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Example 3 - Finding all $HOSKYt holders idiots over the past 24h

In this third example, we'll find out who are those that have received some specific asset over the past 24h. More specifically, we'll look at $HOSKYt holders on the preview network. There are multiple approaches to this. We could for example index only that specific asset and query all /matches again. Yet, since we already have superset of that we built for Example 2, we will simply re-use that one and adjust our query.

Indeed, while Kupo uses patterns to filter and index specific data, it also accepts any of those patterns as input query -- even if the query patterns are differently from the indexing patterns! Yet, because our index from Example 2 goes over the entire history of the preview network, we'll make use of a time range in the query parameters.

Time Ranges

Kupo supports pagination in the form of time ranges, between points on-chain. For convenience, points can be provided either as (absolute) slot numbers or a combination of a slot number and a block header hash. Ranges are in the form of interval with an (optional) lower bound and (optional) upper bound. Bounds can concern either the created_at field or the spent_at field. Here, we'll look at all UTxO created_after a slot number that is 24h in the past.


While Kupo allows to specify lower and upper bound as only slot numbers, it is usually recommended to utilize full points (with block header hash) to perform extra continuity validation. Indeed, when querying a large collection by ranges, a rollback of the most recent data of the chain may occur, resulting in pages being different from what one has fetched. By using fully qualified points, Kupo will warn you if you're fetching a next page that is not a continuation of a previous one.

You know the drill, you can run this example by typing:

yarn example-3