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Create multiple plots with javascript

This is a simple code sample to request plots creation to daemon.
You can modify this script to develop more complex plotter program.


cd <Wherever directory you want>
npm init . # or 'yarn init . -y'
npm install cactus-agent # or 'yarn add cactus-agent'

Create index.js in the directory shown above.


main().catch(e => {

function createPlotOption(opt){
  return {
    service: "cactus_plotter",
    delay: ((opt.delay || 0)*60), // delay in seconds
    parallel: false, // parallel or serialize
    k: 32, // size
    n: (opt.n || 1), // count of creating plot
    queue: (opt.q || "default"), // queue name
    t: opt.t, // tmp dir. Adjust this for your environment.
    t2: opt.t, // tmp dir 2. Adjust this for your environment.
    d: opt.d, // final dir. Adjust this for your environment.
    b: 4600, // memory buffer size
    u: 128, // number of buckets
    r: (opt.r || 2), // number of threads
    // a?: int, // fingerprint
    // f: str, // farmer public key
    // p: str, // pool public key
    // c: str, // pool contract address
    e: false, // false: Not disabling bitfield plotting.
    x: false, // false: Not skipping final dir copy.
    overrideK: false,

async function main(){
  const path = require("path");
  const {setLogLevel, getDaemon} = require("cactus-agent");
  const {start_plotting} = require("cactus-agent/api/ws/daemon");

  setLogLevel("debug"); // none/error/warning/info/debug is available.

  const daemon = getDaemon(); // This is the websocket connection handler
  await daemon.connect(); // connect to local daemon using config file.

  // MODIFY Plotter params here
  const jobConfigs = [
    {t: path.resolve("D:", "cactus_plot"), d: path.resolve("S:"), r: 3, q: "S1", n: 1, delay: 0},
    {t: path.resolve("D:", "cactus_plot"), d: path.resolve("T:"), r: 2, q: "T1", n: 1, delay: 30},
    {t: path.resolve("D:", "cactus_plot"), d: path.resolve("S:"), r: 3, q: "S2", n: 1, delay: 0},
    {t: path.resolve("D:", "cactus_plot"), d: path.resolve("T:"), r: 2, q: "T2", n: 1, delay: 30},
    {t: path.resolve("E:", "cactus_plot"), d: path.resolve("S:"), r: 3, q: "S3", n: 1, delay: 0},
    {t: path.resolve("E:", "cactus_plot"), d: path.resolve("T:"), r: 2, q: "T3", n: 1, delay: 30},
    {t: path.resolve("E:", "cactus_plot"), d: path.resolve("S:"), r: 3, q: "S4", n: 1, delay: 0},
    {t: path.resolve("E:", "cactus_plot"), d: path.resolve("T:"), r: 2, q: "T4", n: 1, delay: 30},

  let error;
  const jobs = [];

  jobConfigs.forEach(c => {
    const plot_option = createPlotOption(c);
    const job = start_plotting(daemon, plot_option).then(res => {
      console.log("Done!", JSON.stringify(res));
    }).catch(e => {
      error = e;
      console.error("create plot error");

  await Promise.all(jobs).catch(e => error = e);

    console.error(JSON.stringify(error, null, 2));

  await daemon.close();

run plotter

node ./index.js

Connect to daemon running on remote server.

Specify host and port of remote server to daemon.connect function as below.

  const daemon = getDaemon();
  await daemon.connect("wss://<hostname>:<port>");

Cancel plotting

Check target task's uuid in plotter log file name.

ls -l $CACTUS_HOME/plotter

You can find a bunch of plotter log files like:
At this specific case, 0cda2be3-88c7-4f9a-ab06-b3dcc5130aac is the uuid.

Then create a javascript file like below.

// cancel.js
main().catch(e => {

async function main(){
  const path = require("path");
  const {setLogLevel, getDaemon} = require("cactus-agent");
  const {stop_plotting} = require("cactus-agent/api/ws/daemon");

  setLogLevel("debug"); // none/error/warning/info/debug is available.

  const daemon = getDaemon(); // This is the websocket connection handler
  await daemon.connect(); // connect to local daemon using config file.

  const cancelingIds = [
    // uuidv4 style plot id. Can only be found in plotter log file name at this time.
    // I submit a PR to get plotter task uuid on requesting start_plotting.

  let error;
  const jobs = [];

  cancelingIds.forEach(id => {
    const job = stop_plotting(daemon, {id: id}).then(res => {
      console.log("Done!", JSON.stringify(res));
    }).catch(e => {
      error = e;
      console.error("cancel plot error");

  await Promise.all(jobs).catch(e => error = e);

    console.error(JSON.stringify(error, null, 2));

  await daemon.close();

Run the script to cancel plotter

node cancel.js

Farmer public key and Pool public key

In case you want to specify -p option for pool public key or -f option for farmer public key,
you need to execute cactus keys show command to get those key values.

PS C:\Users\SomeUser\.cactus\mainnet> cactus keys show
Showing all public keys derived from your private keys:

Fingerprint: 9937766107
Master public key (m): d6f644b19812e97b5d871658d6d3400ecd4787faeb9b8990c1e7608288664be77257104a58d033bcf1a0e0945ff06468
Farmer public key (m/12381/8444/0/0): 8e07e5bdd64aa37536c1f257a6b44963cc327b7d7dcb2cb47a22073d33414462bfa184487cf372ce0a19dfc83f8336d8
Pool public key (m/12381/8444/1/0): 0fc10e05716f56b665d3692dc9f09e3f2d14868a479fdccaee02e1357a0337cee5a944db65efa29b6eaea163f8b0a137
First wallet address: cac13f5abff5ed39eh9hg60qpzhzmgs73lgvd8a7v5240nxgyat4p00ytzkd99
PS C:\Users\SomeUser\.cactus\mainnet>

As you see, you get
farmer public key: 8e07e5bdd64aa37536c1f257a6b44963cc327b7d7dcb2cb47a22073d33414462bfa184487cf372ce0a19dfc83f8336d8
pool public key: 0fc10e05716f56b665d3692dc9f09e3f2d14868a479fdccaee02e1357a0337cee5a944db65efa29b6eaea163f8b0a137

Then just copy and paste those strings as values of -f/-p options.

  const plot_option = {
    service: "cactus_plotter",
    delay: 0, // delay in seconds
    parallel: false, // parallel or serialize
    k: 33, // size
    n: 1, // count of creating plot
    queue: "default", // queue name
    t: path.resolve("Z:", "cactus_plots"), // tmp dir. Adjust this for your environment.
    t2: path.resolve("Z:", "cactus_plots"), // tmp dir 2. Adjust this for your environment.
    d: path.resolve("E:"), // final dir. Adjust this for your environment.
    b: 4600, // memory buffer size
    u: 128, // number of buckets
    r: 2, // number of threads
    // a?: int, // fingerprint
    f: "8e07e5bdd64aa37536c1f257a6b44963cc327b7d7dcb2cb47a22073d33414462bfa184487cf372ce0a19dfc83f8336d8",
    p: "0fc10e05716f56b665d3692dc9f09e3f2d14868a479fdccaee02e1357a0337cee5a944db65efa29b6eaea163f8b0a137",
    // c: str, // pool contract address
    e: false, // false: Not disabling bitfield plotting.
    x: false, // false: Not skipping final dir copy.
    overrideK: false,