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Repository files navigation

Carlo Espino's Personal Site

This site uses deno as the JavaScript runtime and lume as the static site generator.


Project Version ^1.41.2


  • deno task serve to start a local server with live reload.
  • deno task lume to build the static site under the docs directory. GitHub Pages only allows the / (root) or /docs directories to be selected to serve the site.


  • The src directory includes all of the pages to be generated.
  • The _includes directory includes the layouts of the site.
  • The _data.yml file stores the shared data across pages.

Each page needs a front matter with a title variable with the title of the page which is set as the h1 heading and in the title element.

There are two kinds of pages, the nav pages and the non-nav pages. The nav pages are listed in the navigation element and non-nav pages are listed in the homepage.

  • To make a page a nav page, set the variable is_nav_page to true, then set the nav_text variable to the text to display in the nav link, and then set the nav_order to a strictly increasing integer to set its order in the nav element.
  • The non-nav pages require no specific variables to be set, they'll get listed in the homepage and use the title variable as the text for the link to that page.


  • Slugify URLs: converts all URLs in your HTML documents by removing or replacing potentially conflicting characteres like accents, spaces, etc.
  • Code Highlight: uses the highlight.js library to search and highlight the syntax code of any <pre><code> element.
  • Sitemap: generates a sitemap.xml file automatically with all your pages, which is useful for SEO. It also creates a robots.txt
  • Metas: generates <meta> tags in your HTML pages for Open graph, Twitter cards,, and SEO purposes.
  • Internal Links: custom plugin WIP under plugins/internal_links.ts to implement WikiLinks (Internal Links) preprocessing for markdown files.


Push to the master branch to deploy changes. GitHub Pages will deploy the site from the master branch and use the /docs directory as the source. The CNAME file is required by GitHub Pages to set the custom domain name.