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263 lines (262 loc) · 46.2 KB

我收藏的 259 题

题号 题目 通过率 难度 收藏
85 Maximal Rectangle 31% Hard
87 Scramble String 30% Hard
90 Subsets II 40% Medium
91 Decode Ways 21% Medium
93 Restore IP Addresses 29% Medium
95 Unique Binary Search Trees II 33% Medium
97 Interleaving String 26% Hard
98 Validate Binary Search Tree 24% Medium
99 Recover Binary Search Tree 33% Hard
101 Symmetric Tree 41% Easy
105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal 37% Medium
106 Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal 36% Medium
114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List 39% Medium
115 Distinct Subsequences 33% Hard
120 Triangle 37% Medium
124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum 28% Hard
126 Word Ladder II 16% Hard
127 Word Ladder 21% Medium
130 Surrounded Regions 21% Medium
131 Palindrome Partitioning 38% Medium
132 Palindrome Partitioning II 26% Hard
134 Gas Station 32% Medium
139 Word Break 33% Medium
140 Word Break II 26% Hard
143 Reorder List 28% Medium
144 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal 49% Medium
146 LRU Cache 22% Hard
147 Insertion Sort List 35% Medium
148 Sort List 32% Medium
149 Max Points on a Line 15% Hard
152 Maximum Product Subarray 27% Medium
166 Fraction to Recurring Decimal 18% Medium
168 Excel Sheet Column Title 28% Easy
169 Majority Element 50% Easy
174 Dungeon Game 25% Hard
179 Largest Number 24% Medium
188 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV 25% Hard
198 House Robber 40% Easy
201 Bitwise AND of Numbers Range 35% Medium
204 Count Primes 27% Easy
205 Isomorphic Strings 36% Easy
207 Course Schedule 35% Medium
208 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) 35% Medium
211 Add and Search Word - Data structure design 28% Medium
212 Word Search II 26% Hard
214 Shortest Palindrome 26% Hard
215 Kth Largest Element in an Array 44% Medium
218 The Skyline Problem 30% Hard
220 Contains Duplicate III 19% Medium
221 Maximal Square 31% Medium
229 Majority Element II 30% Medium
233 Number of Digit One 29% Hard
239 Sliding Window Maximum 36% Hard
240 Search a 2D Matrix II 39% Medium
260 Single Number III 55% Medium
264 Ugly Number II 34% Medium
273 Integer to English Words 23% Hard
275 H-Index II 35% Medium
279 Perfect Squares 39% Medium
282 Expression Add Operators 31% Hard
287 Find the Duplicate Number 46% Medium
289 Game of Life 41% Medium
292 Nim Game 55% Easy
295 Find Median from Data Stream 33% Hard
300 Longest Increasing Subsequence 39% Medium
301 Remove Invalid Parentheses 37% Hard
309 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown 42% Medium
312 Burst Balloons 45% Hard
313 Super Ugly Number 39% Medium
315 Count of Smaller Numbers After Self 36% Hard
316 Remove Duplicate Letters 31% Hard
318 Maximum Product of Word Lengths 47% Medium
319 Bulb Switcher 43% Medium
321 Create Maximum Number 24% Hard
322 Coin Change 27% Medium
326 Power of Three 41% Easy
327 Count of Range Sum 31% Hard
328 Odd Even Linked List 47% Medium
329 Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix 38% Hard
331 Verify Preorder Serialization of a Binary Tree 37% Medium
332 Reconstruct Itinerary 30% Medium
334 Increasing Triplet Subsequence 39% Medium
336 Palindrome Pairs 28% Hard
337 House Robber III 46% Medium
350 Intersection of Two Arrays II 45% Easy
354 Russian Doll Envelopes 33% Hard
355 Design Twitter 26% Medium
357 Count Numbers with Unique Digits 46% Medium
363 Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K 34% Hard
365 Water and Jug Problem 28% Medium
368 Largest Divisible Subset 34% Medium
371 Sum of Two Integers 51% Easy
373 Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums 32% Medium
376 Wiggle Subsequence 36% Medium
378 Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix 47% Medium
380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) 41% Medium
381 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed 30% Hard
384 Shuffle an Array 48% Medium
385 Mini Parser 31% Medium
390 Elimination Game 42% Medium
392 Is Subsequence 45% Medium
393 UTF-8 Validation 35% Medium
396 Rotate Function 34% Medium
397 Integer Replacement 30% Medium
399 Evaluate Division 45% Medium
400 Nth Digit 29% Easy
402 Remove K Digits 25% Medium
403 Frog Jump 34% Hard
406 Queue Reconstruction by Height 57% Medium
416 Partition Equal Subset Sum 39% Medium
420 Strong Password Checker 18% Hard
421 Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array 49% Medium
424 Longest Repeating Character Replacement 43% Medium
432 All O`one Data Structure 28% Hard
435 Non-overlapping Intervals 41% Medium
437 Path Sum III 41% Easy
440 K-th Smallest in Lexicographical Order 25% Hard
443 String Compression 35% Easy
445 Add Two Numbers II 48% Medium
446 Arithmetic Slices II - Subsequence 28% Hard
450 Delete Node in a BST 38% Medium
456 132 Pattern 27% Medium
459 Repeated Substring Pattern 38% Easy
464 Can I Win 26% Medium
466 Count The Repetitions 27% Hard
467 Unique Substrings in Wraparound String 33% Medium
470 Implement Rand10() Using Rand7() 43% Medium
473 Matchsticks to Square 35% Medium
477 Total Hamming Distance 48% Medium
480 Sliding Window Median 30% Hard
483 Smallest Good Base 33% Hard
488 Zuma Game 36% Hard
491 Increasing Subsequences 40% Medium
492 Construct the Rectangle 47% Easy
494 Target Sum 44% Medium
501 Find Mode in Binary Search Tree 38% Easy
503 Next Greater Element II 49% Medium
516 Longest Palindromic Subsequence 44% Medium
517 Super Washing Machines 36% Hard
518 Coin Change 2 39% Medium
523 Continuous Subarray Sum 23% Medium
525 Contiguous Array 42% Medium
526 Beautiful Arrangement 53% Medium
530 Minimum Absolute Difference in BST 48% Easy
542 01 Matrix 33% Medium
546 Remove Boxes 36% Hard
547 Friend Circles 51% Medium
552 Student Attendance Record II 31% Hard
560 Subarray Sum Equals K 40% Medium
572 Subtree of Another Tree 40% Easy
576 Out of Boundary Paths 30% Medium
581 Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray 29% Easy
583 Delete Operation for Two Strings 44% Medium
587 Erect the Fence 33% Hard
591 Tag Validator 31% Hard
600 Non-negative Integers without Consecutive Ones 32% Hard
605 Can Place Flowers 30% Easy
611 Valid Triangle Number 43% Medium
621 Task Scheduler 43% Medium
628 Maximum Product of Three Numbers 45% Easy
630 Course Schedule III 30% Hard
636 Exclusive Time of Functions 46% Medium
638 Shopping Offers 46% Medium
641 Design Circular Deque 48% Medium
645 Set Mismatch 40% Easy
647 Palindromic Substrings 54% Medium
649 Dota2 Senate 36% Medium
654 Maximum Binary Tree 71% Medium
658 Find K Closest Elements 35% Medium
659 Split Array into Consecutive Subsequences 38% Medium
664 Strange Printer 35% Hard
670 Maximum Swap 39% Medium
673 Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence 32% Medium
675 Cut Off Trees for Golf Event 28% Hard
677 Map Sum Pairs 50% Medium
678 Valid Parenthesis String 30% Medium
679 24 Game 40% Hard
685 Redundant Connection II 29% Hard
686 Repeated String Match 31% Easy
691 Stickers to Spell Word 36% Hard
695 Max Area of Island 54% Medium
698 Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets 39% Medium
707 Design Linked List 19% Easy
710 Random Pick with Blacklist 30% Hard
712 Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two Strings 52% Medium
713 Subarray Product Less Than K 34% Medium
714 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee 48% Medium
718 Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray 43% Medium
719 Find K-th Smallest Pair Distance 28% Hard
721 Accounts Merge 37% Medium
722 Remove Comments 29% Medium
726 Number of Atoms 43% Hard
730 Count Different Palindromic Subsequences 37% Hard
731 My Calendar II 41% Medium
736 Parse Lisp Expression 42% Hard
739 Daily Temperatures 56% Medium
740 Delete and Earn 44% Medium
752 Open the Lock 42% Medium
753 Cracking the Safe 43% Hard
754 Reach a Number 30% Easy
756 Pyramid Transition Matrix 48% Medium
770 Basic Calculator IV 42% Hard
784 Letter Case Permutation 53% Easy
785 Is Graph Bipartite? 41% Medium
786 K-th Smallest Prime Fraction 35% Hard
787 Cheapest Flights Within K Stops 32% Medium
790 Domino and Tromino Tiling 34% Medium
792 Number of Matching Subsequences 39% Medium
793 Preimage Size of Factorial Zeroes Function 39% Hard
795 Number of Subarrays with Bounded Maximum 41% Medium
798 Smallest Rotation with Highest Score 37% Hard
799 Champagne Tower 31% Medium
801 Minimum Swaps To Make Sequences Increasing 32% Medium
802 Find Eventual Safe States 41% Medium
803 Bricks Falling When Hit 25% Hard
805 Split Array With Same Average 22% Hard
810 Chalkboard XOR Game 42% Hard
813 Largest Sum of Averages 42% Medium
815 Bus Routes 36% Hard
818 Race Car 32% Hard
820 Short Encoding of Words 44% Medium
826 Most Profit Assigning Work 33% Medium
827 Making A Large Island 40% Hard
828 Unique Letter String 36% Hard
829 Consecutive Numbers Sum 30% Hard
834 Sum of Distances in Tree 35% Hard
837 New 21 Game 27% Medium
838 Push Dominoes 41% Medium
839 Similar String Groups 32% Hard
843 Guess the Word 39% Hard
846 Hand of Straights 46% Medium
847 Shortest Path Visiting All Nodes 43% Hard
849 Maximize Distance to Closest Person 39% Easy
850 Rectangle Area II 41% Hard
851 Loud and Rich 45% Medium
852 Peak Index in a Mountain Array 67% Easy
854 K-Similar Strings 31% Hard
857 Minimum Cost to Hire K Workers 45% Hard
862 Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K 20% Hard
863 All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree 43% Medium
864 Shortest Path to Get All Keys 33% Hard
866 Prime Palindrome 18% Medium
879 Profitable Schemes 34% Hard
895 Maximum Frequency Stack 48% Hard
896 Monotonic Array 54% Easy
897 Increasing Order Search Tree 59% Easy
898 Bitwise ORs of Subarrays 31% Medium
901 Online Stock Span 44% Medium
903 Valid Permutations for DI Sequence 39% Hard
904 Fruit Into Baskets 40% Medium
907 Sum of Subarray Minimums 22% Medium
909 Snakes and Ladders 26% Medium
910 Smallest Range II 20% Medium
911 Online Election 43% Medium
913 Cat and Mouse 23% Hard
915 Partition Array into Disjoint Intervals 40% Medium
918 Maximum Sum Circular Subarray 26% Medium
919 Complete Binary Tree Inserter 54% Medium
921 Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid 68% Medium