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File metadata and controls

96 lines (70 loc) · 4.27 KB

Configuration files

Configuration files are written in TOML-style . A number of examples (link examples) can be found in the ./code/input folder. Users can also handover their own files, which should follow the following specifications:


Below you can see the possible parameters that can be specified in a config file. Which of these parameters are required depends on the chosen application and solver

// --- Options ---
// File Structure
std::string _inputDir;     // Directory for input files
std::string _outputDir;    // Directory for output files
std::string _outputFile;   // Name of output file
std::string _logDir;       // Directory of log file
std::string _logFileName;  // Name of log file
std::string _meshFile;     // Name of mesh file
std::string _ctFile;       // Name of CT file

// Quadrature
QUAD_NAME _quadName;       // Quadrature Name
unsigned short _quadOrder; // Quadrature Order
unsigned _nQuadPoints;

// Mesh
unsigned _nCells;

// Solver
double _CFL;                     // CFL Number for Solver
double _tEnd;                    // Final Time for Simulation
PROBLEM_NAME _problemName;       // Name of predefined Problem
SOLVER_NAME _solverName;         // Name of the used Solver
ENTROPY_NAME _entropyName;       // Name of the used Entropy Functional
unsigned short _maxMomentDegree; // Maximal Order of Moments for PN and MN Solver
unsigned short _reconsOrder;     // Spatial Order of Accuracy for Solver

// Linesource
double _sigmaS; // Scattering coeffient for Linesource test case

/*If true, very low entries (10^-10 or smaller) of the flux matrices will be set to zero,
 * to improve floating point accuracy */
bool _cleanFluxMat;

/*If true, the SN Solver uses all Gauss pts in the quadrature */
bool _allGaussPts;

/*If true, continuous slowing down approximation will be used */
bool _csd;

std::string _hydrogenFile; // Name of hydrogen cross section file
std::string _oxygenFile;   // Name of oxygen cross section file

// Boundary Conditions
/*List of all Pairs (marker, BOUNDARY_TYPE), e.g. (farfield,DIRICHLET).
 *Each Boundary Conditions must have an entry in enum BOUNDARY_TYPE*/
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, BOUNDARY_TYPE>> _boundaries;

unsigned short _nMarkerDirichlet;          // Number of Dirichlet BC markers. Enum entry: DIRICHLET
unsigned short _nMarkerNeumann;            // Number of Neumann BC markers. Enum entry: Neumann
std::vector<std::string> _MarkerDirichlet; // Dirichlet BC markers.
std::vector<std::string> _MarkerNeumann;   // Neumann BC markers.

// Scattering Kernel
KERNEL_NAME _kernelName; // Scattering Kernel Name

// Optimizer
OPTIMIZER_NAME _entropyOptimizerName; // Choice of optimizer
double _optimizerEpsilon;             // termination criterion epsilon for Newton Optmizer
unsigned short _newtonIter;           // Maximal Number of newton iterations
double _newtonStepSize;               // Stepsize factor for newton optimizer
unsigned short _newtonLineSearchIter; // Maximal Number of line search iterations for newton optimizer
bool _newtonFastMode;                 // If true, we skip the NewtonOptimizer for quadratic entropy and assign alpha = u

// Output Options
unsigned short _nVolumeOutput;            // Number of volume outputs
std::vector<VOLUME_OUTPUT> _volumeOutput; // Output groups for volume output
unsigned short _volumeOutputFrequency;    // Frequency of vtk write of volume output

unsigned short _nScreenOutput;            // Number of screen outputs
std::vector<SCALAR_OUTPUT> _screenOutput; // Output groups for screen output
unsigned short _screenOutputFrequency;    // Frequency of screen output

unsigned short _nHistoryOutput;            // Number of screen outputs
std::vector<SCALAR_OUTPUT> _historyOutput; // Output groups for screen output
unsigned short _historyOutputFrequency;    // Frequency of screen output