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Release 1.0.0

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@moo-man moo-man released this 13 Mar 17:49
· 462 commits to stable since this release

Well, this is probably long overdue, but it is time to call it done. 1.0 to us means that all the necessary functionality and bells and whistles for a smooth WFRP4e experience has been implemented, and I'd say with this release that goal has been accomplished. This is certainly not the last update, as I'll continue to improve the experience as the overall Foundry experience improves (looking at you, conditions revamp!). Bugfixes will be more rapid as well, instead of lumping them with the update I'll try to fix and release as soon as I can. I even have ideas for a cool, but completely extra, addition that I may start working on somewhat soon.

It's been a little over 1 year from when I joined the Foundry discord to start really working on this project, and I must say it's been a blast, despite all the frustrations. The brick wall I was bashing my head against a year ago has turned into a smooth and pleasurable experience. This API is a dream to work with once the workflow is familiar. So, onwards and upwards! More updates, maybe a new system, maybe some modules, who knows.

Please Read - Migration Warning

You will hopefully be asked to undergo a migration process when you start up your world with the 1.0 system. This migration is fairly small - only changing some things about weapons, but I highly recommend you backup your world folder before you undergo this process. You should be backing up your world anyway, but just to drive it home.


  • Added the WFRP Item Browser! Scrolling through compendia is typically not a very pleasurable experience when trying to find things (particularly a specific career you can't remember the name of). This new browser is hopefully a much better experience to find the specific items you're looking for.

  • Retired "Melee Damage" and "Ranged Damage" for weapons, consolidating it into a single "Damage" value. See more details in the spiel below.

Depending on what Weapon Group you choose, you'll see Reach/Range/Ammunition Type. Example: If you give a new weapon the "Bow" weapon type, the sheet will display Range and Ammunition Type instead of Reach. This is what the migration process is needed for. If the migration process fails or you skip it, your weapons may not have a damage value, so you would have to re-enter it for every item, and every owned item, etc.

The idea of Melee vs Ranged damage was the ability to use certain weapons as either. For instance - throwing axes used in melee. However, this solution was not ideal due to the fact that damage was the only independent variable here. You couldn't have a throwing axe that had the Hack quality only when Thrown, for instance. To accomplish this now, I would recommend making a new weapon ("Throwing Axe - Melee") and changing its stats to be specific for melee (and change encumbrance to 0 because it's the same weapon).

  • Morrslieb Weather Effect! Thanks to U~Man for the help in how to do this effect.

  • Add name generation for High Elves, Wood Elves, Dwarfs, and Halflings

  • Added the defeated icon in the conditions menu. Previously it was only available through marking a combatant defeated.


  • Finally fixed Token skill overrides not working
  • Fixed non-characters not equipping Items when given.
  • Fixed bug preventing Actors dragged from a compendium to be placed directly onto the canvas.


  • Fix various display elements of Compendium Actor Sheets as well as Actor sheets when viewed as an observer
  • Styled various popout tabs
  • Fixed various localization errors
  • Other minor graphical changes
  • Added UI compatibility with FX-Master

Data Entry

  • Fixed various career classes being "Countier" instead of "Courtier"