabled
  • Delete folders and objects associated to user on user delete


  • Redirect to error pages
  • Extended integration tests


  • Fix replace on json patch
  • General bug and fixes

0.7.1 - 2021-01-19


  • Hotfix release #176
    • added check_object_exists to check object exists and fail early with 404 before checking it belongs to user
    • refactor and added more check_folder_exists to check folder exists before doing anything
    • integration test to check objects are deleted properly


  • Check objects and folders exist before any operation
  • Integration check to see if deleted object or folder are still registered in db

0.7.0 - 2021-01-06


  • CodeQL github action #162

  • /health endpoint #173

  • Map users to folders with _handle_check_ownedby_user #158

    • querying for objects is restricted to only the objects that belong to user
    • return folders owned by user or published
    • added a few db operators some used (aggregate, remove)
    • process json patch to mongo query so that there is addition and replace instead of full rewrite of the document causing race condition
    • standardise raises description and general improvements and fixes of logs and descriptions


  • Verify /publish endpoint #163
  • Restrict endpoints to logged in users #151
  • Updated documentation #165
  • Switch to using uuids for accession ids #168
  • Integration tests and increase unit test coverage #166


  • Fixes for idp and location headers redirects #150
  • Fix race condition in db operations #158
  • Fix handling of draft deletion by removing redundant deletion #164, #169 and #172

0.6.1 - 2020-11-23


  • CSRF session #142


  • Refactor draft /folder #144
  • Refactor gh actions #140
  • Patch publish #141


  • Bugfixes for login redirect #139

0.6.0 - 2020-10-08


  • Authentication with OIDC #133
  • Only 3.7 support going further #134
  • More submission actions ADD and MODIFY #137

0.5.3 - 2020-08-21


  • Updated OpenAPI specifications #127
  • Python modules, project description and instructions to documentation sources #128
  • Added integration tests #129
  • Updated documentation #130

0.5.2 - 2020-08-14


  • Fix mimetype for SVG image and package data

0.5.1 - 2020-08-14


  • Add folder POST JSON schema
  • Added /user endpoint with support for GET, PATCH and DELETE


  • Dockerfile build fixes #115
  • Fix JSON Schema details #117
  • Missing env from github actions #119
  • Typo fixes #120
  • Await responses #122

0.5.0 - 2020-08-06


  • Centralized status message handler #83
  • Alert dialog component #81
  • /folders endpoint
  • /drafts endpoint
  • JSON validation
  • XML better parsing
  • Auth middleware
  • Pagination


  • Improved current naming conventions #82
  • Login flow with new routes for Home & Login #76, #79, #80
  • Change from pymongo to motor

[0.2.0] - 2020-07-01


  • Added integration tests
  • Switched to github actions
  • Added base docs folder
  • Added more refined XML parsing
  • Integration tests added
  • Refactor unit tests


0.1.0 - 2020-06-08


  • RESTful API for metadata XML files, making it possible to Submit, List and Query files
  • Files are also validated during submission process.