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169 lines (118 loc) · 4.2 KB

File metadata and controls

169 lines (118 loc) · 4.2 KB


carrier.nvim is a ChatGPT plugin for Neovim that allows you to chat with ChatGPT automatically provided with the context in your editor.

Some pieces of context that we give to the AI:

  1. The contents of recently-edited open buffers
  2. The contents of diagnostic information at your cursor

This makes the AI much more useful for day-to-day programming tasks than base ChatGPT because you don't have to self-manage context or copy and paste to a web interface.


  1. Put your OPENAI_API_KEY as an environment variable
export OPENAI_API_KEY=""
  1. Have curl installed on your machine

  2. Install plenary.nvim and carrier.nvim using your package manager:


Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Plug 'CamdenClark/carrier.nvim'


  dependencies = {
  keys = {
    { "<leader>ao", "<cmd>CarrierLogOpen<cr>", desc = "Open Carrier log" },
    { "<leader>as", "<cmd>CarrierSendMessage<cr>", desc = "Send message" },
    { "<leader>ak", "<cmd>CarrierStopMessage<cr>", desc = "Stop current message" },
  opts = {
    model = "gpt-4-1106-preview",


Sending a message

Usage of carrier is extremely simple: call :CarrierSendMessage.

If called when the carrier log buffer is not open, you will be prompted for a message. Then, carrier log buffer will open with your user message in it formatted like so:

# User
How do I do binary search in Lua?

# Assistant

The response will be streamed into the buffer.

If you have a # User message already specified in the carrier log buffer, :CarrierSendMessage will immediately send that message to the AI.

If you call :CarrierSendMessage hello world it will add hello world to the drafted user message and send it to the AI.

Stopping a message

It's easy to stop a message in progress: call :CarrierStopMessage.

Opening the log

:CarrierOpen functions opens the carrier chat log. Split opens in a horizontal split, while VSplit opens in a vertical split.



Alternative models: gpt-3.5-turbo-16k / gpt-4 / gpt-4-32k

If you want to use Carrier with a different model in OpenAI, call setup with the model:

  -- ...
  model = "gpt-4"

To change on the fly, call :CarrierSwitchModel gpt-4

Alternative endpoints (Azure OpenAI)

Carrier supports configuring the URL and headers with a different endpoint that shares API compatibility (IE: Azure OpenAI) with OpenAI, here's a reference implementation:

  -- should be like "$AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT/openai/deployments/$AZURE_OPENAI_DEPLOYMENT_NAME/chat/completions?api-version=2023-07-01-preview"
  url = vim.env.AZURE_OPENAI_GPT4_URL,
  headers = { 
    Api_Key = vim.env.AZURE_OPENAI_GPT4_KEY,
    Content_Type = "application/json"

where you put the values for AZURE_OPENAI_GPT4_URL and AZURE_OPENAI_GPT4_KEY in the environment.

If you want to be able to switch URLs based on model, you should make some lua functions in your init.lua that are bound to re-call setup with the updated URL and API key.

Callback when message finished

Carrier supports configuring a callback function that is called when a response from the assistant finishes streaming.

  on_complete = function() print("foo") end


Run tests

Running tests requires plenary.nvim to be checked out in the parent directory of this repository. You can then run:

just test

or, more verbose:

nvim --headless --noplugin -u tests/minimal.vim -c "PlenaryBustedDirectory tests/ {minimal_init = 'tests/minimal.vim'}"

Or if you want to run a single test file:

just test chat_spec.lua
nvim --headless --noplugin -u tests/minimal.vim -c "PlenaryBustedDirectory tests/path_to_file.lua {minimal_init = 'tests/minimal.vim'}"

Read the nvim-lua-guide for more information on developing neovim plugins.