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Heroku app to handle long running request: importing ticket audits.

Please see US258 for more information.

Running the app:


Run the following command locally and open your browser to http://localhost:5000/canvas


then run the following:

heroku local web

To run the worker

heroku local worker


Visualforce (using signed request)


Connected App

Connected App 1

Connected App 2

Debugging the app

run node-inspector in a separate browser window

then run heroku local webdebug

Debugging Unit Tests

To debug unit tests, the same steps apply but the actual NODE code to be called (instead of that from the proc) is actually from grunt

As always, make sure that node-inspector is installed / running

npm install -g node-inspector


# in some new tab


node --debug-brk node_modules/grunt/bin/grunt testOnly

thats it.


Grunt is a command line node package / task runner. It provides a way to perform tasks (like running unit tests, compiling code, getting coverage, etc.

We might recommend installing grunt globally

npm install -g grunt

an alternative method is to always call the local module

node local_modules/grunt/bin/grunt gruntCommand

please note that a mac / linux command of the following could help here

	#assume grunt 1.0.1
	node node_modules/grunt/bin/grunt "$@"

High level grunt tasks

default (called by just running grunt): jsHint:src ejslint jscs:src

This means that it tries to validate the src code both through jsHint ant jscs and validate the ejs express pages.

test (called by running grunt test): everything under default + unit tests

i.e: jshint:src","jshint:test", "ejslint", "jscs:src","jscs:test", "mochaTest"

This means that it tries to validate both the test and src code (through both jsHint and jscs), validate the express ejs pages and run all unit tests

testOnly (called by running grunt testOnly): mochaTest

This only runs the mocha unit tests

coverage (called by running grunt testOnly): everything under test + mocha_istanbul (for coverage)

i.e: jshint:src","jshint:test", "ejslint", "jscs:src","jscs:test", "mochaTest", "mocha_istanbul"

This verifies the code and determines the code coverage.

Results are under the coverage results coverage/lcov-report/index.html

coverageOnly (called by running grunt coverageOnly): just mocha_istanbul

Runs the code coverage.

Running Unit Tests

To run unit tests, run the following:

grunt test
# please note that this calls jshint, jscs, ejslint and mochaTest

or from watch

grunt watch:test

to JUST run unit tests

grunt testOnly

Writing Unit Tests

There are three main things to keep in mind for writing unit tests:

  • assertions (this is done through chai)
  • spies (whether the method was called)
  • stubs / mocks - when the code calls X, don't call anything and return 42
    • (please note that stubbing web requests uses nock)


Always use chai assertions like follows:

var chai = require( 'chai' );
var assert = chai.assert;

then make the request within the code

assert.isOk('everything', 'everything is ok');
assert.isOk(false, 'this will fail');

for more information on asserts, please see: Chai


Testing this function can be quite elegantly achieved with a test spy:

it('calls the original function', function () {
    var callback = sinon.spy();
    var proxy = once(callback);



The fact that the function was only called once is important:

it('calls the original function only once', function () {
    var callback = sinon.spy();
    var proxy = once(callback);


    // ...or:
    // assert.equals(callback.callCount, 1);

We also care about the this value and arguments:

it('calls original function with right this and args', function () {
    var callback = sinon.spy();
    var proxy = once(callback);
    var obj = {};, 1, 2, 3);

   assert(callback.calledWith(1, 2, 3));

For more information, please see Sinon

Stubs / Mocks

The function returned by once should return whatever the original function returns. To test this, we create a stub:

it("returns the return value from the original function", function () {
    var callback = sinon.stub().returns(42);
    var proxy = once(callback);

    assert.equals(proxy(), 42);

Conveniently, stubs can also be used as spies, e.g. we can query them for their callCount, received args and more.

Learn more about stubs.

For more information, please see:

Nock (network mocks)

To do so, comment out any nock code within the test and include the following:

var nock:any = require('nock');

When you then run your test again, any calls will be echoed out to the console with the exact nock code to intercept it and provide a stub response.

For more information, please see Nock

Fixing permissions

Sometimes people have different umask settings on their machines, meaning files generated appear modified when instead they just have different permissions.

Navigate to the base of the repo and run this shellscript:

git config --global --add alias.permission-reset '!git diff -p -R --no-color | grep -E "^(diff|(old|new) mode)" --color=never | git apply'

Now, you can run this git command

git permission-reset

All files are reset back to the permission known within git.

Common Links

For more information about using Node.js on Heroku, see these Dev Center articles:

how was this made

Example canvas tag in vf

<apex:canvasApp applicationName="TEST Canvas Demo"
	namespacePrefix="" onCanvasAppLoad="onCanvasLoad"
	height="600px" width="100%"
	parameters="{ eventId:'{! EventDateTime__c.Event__c }', eventDateTimeId:'{! EventDateTime__c.Id }', eventName:'{! JSENCODE( EventDateTime__c.Event__r.EventName__c ) }' }"


Demo Canvas app on Heroku - NodeJS






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