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Benchmarks for (some) Range-Related Rust Crates

Range-Related Rust Crates

Crate # Downloads Ranges Element Type Set Operations? Internal Maps, too?
range-set-blaze 488* Disjoint Integer Set Ops BTreeMap Only Sets
roaring 1,588,056* Disjoint u32 SetOps Compressed Bitmaps Only Sets
rangemap 243,612 Disjoint Ord No Set Ops BTreeMap Sets/Maps
iset 128,824 Overlapping PartialOrd No Set Ops Red Black Sets/Maps
theban_interval_tree 72,000 Overlapping(?) ? No Set Ops interval tree Sets/Maps
Range-collections 44,974 Disjoint Ord Set Ops SmallVec Sets/Maps
range-set 19,526 Disjoint Ord? No Set Ops SmallVec Only Sets
sorted-iter 19,183 No Ord Set Ops n/a Sets/Maps
ranges 14,964 Disjoint 'Domain' Set Ops Vec Only Sets
unbounded-interval-tree 3,780 Overlapping Ord No Set Ops Red Black Only Sets
ranged_set 2,116 Disjoint Ord No Set Ops ? Only Sets
btree-range-map 1,897 Yes Measure No Set Ops BTreeMap Only Sets
nonoverlapping_interval_tree <1000 Yes ? No Set Ops BTreeMap Only Sets
segmap <1000 Yes Ord not tested BTreeMap Sets/Maps
interval-map <1000 Yes Ord No Set Ops sorted vec Sets/Maps
range_bounds_map <1000 Yes Ord No Set Ops ? Sets/Maps
int_range_set <1000 Yes u64 No Set Ops tinyvec Only Sets

The # of downloads as of March 2023

* The # of downloads as of June 30, 2023

Benchmark Selection Criteria

I started by evaluating:

  • BTreeSet and HashSet from the standard library
  • range_map, the most popular crate that works with ranges in a tree
  • Range-collections and range-set, the most popular crates that store ranges in a vector

I later added:

  • roaring, a "compressed bitset" library with over a millions Rust downloads and versions in many other languages. It stores u32 values in 65K chunks of 65K values. Each chunk is represented as either a vector of integers, a vector of ranges, or a bitmap.

The range_map, Range-collections, range-set, and roaring crates store disjoint ranges. I eliminated crates that store overlapping ranges, a different data structure (iset, theban_interval_tree, and unbounded-interval-tree).

Disjoint ranges can be stored in a tree or a vector. With a tree, we expect inserts to be much faster than with a vector, O(log n) vs O(n). Benchmark ingest_clumps_easy below showed this to be true. Because I care about such inserts, after that benchmark, I removed vector-based crates from consideration except for roaring.

Finally, I looked for crates that supported set operations (for example, union, intersection, set difference). Only roaring of the remaining crates offered tested set operations. (The inspirational sorted-iter also does, but it is designed to work on sorted values, not ranges, and so is not included.)

If I misunderstood any of the crates, please let me know. If you'd like to benchmark a crate, the benchmarking code is in the benches directory of this repository.

Benchmark Results

These benchmarks allow us to understand the range-set-blaze::RangeSetBlaze data structure and to compare it to similar data structures from other crates.

Benchmark #1: 'worst': Worst case for RangeSetBlaze

  • Measure: intake speed
  • Candidates: HashSet, BTreeSet, Roaring, RangeSetBlaze
  • Vary: n from 1 to 10,000, number of random integers
  • Details: Select n integers randomly and uniformly from the range 0..=999 (with replacement).

'worst' Results

RangeSetBlaze is consistently about 2.5 times slower than HashSet. On small sets, Roaring and BTreeSet are in the middle, but BTreeSet gets almost as slow as RangeSetBlaze as the sets grow.

'worst' Conclusion

HashSet, not RangeSetBlaze, is a good choice for ingesting sets of non-clumpy integers. However, RangeSetBlaze is not catastrophically bad; it is just 2.5 times worse.

See benchmark 'worst_op_blaze', near the end, for a similar comparison of set operations on uniform data.

worst lines

Benchmark #2: 'ingest_clumps_base': Measure RangeSetBlaze on increasingly clumpy integers

  • Measure: integer intake speed
  • Candidates: HashSet, BTreeSet, Roaring, RangeSetBlaze
  • Vary: average clump size from 1 (no clumps) to 100K (ten big clumps)
  • Details: We generate 1M integers with clumps. We ingest the integers one at a time. Each clump has size chosen uniformly random from roughly 1 to double average clump size. (The integer clumps are positioned random uniform, with-replacement, in a span from 0 to roughly 10M. The exact span is sized so that the union of the 1M integers will cover about 10% of the span. In other words, a given integer in the span will have a 10% chance of being in one of the 1M integers generated.)

'ingest_clumps_base' Results

As before, with no clumps, RangeSetBlaze is more than 2.5 times slower than HashSet. Somewhere around clump size 3, RangeSetBlaze becomes the best performer. As the average clump size goes past 100, RangeSetBlaze is a steady 30 times faster than HashSet, 15 times faster than BTreeSet, and roughly 10 to 30 times faster than Roaring.

The nightly-only RangeSetBlaze::from_slice is even faster, as the clump size rises it is more than 100 times faster than the alternatives.

If we are allowed to input the clumps as ranges (instead of as individual integers), then when the average clump size is 1000 RangeSetBlaze is 640 times faster than HashSet and BTreeSet and more than 20 times faster than Roaring.

ingest_clumps_base' Conclusion

Range-based methods such as RangeSetBlaze and Roaring are a great choice for clumpy integers. When the input is given as ranges, they are the only sensible choice.


Benchmark #3: 'ingest_clumps_integers': Measure the rangemap crate on clumpy integers

  • Measure: integer intake speed
  • Candidates: base + rangemap,
  • Vary: average clump size from 1 (no clumps) to 100K (ten big clumps)
  • Details: As with base.

We give each crate the clumps as individual integers.

'ingest_clumps_integers' Results & Conclusion

rangemap is typically three times slower than HashSet and 75 times slower than RangeSetBlaze. The nightly RangeSetBlaze::from_slice is even faster by an order of magnitude. However ...

RangeSetBlaze batches its integer input by noticing when consecutive integers fit in a clump. This batching is not implemented in rangemap but could easily be added to it or any other range-based crate.

Roaring is 10 to 30 times slower than RangeSetBlaze. I don't know if Roaring exploits consecutive integers. If not, it could.


Benchmark #4: 'ingest_clumps_ranges': Measure rangemap on ranges of clumpy integers

  • Measure: range intake speed
  • Candidates: RangeSetBlaze + rangemap + Roaring
  • Vary: average clump size from 1 (no clumps) to 100K (ten big clumps)
  • Details: As with base.

We give each crate the clumps as ranges (instead of as individual integers).

'ingest_clumps_ranges' Results & Conclusion

Over the clump sizes, RangeSetBlaze averges about 3 times faster than rangemap and 10 times faster than Roaring, However ...

RangeSetBlaze batches range inputs by sorting them and then merging adjacent ranges. This batching is likely not implemented in rangemap or Roaring but could easily be added to it or any other range-based crate.


Benchmark #5: 'ingest_clumps_easy': Measure various crates on (easier) ranges of clumpy integers

  • Measure: range intake speed
  • Candidates: Tree based (RangeSetBlaze rangemap), Vector based (range_collections, range_set), Compressed Bitsets (Roaring)
  • Vary: average clump size from 1 (100K ranges) to 10 (10K ranges)
  • Details: We generate 100K integers with clumps (down from 1M)

We give each crate the clumps as ranges (instead of as individual integers).

'ingest_clumps_easy' Results & Conclusion

The fastest vector-based method is 14 times slower than the slowest tree-based method. It is 50 times slower than RangeSetBlaze. This is expected because vector-based methods are not designed for a large numbers of inserts.

The hybrid method, Roaring, does better than any method except RangeSetBlaze.


Benchmark #6: 'union_two_sets': Union two sets of clumpy integers

  • Measure: adding ranges to an existing set
  • Candidates: RangeSetBlaze, rangemap, Roaring
  • Vary: Number of clumps in the second set, from 1 to about 90K.
  • Details: We first create two clump iterators, each with the desired number of clumps. Their integer span is 0..=99_999_999. Each clump iterator is designed to cover about 10% of this span. We, next, turn these two iterators into two sets. The first set is made from 1000 clumps. Finally, we measure the time it takes to add the second set to the first set.

RangeSetBlaze uses a hybrid algorithm for "union". When adding a few ranges, it adds them one at a time. When adding many ranges, it merges the two sets of ranges by iterating over them in sorted order and merging.

'union_two_sets' Results

When adding one clump to the first set, RangeSetBlaze is about 30% faster than rangemap and 38 times faster than Roaring.

As the number-of-clumps-to-add grows, RangeSetBlaze automatically switches algorithms. This allows it to be 6 times faster than the rangemap. Roaring and RangeSetBlaze use very similar union algorithms when the number of clumps is large and get similar results.

union_two_sets' Conclusion

Over the whole range of clumpiness, RangeSetBlaze is faster because it uses a hybrid algorithm.


Benchmark #7a: 'every_op_blaze': Compare RangeSetBlaze's set operations to each other on clumpy data

  • Measure: set operation speed
  • Candidates: union, intersection, difference, symmetric_difference, complement
  • Vary: number of ranges in the set, from 1 to about 50K.
  • Details: We create two clump iterators, each with the desired number of clumps and a coverage of 0.5. Their span is 0..=99_999_999. We, next, turn these two iterators into two sets. Finally, we measure the time it takes to operate on the two sets.

'every_op_blaze' RangeSetBlaze Results and Conclusion

Complement (which works on just once set) is twice as fast as union, intersection, and difference. Symmetric difference is 2.9 times slower.

Under the covers, all the operations are implemented in terms of complement and union. The speed of each operation is a reflection of its complexity in terms of complement and union.


Benchmark #7b: 'every_op_roaring': Compare Roaring's set operations to each other on clumpy data

  • Set up same as in #7a

'every_op_roaring' Roaring Results and Conclusion

Intersection is much faster than union. Complement is slowest because it is not defined by Roaring but can be defined by the user as Universe - a_set.


Benchmark #7c: 'every_op': Compare RangeSetBlaze andRoaring`'s set operations on clumpy data

  • Set up same as in #7a

'every_op' RangeSetBlaze and Roaring Results and Conclusion

When the number of ranges (or clumps) is very small, RangeSetBlaze operates on the data 1000's of times faster than Roaring. As the number of clumps goes into the 100's and 1000's, it is still 15 to 200 times faster. When the number of ranges get even larger, it is slightly faster.

The plot shows the results for intersection, Roaring's fastest operator on this data.


See benchmark 'worst_op_blaze', near the end, for a similar comparison of set operations on uniform data.

Benchmark #8: 'intersect_k_sets': RangeSetBlaze ` Multiway vs 2-at-time intersection

  • Measure: intersection speed
  • Candidates: 2-at-a-time intersection, multiway intersection (static and dynamic)
  • Vary: number of sets, from 2 to 100.
  • Details: We create n iterators. Each iterator generates 1,000 clumps. The iterators are designed such that the coverage of the final intersection is about 25%. The span of integers in the clumps is 0..=99_999_999. We turn the n iterators into n sets. Finally, we measure the time it takes to operate on the n sets.

'intersect_k_sets' Results and Conclusion

On two sets, all methods are similar but beyond that two-at-a-time gets slower and slower. For 100 sets, it must create about 100 intermediate sets and is about 14 times slower than multiway.

Dynamic multiway is not used by RangeSetBlaze but is sometimes needed by SortedDisjoint iterators (also available from the range-set-blaze crate). It is 5% to 10% slower than static multiway.


Benchmark #9: 'worst_op_blaze': Compare Roaring and RangeSetBlaze operators on uniform data

  • Measure: set intersection speed
  • Candidates: BTreeSet, HashSet, Roaring, RangeSetBlaze
  • Vary: n from 1 to 1M, number of random integers
  • Details: Select n integers randomly and uniformly from the range 0..100,000 (with replacement). Create 20 pairs of set at each length.

'worst_op_blaze' Results and Conclusion

Over almost the whole range Roaring is best. Roughly 10 times better than RangeSetBlaze when the number of intergers is less than 10,000. As the number of integers increases beyond 10,000 RangeSetBlaze, BTreeSet, and HashSet continue to get slower. Roaring, on the other hand, gets faster; presumably as it switches to bitmaps.

Roaring is a great choice when doing operations on u64 sets that may or may not be clumpy.

All four candidates offer similar interfaces. If you're not sure which is best for your application, you can easily swap between them and see.
