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File metadata and controls

68 lines (43 loc) · 2.43 KB

Build and Deployment

Development Deployment

For integration testing and local development we recommend docker-compose, which can be installed using pip install docker-compose.

Deploying Backend

Check out backend repository.

For quick testing, launch both server and database with Docker by running docker-compose up --build (add -d flag to run containers in background). Server can then be found from http://localhost:5430.

This will launch a version without the frontend.

Deploying Frontend

Check out frontend repository.

For quick testing run docker-compose up --build (add -d flag to run container in the background). By default, frontend tries to connect to docker container running the backend. Feel free to modify docker-compose.yml if you want to use some other setup.

Integrating Frontend and Backend

With backend running as container and frontend with npm:

  1. check out metadata submitter backend repository
  2. un-commented line 24 from docker-compose.yml
  3. docker-compose up -d --build backend repository root directory
  4. check out metadata submitter frontend repository
  5. npm start frontend repository root directory

With backend and frontend running in containers:

  1. check out metadata submitter backend repository
  2. un-commented line 24 from docker-compose.yml and modify to http://frontend:3000
  3. docker-compose up -d --build backend repository root directory
  4. check out metadata submitter frontend repository
  5. docker-compose up -d --build frontend repository root directory

Production Deployment

To ease production deployment Frontend is built and added as static files to backend while building the Docker image. The production image can be built and run with following docker commands:

docker build --no-cache . -t cscfi/metadata-submitter
docker run -p 5430:5430 cscfi/metadata-submitter


Requires running MongoDB and consider setting the environment variables as pointed out in :ref:`backend`.

Kubernetes Deployment

For deploying the application as part of Kubernetes us the helm charts from: